Author Topic: letters  (Read 10495 times)


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Re: letters
« Reply #75 on: October 27, 2007, 10:05:47 AM »
Think about it....

if N's get away with SOOOOO much because nobody wants to challenge them... bc of their awful offensive behavior....

it makes sense that challenging kind  people pleasing folk, who won't exact any price at all....
will be sought out by all kinds of people.... the N's, the unhappy, the restless, the confused and ticked off alike... yes sexy dance boys too.

You don't defend yourself well..... you don't put off energy that says you'll provide consequences for poor treatment. 

How can you learn some new skills in this areana, without changing who you are?  You don't want to become like them.... bullying out of pain.

Do some research on being assertive, conflict resolution..... spend more time with the people who do value you and discuss what they think you should work on?

I have always wanted you to affect a piercing/focused look at the people who are attacking you.  Not aggressive... but letting them know you're on gaurd and you're capable and willing to defend if they wanna stick their chin out. 

If you're always caught off gaurd, thrown off center, running in cirlces bc it doesn't occur to you to assert yourself and defend appropriately.... however will they sense they can't get away with doing all those things to you?

I can't explain that over the internet, unfortunately.  That look would have a question in it for the people you focus on.....

What is it? I'm ready for it.... say it.  Let's go.  What'cha got.  Let's dance.   If you can manage to inject some humor too.... all the better bc that means you're not so bothered or upset.... you're thinking without duress or panick. 

That look says there will be immediate consequences for words and actions against you. 

It's the energy you put out into the universe... you can tailor it for different situations and people.

Lets face it.... you should be using different energy when on the New York Subway than when you're having a chat with the janitor, who likes you very much. 

If you get your demeanor/energy figured out... you shouldn't have to deal with much more of this absurd adult bullying.

They'll find someone else, who won't defend themselves.  Such is the nature of the human animal. 

I would also like to see you take a martial arts class..... a traditional class would focus on utilizing energy as defense, so you don't have to throw the first punch, verbal or otherwise.