Happy Early New Year Everyone,
I'm sorry to post this here on the main board. Maybe it will help someone else? Maybe some of you have had the same experience and have some tips?
A new, really troubling problem has presented itself with my NM and it has me feeling really unnerved, almost frightened...
Over the course of the past year or so, I've really emotionally detached myself from NM. I think she sees and understands that her old tricks don't work on me. I don't kiss up to her/compliment her/agree with her when I feel the opposite; I don't stand by and listen when she spreads gossip/speaks poorly about other people in our family; I don't forgive her bad behavior, allow the subject to be changed, the second she pulls the weepy "poor me" act; I don't let her interject herself into my finances/family/child-rearing; I don't even fall for it when she gives me rare compliments and niceness, trying to lure me back into her reign of terror. Basically, I just avoid her as much as possible and, when we are together, I'm tight-lipped and white-knuckled just trying to emotionally protect myself and just "get through it."
Anyway, now that NM sees that her emotional bullying tactics aren't having a visible effect, she's started being really physical when she sees me. She tries to physically intimidate me: Leans in too close to me when I'm addressing other people, so it's almost impossible to see them around her. Corners me and bear-hugs me too tight (NM is usually cold/unaffectionate and actively avoids hugs). Once, over Christmas, she actually leaned her face into mine, like she was going to kiss me on the mouth, but instead she painfully smashed her forehead against mine. I can't remember what she was saying to me at the time, likely something "teasing" i.e. meanness disguised as love.
I can't handle this. I'm really upset. How do you set and enforce physical boundaries with an N? I feel like, if I tell her not to touch me, she's just going to do it all harder and more, just the way she does with all the verbal abuse.
I should have been prepared...In a pre-Christmas phone call, she'd put on Oscar-worthy tears and told me that, "The next time she saw me, she was going to need a big hug. Something to let her know that, no matter what happens, we're still a family." (Translation: The next time I see you, I need to know that, no matter how poorly or abusively I behave, you'll put up with it because we're family.) During Christmas, she cornered me in a doorway and said, her tone angry and argumentative, "You know, I'm still waiting for that hug."
Anyway, I'd really appreciate any help and advice. I'm really at a loss with this one. It makes me sick to my stomach.
P.S.- Off topic, but I don't know where else to put it....Has anyone here ever read the psychological thriller "Sharp Objects" by Gillian Flynn? It features the most terrifying N-Mother. Many echoes between my NM and her.