Author Topic: Thinking of all  (Read 2815 times)


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Thinking of all
« on: December 25, 2010, 04:46:14 AM »
Hi all,

Just logging on to say I am thinking of all those today who find Christmas a difficult time of year, for whatever reason.  I hope people are getting through it as best they can and that time passes quickly enough.

Thinking of you all,

Love and hugs,



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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2010, 07:14:09 AM »
Hi Tupps!

Looks like there's about 3 hours difference in our mornings... but I did sleep in a little longer this morning! Merry Christmas!
How're you planning to spend the day? Have you been affected by the weather that I've seen shutting down Heathrow and most of Europe? We're expecting snow to start here this evening - and in amounts that will shut down our beach community. They don't have snow plows here and mostly just wait for the snow to melt. It will be in the mid-50s by next Friday. I'll be breaking out the flip flops again!  :D

Hubs & I are going to just be lazy today and maybe make some small preps for the snow (we brought some shovels from our old house a couple weeks ago). I've been baking a litte; just some easy old-fashioned things... I made chex party mix and some 7 layer cookies - oh! and candy cane jello shooters!  ;) You're supposed to stick 2 shooters together with whipped cream to make the effect. We're not expecting any company but with all his cousins living so close... one never knows! I'd like to just spend the day in my jammies... but that would be a little hard to explain, if someone did show up...

What are you doing for fun today?
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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2010, 03:11:16 PM »
Thanks Twoapenny. It pretty well sucks that Christmas is the worst day of the year for me (and probably for most children of Ns). You said it well, "getting through it as best I can." I'll be glad when it's tomorrow.


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2010, 04:07:37 PM »
I had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my son, his girlfriend, and her family. Very good people. Or, they were very ncie to me.

But today Christmas day, I am completely alone in my house and feel a little lonely, but do not feel the pain in my throat that I usually feel when I am depressed.

So, thanks for the post.

Feliz Navidad!


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2010, 05:47:33 PM »
Hi Lupita. I'm glad you had such a nice Christmas Eve.

I'm alone today as well. My husband is here, but he's somewhat of an N himself, and pays no attention to me, so I might as well be alone. I'm feeling a little lonely too, but when I think back to what it was like having to have Christmas with my NM, I'd much rather be alone. All of NM's screaming and yelling for attention, using gifts to turn her children against one another . . . I'm glad all that is behind me now.

Feliz Navidad to you too!


Redhead Erin

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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2010, 12:31:26 AM »
Its so good to know this board is still here.  I've been away for a while, but it is still good to come home.  THis is more home than my childhood home, where I spent most of this long trying day.  I hate those people. 

Thanks for being here, y'all.


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2010, 08:42:42 AM »
Here's a question for everyone about Christmas.... sort of a survey, really...

I seem to be maimed in the present-giving, present-receiving process. But only in 1 relationship - my hubby. We do give each other things - sometimes for no reason or occasion - but on the "occasions"... well, we sorta "lock up" and stumble all over ourselves and do fun things for lots of other people - but not each other. So, we'd end up buying something for the house for Christmas and that would be our present for each other. Neither one of us like this - but it does solve the dilemma. Last night, hubs was saying that next year, he'll have a present for me to unwrap... as if the mystery & surprise & ritual is important to him. I think in some ways, this kinda symbolizes all the changes in our relationship - and the wariness, uncertainty - that exists since our lives have completely different routines now.

So, the question: do y'all have trouble with answering the question - what do you want for Christmas? your birthday? Do other people have a hard time knowing what you might like? Do you hear comments like: you're so hard to buy for... I didn't know what to get you...

Just wondering if this is just something odd about me... or if it's part of the "weave" of the cloth of after-effects of the dysfunctional FOO experience.
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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2010, 12:34:54 PM »
Hi PR,
Only analogy I have is this. I raised my D UU, so she took the option of not celebrating Christmas to the max (which I of course now regret because it also seems like an opportunity to really does hurt to not even hear a call on that day--even though I take it as a cultural only semi-religious holiday, it's the family-acknowledgment thing that hurts. She withholds affection, connection, on that day. Won't even say hello). But anyway, part of the entitlement issue was that when she was little and I'd say, oh I don't need anything...just a little card you make is the best....(trying to model lack of greed, I sure overdid it).

She took it quite literally and gave me no presents for a long time. Finally I realized I was feeling sad about not getting anything ever. (We showered her with gifts but hadn't taught her reciprocity.) So one year I explained, I respect your right not to do Christmas but there are two times that I do really care about receiving a present. My birthday, and Mother's Day. She said, but I thought you didn't like Mother's Day since it's a Hallmark kind of commercial thing? I said, you're right, I did say that, but I was wrong. So she said what should I give you?

I said, these are the things that matter to me:
--it doesn't matter if it's expensive or cheap, used or new
--it should be something you pick out for me because you have observed me and you think it's something I will enjoy or that relates to something about me, not generic "Mom" stuff (no mass-produced sentiment items)
--it should be wrapped and have a bow on it

She's done a nice job ever since. She knew at one time in my life I collected elephants so there will often be an elephant theme. One birthday she filled a tin with little notes of loving or motivating statements for me to unfold, one with each Wednesday's date written on it for a year.

One exception--when she was living here and treating me really badly, I got home from a trip on mother's day and she began chewing me out over nothing and I went up to my room and just howled, I was so hurt. Then I went out for a few hours and when I came back she'd cleaned my room for me and left a candle in the window.

I just figure, I am 60 years old and she's 30. She has shared my life. She knows I am a poet, a writer, a reader, I love music and animals and art. If she can't think of something...but she CAN. She's gotten really good at it. One year she got me a great mirror that had a iron cutout of elephants under a banyan tree in front of the glass. I loved it.

Mainly, what I want for a gift is NOT to "tell people what I want". Then, in my view, it's not a gift but a shopping request. I used to feel so sad when I'd hear my parents having that sort of dull, drained discussion. I knew presents were supposed to be SURPRISES.

To me, a gift is the delight of seeing that a person thought of me, conjured me up, took note of some little thing they thought, from knowing and being around me, I might like. It's not whether they'd magically pick something PERFECT that's knowing they are taking the effort to imagine me, and imagine my pleasure in something. Even something unexpected. I am guaranteed to be delighted!

THAT feels like getting a gift. I really don't want to be asked, "What do you want for ____?" To me, that puts a burden on me, dampens my spirits. It's like saying, "I don't want to be bothered being imaginative or creating a small surprise for you--so I am going to make you do the work of choice by telling me what to get you." Ugh. What's that? Another possible reason is that if the person has witnessed overloaded gift ceremonies in the past, or seen people's gifts fall flat or be ungraciously accepted, or bear a lot more baggage than the simple "I give you a gift" exchange should carry, then they might feel intimidated by the "responsibility" of choosing something for the other, and might try the, "What do you want for ____?"

But my guidelines are, I want you to think of me, to surprise me small or large, and to wrap it and put a bow on it. And I don't want to talk about it at ALL before the day.

Your hubby's a packrat, PR, so maybe a perfect gift for him would be an experience, not an object. Maybe a membership in the Wright Brothers Museum, or a gift certificate to a cool parts catalog for the hogs, or lessons of some kind, or a great storage system for tools (that you know he'd actually like, not that would make him feel it was your agenda) -- like do they have California Closets consultants for garages? :) Whoops, trying to improve him. That's not a gift. Tickets to a concert of some old band he's always loved? A surprise party?

Can I come?

As to you? I wish for you a complete small surprise, with a bow on it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2010, 03:52:40 PM »
Aargghh!!  Thank goodness it's over!  It's pretty much impossible to avoid Christmas, it's such a massive deal you can't get away from it but it drove me nuts!!

Phoenix, the snow has been pretty bad, we're in a rural area and the roads don't get cleared so it's every man, woman and child for themselves!  It's worse now because it's freezing every night and cars just skid about all over the place.  We've barely left the house in the last month because it's just so cold and I'm worried about getting stranded somewhere because the car breaks down or the weather gets really bad.

It wasn't a fun day.  My sister came, she's so scared of her soon to be ex husband that she jumps every time someone knocks at the  and I had to pick her up after dark on Christmas Eve because she was scared he'd be around during the day and see where she was.  I put the broom by the door in case he showed up ready to whack him with it, but he didn't.  My sister's two boys came for lunch, they didn't even bother to buy her a card, let alone a present.  We went to the cemetery in the morning to take flowers for my friend's daughter who died last year.  Saw my friend (her mum) on the way home, as you can imagine she was in a terrible state.  All in all I wish I could have slept through it.  Even my son isn't massively interested in it, he likes getting presents but that part of the day takes about ten minutes, then, because he's autistic he likes to play with them on his own and doesn't want anyone else touching them, so once the presents are done it's just like any other day, except you're supposed to be enjoying yourself enormously and we really weren't!!

Pressies - I'm like you, Hops, I love the thought, I'm not bothered about the cost.  One of the best presents I ever got was a scarf my sister knitted for me herself;  just because she made it I was so happy.  A friend this year bought me these little Indonesian birds; they're Fair Trade which she knows is really important to me and they're exactly the kind of thing that I love; I love that she knows me that well that she picks out exactly what I would.  That was so special.  I have another friend who sends little things from time to time; sometimes she's out and sees something she knows I'd like and she grabs it for me - inexpensive gifts but it's so thoughtful, I really love it.  We made little tree decorations to give to people instead of cards; one of our neighbours was so delighted with them it was really lovely to see.

Kathy, Lup, Phoenix, Hops, Erin and everyone else - I hope you got through it okay!  Erin it's great to see you back :)

Redhead Erin

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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2010, 04:16:01 PM »
My husband is always frustrated because everything I ask for is something to benefit the whole family: a bread machine, a card table, Stainless steel cookware.  He wants to know why I can't ask for anything selfish, for me.  

So I asked for some slippers. Since I life with only males, I can be sure nobody will borrow them (much).

The truth is, most of my hobbies have to do with either my family's well being (cooking, gardening) or my work (modeling). It's hard for me to think of anything I want or need that isn't in some way related to one or the other.  


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2010, 04:23:19 PM »
We actually had a pretty good Christmas..... though I'm relieved it's over.

It was nice to see family members making mindful gift selections...... choosing colors that each child likes, gifts the kids really liked.... things I could use for the house, new gloves I needed badly, etc.

Everyone was helpful, the food was good and plentiful....... hardly anyone got bit by my dog: /


Pretty good Christmas.



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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2010, 07:36:36 AM »
Still feeling sad about Christmas.  I started to put some Christmas decorations up but, when I realized that nothing was going to happen on Christmas Day, I took everything down and threw them in the closet.
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2010, 09:18:20 AM »
Awww ((((((((((Bones)))))))))), I'm sorry.

How about planning a personal, meaningful ritual just for yourself for New Year's?

That's a time that's less about bioNic families and more about caring for yourself, I think....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2010, 09:32:29 AM »
Awww ((((((((((Bones)))))))))), I'm sorry.

How about planning a personal, meaningful ritual just for yourself for New Year's?

That's a time that's less about bioNic families and more about caring for yourself, I think....


Thanks, Hops.

At this point, I can't think of what to do.
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2010, 02:15:53 AM »
((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))  Bones, I know how you feel.  If it weren't for my son I wouldn't bother at all.  Even with him it's a really big effort.  All though the year I can skirt around all the problems - messed up family, living on eggshells, low income, lonely, no partner etc etc etc. But Christmas seems to be like this big, big truth mirror that won't let you look away and it all seems to come crashing down.  Bizarrely, as soon as Christmas is over, I feel fine again.  It's funny how many people I've spoken to the last few days who've also said they don't like it - but they still do it anyway.  Social conditioning is a powerful thing.

I don't know what to suggest for New Year's Eve.  Is there somewhere nice you can go during the day - a museum, a gallery, theatre show, something like that?  And then maybe a couple of films, some choccies and a cuddly blanket to get through the evening and a really nice long walk on New Year's Day, followed by a good breakfast?  It's a difficult couple of days, on top of a difficult few days at Christmas, on top of Thanksgiving for some!  Jeeze - whose idea was it to put them all so close together? ;)

Lighter - glad you had a good one and that the dog didn't bite anyone! :)