Hi Phoenix and Hops - Thanks for your posts.
Phoenix - Thats a great suggestion. Not entirely sure what you mean by passive though, each week I came in and filled questionnaires that measure my feelings about things and sat through a 15 minute interview with my monitor. I think thats fairly active in terms of measuring my progress and it was helpful for me to see how I felt when answering the same questions consistently from week to week. As for coaching or support, I'm an adult and don't know how besides my own personal accountability and responsibility I could be helped with the low motivation or productivity. . When I am at home by myself, its entirely up to me to pursue my job search and dating search, work out and manage other aspects of my life. I'm not sure how coaching would help me - and I am weary to get involved in discussing "fears" of getting or finding employment becuase so many are quite rational (accepting less pay than you deserve, not getting health benefits, working for an abusive boss etc.) right now that I actaully think it would be counterproductive. I know I cant improve m situation much without a job and relationship, but it really has to be up to me to be dissatisfied enough with my life to pursue that consistently. That said, I apprecaite your suggestion and I'm not dismissing it, just not sure how I could be motivated beyond my current state. My anxiety is gone now, and that was something that motiavted me in the past, so it was not all bad.
Hops - I think you are right on with your dosage suggestion. I guess its the uncertainty of trying to find the right cocktail of dosgae and compatible drugs that I find frustrating. Its also hard to measure, things could go well and then suddenly crash, but I will consider your suggestion.
I did end up deciding to just finish the medication I have and fill the prescription I was given, just in case I decide to contonue when the current supply runs out. I am also awaiting a referral to the local counseling center where I would for monitoring and futher presctiptions. Will collect resources and stay current with the meds and consult with the center before discontinuing.