Reovery from Covid, this time, was a bit slow. I could feel the fatigue.... deep and sometimes painful in my right thigh, just hanging on and on. I still feel like a tiny mule kicked me in the leg..... just very odd and makes me want to get my stamina back up.
I wish you and DS the luck of avoidance... for sure. It seems my cousins and brother and sister are all getting it lately. My brother got it while traveling in Alaska and the hospital charged him over 4,000,00 for a half hour visit... crazy!
As for my respond vs react abilities.... today was a tough one. Partially bc the journeyman;s wife left yesterday and partically bc I have to DO MATH figuring out the basement kitchen cabinet arrangement with repurposed cabinets.... it makes me want to weep just thinking about it now and I went out to buy trim and outlets, a tile cutter and light fixtures for 6 hours, so I had a good sized break.
Math. Grrrr.
OK, so the wife is gone and that set my teeth on edge to be alone with the journeyman...... truthfully he resembles the crazy contractor a bit AND tends to sit down if I'm not working alongside him, so.... it's a LOT of together time for this introvert.
The math blew a fuse in my ability to be responsive and all morning I was reactive..... if j went into the bathroom I'd just used..... it BUGGED ME. If he sat down and looked at his phone.... it BUGGED ME. Even if I knew he was looking up directions for laying a herringbone pattern LVP floor.... I was bugged bc it's taking him forever and he's pulling it back apart then putting it back together and I guess I'll just pull him off it tomorrow and focus myself and HIM on things we move through quickly and with purpose.
No more spinning and falling, nose on the pebble, like today. It was a huge lesson for me....... self care..... notice when I'm not feeling centered..... take a break and get centered....... redirect him/j to things he's familiar with.
And even if he/j dioes get too familiar.... I'd handle it, likely with scathing humor, but I'd handle it. If he walks away, which he'd have to do sicne he has no vehicle..... I;d figure this thing out with the new journeyman. J hans't been too familiar,btw..... but I can feel he likes me a lot and I'm not going to live in fear he'll do somethng stupid. He might, but hasn't yet. There it is. I'm 20 years older than him this is going tobefineI tellya but he said I was "very datable" and I think that kicked this off bc he didn't say it till his wife was gone, darnit.
::smoothing pajamas::..
Removing the fear...... trusting I'll keep myself safe.......doing what I can...... taking tme for self care, despite the little losses in J's productivity.... all very necessary.
I miss my girls..... want to be with them..... feel guilty being gone so long. It's a weighty thing to balance getting these projects done and being there for them, in person, during these years before they have lives of their own elsewhere.
The weather is Halloween perfect..... just cool and breezy and sunny at the same time. No bugs. I made sure to line up several outdoor projects over the next few days. I can feel myself slipping back into creative flow again.
The Nervous System has it's own time table, IME. Two steps forward, one step back, IME.
I hope you're enjoying lovely fall weather too, Tupp.