PR, TT, Lighter, Boat, thank you.
PR, I hear you on the growth spurt. I think old age should be incandescent. Well, low-emitting diode, but you get the idea.
TT, your kindness is a freshwater ocean. Thank you. You offer it over and over and I'm each time lifted.
Lighter, thank you for the cheer and the raspberry! I hope this winter feels hopeful and hearth-ful and healing for you.
Boat, date report: The "nice but nervous" professor made a date with another woman, committed to exclusivity with her immediately, canceled ours. I wrote him I felt a little hurt and dismissed (he was cold and formal), wished them well. (Advised him to read--surprise!-- A Fine Romance. Maybe they'll make it!) Ta ta, over that.
The actor was as I knew he'd be: very smart, very interesting. Also very open. Told me a lot about himself and his tumultuous life. Attractive. The kicker: he is alcoholic. Difference: 2.5 years sober, completely clear about it, zero denial, and obviously "working the program." Even so, gives me serious pause. Another: As part of his amends, mentioned writing his ex that he knew she'd experienced him as nearly "malevolent." I asked about that a bit later and he said No, he meant "mean spirited." (Either ain't good; and she doesn't speak to him now.) He's attractive, gracious, courteous and engaging company. Asked me out again. I'll probably go, just to have fun. But perhaps I should make a different judgment. My cautions to myself, which are good to record here:
--if you're active alcoholic for 50 years, you're not fully adult (since much formative time was spent in primary relationship with booze)
--people tell you the truth about themselves when you very first meet them and it's very important to believe what they say
--so, he told me he was mean in his marriage (made clear he was never physical, I believed him). But mean-spirited, which he attributed partly to doing the acting thing...which he said he left because it was so self-obsessive, became loathsome, was shallow, didn't like the way people were so self-absorbed...I believe that too
--so, he told me he was mean in his marriage
--so, he told me he was mean in his marriage (he had a few criticisms of her but then said he didn't want to go there; clearly it was a miserable mess)
--so, he told me he was mean in his marriage
There was nothing mean or cold in his demeanor with me. But that was first date. I also found him quite honest. And, here's the danger zone for me--he has an absolutely fascinating life story. (The writer in me loves the drama.) Oh, I almost skipped the reddest flag of all.
--His mother was crazy. In and out of institutions. So he grew up with that as his strongest female model. A terror figure. Terror and pain. (Only other man I've known with that kind of mother was like an abused dog. Frantic for love but so terrified he'd snarl. I knew I couldn't blame him but also didn't want to take it on.)
--He became hypervigilant (hence, perhaps, a critical spirit? He described "detesting" his lazy son in law, but on further description, guy sounds like a benevolent slacker who is actually a great house-husband and father). Words like "detest" alarm me a bit.
--He's been an emotional wreck in the past.
--He's sober.
--He seems to own stuff.
--He has done a lot of work on himself.
--He has a fascinating story.
--He seems to have renounced a lot of awful stuff and desribes his deep contentment with what he does now...a physical job, cowoker a refugee he's been helping and teaching, living in a beautiful place, grandkid-sitting, traveling a bunch (I could see some compatibilities in present lifestyles)
I wonder, though, if my ghosts would fear his ghosts.
Advice welcome!