Hi again, Bludie
(Do you pronounce that Blew-dee or Bloody?

I'm reading it like Blewdie, kind of pretty that way).
Wow, what you said about your N frolicking while you are in a seething heap is so so accurate! I was in some painful work situations, hurting from some lost political battles. I kept asking myself, why? Why am I hurting when what they did was
wrong and unfair? When I think back, it's kind of a stupid question because it begged the question. What What I really wanted was revenge. Kinda ugly, but there it is. And knowing that I could never bring myself to fight back. So my real question should have been,
what do I do now? How do I fix myself?I'm just sharing my own experience; I don't expect it to match up completely to yours. I had lots of bitterness about the unfairness of life.
Later in life, I'm learning that bullies don't have problems. They ARE problems. If you talk to someone about the bullying problem at any local school and they don't think there is a problem, watch out. That means things are under control. For them. They're not hurting. They're fine! No problem for them. So no problem at all. It's so simple!
For him, he may not feeling the same investment and is just moving on to the next milk carton. It makes us feel used and empty. Some people are psychic vampires (there's actually a book by this name, scary!) who will drain the emotional energy (your investment) out of their victims. Remember, Dracula was (is?) very seductive and the devil is a handsome man.
Phew. I don't know if this helped, but I'm getting a lot out of my system these days too!

In a weird way, I'm glad to hear you are angry. It means you value yourself. Way to go. Best, Seeker