I was frustrated because my interviewer didnt seem to understand that I'm 43 and have a longing to have my own family. Not having a family is basically a life half lived. I'm terrified to go back to work because my life will be out of balance again and it doesn't solve my weekends and holiday loneliness.
Hi Hon...
Maybe the drug isn't going to effect any of these things you listed. Directly. Maybe indirectly - one thing leading to another - that's still a possibility... it's just impossible to predict the future, so I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
I do see that you have gotten a benefit, though. In that the list above is a real clear statement of "what you want". Damn, girl! You're allowed to want what you want! And knowing what that is, is half the problem solved already. The other half is a lot of work, some luck, and plain old chance.
Be careful tho'. It's kind of a mental trap to say - "I can only be happy IF _________." I could debate the validity of the idea that a family is absolutely necessary to a full life, too. (But, if it's what you want... ask yourself: what's STOPPING you? What are the steps to getting there?) And I admit, I don't understand how working will put your life out of balance. Can you explain that in some more detail? I know from experience, that working has been a great way to develop the kinds of relationships that spill over into off-hour friendships, romances, etc. Both hubs and I have lots of friends from "work" - though we haven't worked for a year or two now - that we still see and enjoy being with. I met my last 2 husbands through jobs I worked... including the current one. Even ex #2 was a long term relationship; it revolved around parenting since we did the "Brady Bunch thing" - his and my kids.
It sounds as if you were expecting help from the study and the researchers. I guess there was some lack of or miscommunication about what to expect for the duration? I can see why you're upset with them. I'd feel that way too if I was allowed to hope that participation would bring me a great benefit very quickly. However, it might be too soon to tell how the drug is/or will affect you... didn't someone say that it could take 6 weeks for it to build up in your body/brain?
Are you having any negative effects from the drug? Or something that you can't explain at all? Like sleeplessness, sleeping too much... etc?
I'm real sorry that you aren't getting any specific info about yourself from being a participant. I hear you and your desire for real help. Maybe you could try to find a therapist to augment and support and help you deal with (any) effects you might have from the drug? To do what being in the study isn't going to provide. And I'll share what I recently read about DNA and emotional/psychological/neuroscience stuff: your DNA (especially brain) itself can adapt and evolve in response to your environment. Genetics is no longer considered a "life sentence" or unchangable. (That said, it takes a long, long time and a lot of work... and being lucky and having other help, doesn't hurt, either!)
I wish there was something else I could do, Ales... other than just play devils advocate here. I'm just trying to feed back some of what I'm hearing you say... and show it from another perspective. Maybe that'll help find the answers you want. (I can only hope so). I am listening... so keep venting! And here's another hug for good measure...