Share, Bonesie, share, there's plenty of room for thunder!! I find it really helps when you read similar things to your own experience; the way other people see a situation is always a really big help to me. Share away!
Thanks, Tupps!!!
I do have several similar experiences to the "Triangulation Waltz" and the "Not Speaking/Pretending Never Happened" stuff so I'll pick just one for now.
This particular situation happened nearly a year ago when I received an invitation, via snail-mail, regarding the high school graduation of an acquaintance's granddaughter. (If memory serves me correctly, this child is the FIRST in her family to complete high school and march in her commencement ceremony. Her grandmother did not achieve this for herself. KUDOS to the granddaughter for her achievement!

) This child lives in a suburb in a neighboring state from mine, approximately a one-hour drive away. My acquaintance, her grandmother, lives up north about a four-to-six-hour drive away.
As the graduation date drew closer, I received an e-mail, from my acquaintance, accusing her granddaughter of letting the acquaintance's dog run loose and, because of this offense, the graduation party should be canceled as punishment. This acquaintance wanted me to side with her against her granddaughter. (She's pulled this stunt in years past with variations of: "Feel sorry for me! (Fill in the name) is screwing me over!" Each time, I was able to determine that the situation was created by this acquaintance, who did not want to acknowledge responsibility for her own actions. Sound familiar?)
My response?
I asked this acquaintance to explain to me how this child, who lives one-hour away from me, attending her high school, completing her final exams, getting her cap and gown, class ring, etc., could be at the acquaintance's home FOUR-to-SIX HOURS AWAY AT THE SAME TIME, letting her dog run loose! (This acquaintance had forgotten that I used to work in a high school and graduation preparations were part of my job description so I am VERY aware of all the logistics involved! It's very similar to planning a wedding, headaches included!)
I got TOTAL silence as a response to my question. Recently, the acquaintance e-mailed me about something completely different and NEVER acknowledged that the previous verbal exchange, via e-mail, had ever happened. Am I surprised? NOT!!!!