This will be my last post on this subject. My participation in the study ended today. I left with mixed feelings. They regard me as a success story because it looks that way on paper, but I feel like anything but.
My anxiety improved.
My insomnia is unchanged.
My mood (on paper) seems to have improved, but mostly, I don't feel any better.
My productivity/motivation is at an all time low, I have no interest in doing anything or finishing anything, besides basic household chores.
Side effects were minimal, mostly loss of appetite, but I was still overeating, so I did not lose any weight.
Meeting with Psychiatrist in charge of the study was good, but I was intimidated and did not ask the right questions. It was revealed that I was in fact on Lexapro, just as I guessed. I was given a prescription for more meds, including a bigger does of Lexapro and could also take wellbutrin to deal with the low motivation. But, I have decided I am done with the anti-d's I have a one week supply left, but will stop taking them tomorrow. There is no point in continuing.
Thanks to everyone again for your support.