My minutia:
This Sunday am awake early so in theory I have plenty of time to write. Grumpy of course because that is just the way I am these days. I have Sunday off, go back to work on Mondays which are the busiest day of the week at the call center. And then I have Tuesdays off. So now I don't have proper weekend.
I spend bunch of time chatting with people that I really don't know, even though it is the same group of people.
One in Canada, one in Pakistan, one in Ireland, one in New Zealand. It's interesting but a pointless waste of time. I need some kind of down time though. I feel like doing nothing when I get home after work, often I get home at 7:30 PM or later because of the bus trip.
Just sitting on my rear, listening to the radio and drinking coffee. May try to make a phone call about a hair cut.
Got to consider my complacency, discouragement....and my really fed-up and angry disposition...I am unhappy probably...I don't really expect to be life has really been drudging and enduring scenarios that I don't want to be living.
doing nothing and time just passes by
I procrastinate against applying for other jobs for a number of reasons (1) I don't wish to explain (2) because starting a new job is change (3) because when I was living in homeless shelters I got burnt out on applying for jobs and not being offered anything (4) I don't have a career the resume doesn't look impressive to anybody (5) No university degree (6) It requires more sitting on the internet (7) it's not fun and not how I want to spend my day off of work looking for another crap job. (

(number8) currently I can wear jeans and tennis shoes to work, I would not look forward to putting on slacks at this point