Phoenix wrote:
Being your best doesn't take away from anyone else.
I like that
so much, I've written it in my notebook where I keep a list of thoughts that help me when I'm going through a rough patch.
Whenever I spend time with my NMom (or on the phone) I'm on edge the whole time; I'm
always having to put myself down and belittle any of my achievements, so that I don't rise even a tiny bit above her. This, in the face of always being asked for a full report of what I've done, how's work, etc. Be good, but not too good! The over-weight thing is an issue for me too.
It's like walking on a tight-rope, with no safety net and a pit of snakes beneath you, trying to tread the fine line of being 'perfect' enough for them, but not any better than them! 'Give me your achievemnts to wallow in, but don't be better than me.' I was a lost cause from the moment I was born, because I had a cleft lip. This still gets brought up from time to time, with tears and wailing about how awful she felt and that she's never really got over it. Hey! Who's the one living with a scar here?!
And, oh boy, the issues I have with emotion! That was something else that was tightly controlled by the NMom. I can stil hear and see her now, bearing down on me with a face like fury, shouting "Don't get angry!"
Sorry, I'm venting rage again now, and making this all about me! I'm still new to this; only found out about NPD less than a year ago. I've a lot to work through.
And yet, when I read people's posts on this board, I can see that in some little bits of my life, I
am making headway. I am blessed with a wonderful, loving and patient H, who has been
so supportive, and now that we finally can put a name to the problem with NMum, he is great at helping me to keep things in perspective. Even a simple little remark from him can ease the pain, like, "Let it go; don't take it personally; remember she's N; she can't see beyond the end of her own nose!" Understanding, knowledge and support from people who know what you're up against are so powerful in the healing process. It gives me hope.