Author Topic: Do Co-Spouses REALLY not get it?  (Read 7879 times)


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Re: Do Co-Spouses REALLY not get it?
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2011, 07:32:26 AM »
............ continuing........
And then, he was so in the slave/master to her need for supply, he denied his own experiences too.   But also, how he recognises Janice Joplin as
Oh, that Janis Joplin, she was sure a firecracker
- the spirit he sees in her that he himself has lost?

............ and theres bits of my own story in here too.


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Re: Do Co-Spouses REALLY not get it?
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2011, 05:26:12 PM »
River, I've been asking myself my whole life what broke his spirit, and I keep coming back to co-dependency being passed from generation to generation, much like physical abuse is. Maybe it's a learned behavior. I never met my grandmother on my father's side, since she lived in South Africa, but I wonder if she was an N, and he knew no other life. He married one himself, and simply accepts it. I see this in my brother. He has also married an N, and puts up with an unbelievable level of abuse and control without ever complaining. He grew up in an environment where the wife had 100% control over the husband, so why would he question it? It's what he knows.

They say that most men who physically abuse their wives had fathers who physically abused their mothers. They grow up with it, accepting it as "normal." I suppose Co-D might be the same way.

My parents married at relatively young ages, so maybe my father never had the chance to really develop as an adult before she came along and "mothered" him. Just a thought.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 05:28:44 PM by JustKathy »