Author Topic: Health and Healing in 2011  (Read 1748 times)


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Health and Healing in 2011
« on: January 01, 2011, 03:12:23 AM »
Hi everyone :)

Well, 2011 has arrived in the UK and I wanted to say that I hope everyone takes steps towards better health in the coming year.  2010 was a very reflective, productive year for me and I'm really hoping that I'll be able to start moving forwards in 2011, instead of looking to the past to figure out why my present is not making me well!

In 2011 I'm hoping to spend more time with my friends (real friends, not people that take up my time for their own ends!!).  I'd like to spend more time growing and making things, and spend more time entertaining people in my home.

What are others hoping for in the coming year?

Twoapenny :) xx


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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 06:57:19 AM »
Hi everyone :)

Well, 2011 has arrived in the UK and I wanted to say that I hope everyone takes steps towards better health in the coming year.  2010 was a very reflective, productive year for me and I'm really hoping that I'll be able to start moving forwards in 2011, instead of looking to the past to figure out why my present is not making me well!

In 2011 I'm hoping to spend more time with my friends (real friends, not people that take up my time for their own ends!!).  I'd like to spend more time growing and making things, and spend more time entertaining people in my home.

What are others hoping for in the coming year?

Twoapenny :) xx

Like I told my upstairs neighbor, last night, let's hope this year doesn't bring any more exploding toilet tanks!  (Long story.)

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2011, 09:18:04 AM »
I'm really hoping that I'll be able to start moving forwards in 2011, instead of looking to the past to figure out why my present is not making me well!

Me too, Tupps! Me too.

For me, it's time I think, to finally consign all the "past" to history... some dusty, tattered tome that's been mouse-chewed...

and turn more than my face to the sun...

and begin the intentional selection process of what I WANT in my life, realizing that I can't set any conditions on that want and it may arrive in ways I least expect!

I finally trust that "all will be well" in that process. All the little nagging fears about change - giving UP, letting GO the old stuff - are just a puff of dust from dropping the history-tome into a vault, for safekeeping... it's not something I need to reference all the time, anymore.

It takes up space for the stuff I want, instead! (Whatever that is... it will be revealed all in due time.)
Spring cleaning of the soul....
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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2011, 10:49:34 AM »
For anyone looking to bring some aromatherapy into 2011, relatively cheap, here's a link for soaps that smell divine..... I chose the Comfrey and Aloe, but the Patchouli smelled pretty good too.  Not sure about the others.... guessing their terrific.  You can find them at Whole Foods.

My entire guest bath smelled like a spa over the holiday....... even the male guests commented on how lovely it was.

Happy New Year: )



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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 06:15:40 AM »
Lo, Bones, I hope your toilet tank behaves itself this year as well!

Yes, Phoenix, that's how I feel as well.  I feel like every bit of me, mind body and soul, was stuffed full of my family and there was nothing of me in there.  I've spent a long, long time cleaning out their stuff.  A lot of last year I was just empty - a lot of their stuff had gone, but I had nothing of my own to replace it with.  Slowly, I'm starting to refill it.  I like walking.  I like baking.  This year I want to have a go and making jams and pickles and chutneys.  I want to do more arts and crafts things, spend more time moving - physically moving, with dance or sport.  I want to spend more quality time with people that I enjoy being around.  I feel ready to start filling up those gaps with healthy, harmonious things.  I guess it's like picking a healthy chicken salad over a big greasy chicken burger - they both fill you up but in different ways :)

Lighter, I will check out that website :)  A friend of mine gave me some gorgeous bath bombs for Christmas, so I have been having long, luscious soaks and loving every minute of it!


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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2011, 07:08:13 AM »
Lo, Bones, I hope your toilet tank behaves itself this year as well!

Yes, Phoenix, that's how I feel as well.  I feel like every bit of me, mind body and soul, was stuffed full of my family and there was nothing of me in there.  I've spent a long, long time cleaning out their stuff.  A lot of last year I was just empty - a lot of their stuff had gone, but I had nothing of my own to replace it with.  Slowly, I'm starting to refill it.  I like walking.  I like baking.  This year I want to have a go and making jams and pickles and chutneys.  I want to do more arts and crafts things, spend more time moving - physically moving, with dance or sport.  I want to spend more quality time with people that I enjoy being around.  I feel ready to start filling up those gaps with healthy, harmonious things.  I guess it's like picking a healthy chicken salad over a big greasy chicken burger - they both fill you up but in different ways :)

Lighter, I will check out that website :)  A friend of mine gave me some gorgeous bath bombs for Christmas, so I have been having long, luscious soaks and loving every minute of it!

LOL, TwoAPenny!

No more unexpectedly COLD showers from the upstairs unit!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2011, 08:37:36 AM »
OK - my "confession" - :oops:    -

New Year's Eve, we went "window shopping" in a store I hadn't already "reconaissance'd". Truly I just wanted to see what kind of store it was, what level of merchandise they had. I've been noticing their funny ads in the paper for a long time.

And I bought myself a "bauble" that came with a receipt that could be used for "insurance purposes". (ACCCKKKK!)

Yes, I've gone through the struggle of old cinderella tapes... I certainly don't "need" it, but I noticed this time a much stronger and clearer "I want...". As if, the part of me that's really "me" - sans the old crap that was layered on me all my life - really doesn't stand much of a chance anymore, in my new phase of "claiming" my self; my ability to be who I want to be; and my ability to enjoy life and have some fun. And to take care of myself.

This comes with an additional "taboo" - that indulging this side of me is "dangerous". Of course, there is absolutely NO evidence for that and lots of evidence to the contrary. Even after my financial situation changed so drastically to the positive - I am still pretty conservative (OK, and anxious) about money; I've put off even scheduling a massage for at least 6 months - buying a new computer. I am still "last on the list", you know? But standing there looking at the necklace and listening to all the ways I tried to talk myself out of wanting it - much less buying it - I heard Twiggy tell me, "I'm worth it and I've worked real hard and waited a long time to be pretty... and have fun... and how can that be dangerous???"

And part of me also recognized that I've cut my smoking in half - simply by being more conscious of it - and that to complete the CBT process I need to reward my self for that. I have always failed, because I couldn't think of anything I wanted, as a reward... and so never rewarded myself. Denied any praise from my mom - for anything; for every achievement there was always a criticism - I never learned how to give myself "little treats"... never learned what was appropriate in scale... and literally didn't let myself "want"... I just "made do" with what I had... covered the "needs" in a spartan way...

.... and basically nailed shut the door to all those little "joys" in life.

Something has shifted in a big way about that, and I think this year will see a lot more progress for me in the caring for myself, doing good things for myself, and finding my way to defining what my new life is going to be like. I don't know that I "did anything" specific - nothing replicable as far as "how-tos" - except try to internalize all the things I've learned here and in therapy, practice, and wait for time to do it's thing.
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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2011, 09:23:26 AM »
OK - my "confession" - :oops:    -

New Year's Eve, we went "window shopping" in a store I hadn't already "reconaissance'd". Truly I just wanted to see what kind of store it was, what level of merchandise they had. I've been noticing their funny ads in the paper for a long time.

And I bought myself a "bauble" that came with a receipt that could be used for "insurance purposes". (ACCCKKKK!)

Yes, I've gone through the struggle of old cinderella tapes... I certainly don't "need" it, but I noticed this time a much stronger and clearer "I want...". As if, the part of me that's really "me" - sans the old crap that was layered on me all my life - really doesn't stand much of a chance anymore, in my new phase of "claiming" my self; my ability to be who I want to be; and my ability to enjoy life and have some fun. And to take care of myself.

This comes with an additional "taboo" - that indulging this side of me is "dangerous". Of course, there is absolutely NO evidence for that and lots of evidence to the contrary. Even after my financial situation changed so drastically to the positive - I am still pretty conservative (OK, and anxious) about money; I've put off even scheduling a massage for at least 6 months - buying a new computer. I am still "last on the list", you know? But standing there looking at the necklace and listening to all the ways I tried to talk myself out of wanting it - much less buying it - I heard Twiggy tell me, "I'm worth it and I've worked real hard and waited a long time to be pretty... and have fun... and how can that be dangerous???"

And part of me also recognized that I've cut my smoking in half - simply by being more conscious of it - and that to complete the CBT process I need to reward my self for that. I have always failed, because I couldn't think of anything I wanted, as a reward... and so never rewarded myself. Denied any praise from my mom - for anything; for every achievement there was always a criticism - I never learned how to give myself "little treats"... never learned what was appropriate in scale... and literally didn't let myself "want"... I just "made do" with what I had... covered the "needs" in a spartan way...

.... and basically nailed shut the door to all those little "joys" in life.

Something has shifted in a big way about that, and I think this year will see a lot more progress for me in the caring for myself, doing good things for myself, and finding my way to defining what my new life is going to be like. I don't know that I "did anything" specific - nothing replicable as far as "how-tos" - except try to internalize all the things I've learned here and in therapy, practice, and wait for time to do it's thing.


I bet that bauble is GORGEOUS!  Good for you!

I know all too well about those "old tapes".  I struggle with them all the time and finally came to understand that I'm letting NWomb-Donor dwell rent-free in my head!  Every time those "old tapes" come up, I cuss back at them...inventing any four-letter curse-word combination I can invent!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Health and Healing in 2011
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2011, 10:07:30 AM »
My New Year's resolution:

Grow up, feel free, stop being needy and clingy, feel self sufitient, start loving my self, stop negative self talk. Get M out of my mind. Feel that I can protect my slef and dont need anybody to protect me.

Be a great teacher. Recover my faith that is shaking now.