Thank you so much, river! It's comforting to know others deal with some of the same things.
I am resolved at this point, that there is really only 1 way (for me) to approach this "problem". Problem is in quotes, because really I've been dealing with this since I was 12... I have done all the emotional forensics and memory archeology... I've read a ton about attachment difficulties and how that affects neuro development... experienced ways to deal with and influence that mind-body connection... (sort of like a serial dieter who never really loses the weight... until they stop dieting)
and this new place I'm in, is one of accepting that: hey - this is who I am and I understand why and it's not "bad", just embarrassingly inconvenient some times but it will get better over time, if I pursue this one single-minded and concentrated approach:
which is to love the part of me that's so fearful it's either fleeing or fighting or trying to harm itself... until it stops. Hug it till it it's not in panic-mode... it's relaxed... and it finally hears me saying that "it's OK, it's all right - I understand". That "other" part of me which has a form of will of it's own and feels separate from me... only needs mothering to stop. A "good enough" mother.
This works... and I can't really explain why or how... but it works. So, I'm rolling with it! After having so many other approaches start out so well... and eventually lose effectiveness or fail flamboyantly... this seems to be different. And it solves the one main functional problem in my attempts to sustain "changes"... which is that intense and uncontrollable resistance.
My goal isn't to "get rid" of that part of me... my goal is to heal it and integrate it back in a whole me. This part of me isn't the prettiest part, or the smartest... but it's fierce, determined, shrewd and calculating and very, very, very good at surviving... and that can and should co-exist with the daydreamer, the playful imagination, and the "marshmallow" sweet, sticky and gooey self that wants to adopt every puppy and kitty in the world. I guess that makes me complicated, but we'll just blame that on Mother Nature's way... or the Force... the Tao... whatever.
One thing I've noticed lately, is that this resistance has a knee-jerk reflex when another person tries to tell me "don't be like that"... "don't phrase it that way"... as if they are trying to define me and mold my expression of my feelings and self into something that THEY prefer me to be or want me to act like. Well, duh: that's kinda the most basic boundary, isn't it? I'm me... and you're you. And we ARE different, feel different, and act differently. End of explanation. And it's perfectly fine if people are uncomfortable with some of those expressions of me; if they don't like that. I'm generally more complicated than that; I'm not just that one thing 100% of the time... I can be happy... then I might be sad; angry... analytical... or passionately ranting. It isn't possible... it's an unrealistic expectation of others... that they are going to be exactly what you want them to be at all times. [Within certain socially agreed upon limits, of course! I'm not describing the rageaholic, sociopathic, rampant ego thing here - just the individual self.]
If that were the way people and relationships worked, my hubs would be an immaculate housekeeper, chef, landscaper and building maintenance man! LOL... he reserves the right to disappoint those expectations of mine a lot of the time, you know? And I still love him anyway. So... why can't the same thing apply to that feral cat part of me?
I guess, in a round about way, I've talked through to what "this" phase is all about.