Have struggled a little bit the last couple of days but I think that is what happens when you are learning/practising a new skill, peaks and troughs and all that!
I've been worrying about getting some work done on my van. I went to a mechanic who had been recommended by a friend, who has turned out to be a terrible mechanic and has done a bad job on the van. My regular garage told me to take it back to him to get him to put right what he'd done wrong and it was booked in for today, and I have been worrying about it all the while.
I don't like confrontation and the thought of having to tell him he did a bad job and he had to put it right has been bothering me. I've also been worrying about the friend who made the recommendation feeling bad about referring me to someone who gives bad service and about the mechanic doing a bad job again and making the situation worse. It's also a difficult place to get to logistically and I have been worrying about my son having to cope with another long journey by public transport when we drop the van off and pick it up again, and that it might need to all be done again if he messes up a second time.
I think that's why I've been crotchety the last couple of days and I have realised that, for some reason, when I'm worried I don't consciously worry about the thing that's actually bothering me, I pick away at myself, my weight, my appearance, all the things I do wrong and so on. I hadn't really noticed that before so I'm going to have to work on that a bit and try and get to the heart of the worry rather than dismantling myself!
Anyway, I have cancelled the booking, I decided I would rather pay my regular garage, who are very good, to do the work again properly than risk messing about with this guy again in the hope of saving a few pounds so I've cancelled. Have nagging feelings of offending/inconveniencing him, my friend and the garage I will ask to sort it all out but I think with this sort of thing I will just have to keep muddling through and eventually one day I won't worry about everyone else so much?
Equally I've been contacted by all of the friends I fell out with over my son's birthday in the last couple of days. I think they all talk about me and make a group decision to get in touch, it just seems too much of a coincidence that I hear nothing for weeks and then they all contact me in the space of two days. It has left me feeling unsettled, as have comments about how they haven't seen me for ages and they have presents for my son. It feels manipulative and unhelpful; my point, as I've explained over and over again, is that they need to make the effort to come to me some of the time and none of them do and as that situation hasn't changed neither have my feelings. I've been polite, replied to their texts but explained I am busy and can't see them. I'm not getting drawn into going over it all again and I don't want them in my life any more; I don't want bad feeling but neither do I want to be around them. I've stuck to my guns but feel unsettled.
I got upset about both of my sisters yesterday; the one I have recently fallen out with because I do miss her and I do want her in my life, but I want us to be friends and equals, not the way things are which is I'm just there when she wants something. I don't think she can/will do anything to change that so I will have to let that be which makes me feel sad. Perhaps it will change in the future, who knows but for now I feel a bit empty and let down.
My younger sister was rushed to hospital, thankfully is alright now but I found myself getting angry about her partner; she's pregnant with their fourth child, very unwell and he does nothing around the house, won't cook, walk the dog, do laundry or anything like that. She sounded so ill when I spoke to her this morning and yet is telling me she can't rest because no-one else will do anything and I found myself getting angry and having to bite my tongue. I just see that legacy of 'I'm not good enough' being repeated and passed on to the children, no doubt. There's nothing I can do; practically I live too far away to help but I also feel it should be her partner who rolls his sleeves up (and the two older children) but I know my 'sticking my nose in' tendency isn't helpful so I am being careful about what I say. But food for thought and it upset me a bit.
Anyway - moving onwards. All of this has been going on against the backdrop of the internet dating and I noticed how differently I felt about that because I didn't feel so good in myself. Peaks and troughs, I am keeping on keeping on but feel tired today and could do with a beautiful beach and lots of lovely kind people around me
