Author Topic: Farm Doin's - 2020  (Read 50164 times)


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #480 on: October 07, 2020, 09:14:10 AM »
Sunday was my day to immerse in the "horror of the situation" Hops. By noon, Monday... I knew what I needed to know be as informed as I could be with actual data. The rest of this situation requires ye olde crystal ball... intuition... some dusty, dry, reports reading... and digging down into trades literature... and maybe even throwing the i-ching.

By Monday, I need a building permit for the metal shop and final decisions on construction. Materials availability is starting to become a factor. Then there is the actual work I'm trying to do/get done before the snow flies. So, quick construction is a plus. That is also making it difficult to estimate jobs. I need to follow up on a couple of rent-a-men this week for a couple smaller jobs as it is.

Organized as much as I can be; pulling in favors where I can; scrambling and juggling. Good news is contractor's excavator is here; finishing Hol's pond. Top soil from that is gonna get used for raised beds and landscaping around the hut. A pad will get leveled for her garage - freeing up the garage under my studio again, for MY tools.

The weather is cooperating today... for me to take care of aesthetics (read: cleaning) the front porch which hasn't been in 2 years due to constant use and mess... and I can no longer STAND it. This one gets done before I work downstairs on the wood storage and the bit of garden I have going.

All this frantic work... is because obstacles, priorities, indecision on various people's parts and reality/weather earlier in the year. And it means I'm going through millernery wardrobe changes several times a day. But at least I'm not getting caught up in the constantly ratcheting up volume & cacaphony of the news...

I need these little breaks, to reflect on what's been accomplished; where I'm at in the timeline; what else needs to be dealt with that has slipped through the cracks of attention, when it's stretched thin. (Those are the things that'll keep me awake into the wee hours. OCD.) And I can keep going until I hit the wall. Buck can make me stop before I get to that point... but right now, he is doing the same thing where he is at, to get here. But in a few weeks, he will be here again.

So.... don't worry about me if there's more time between posts. I'm trying to squeeze every possible thing into the remaining weeks before cold weather sets in... and I'm running out of time. I'm good at this; as long as I know it has an endpoint... and I can go back to being rip van winkle this winter. Sit by the fire, drink tea... and snuggle my stray tomcats... of which, Buck is pack leader. LOLOLOL. Make cookies.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #481 on: October 07, 2020, 11:06:10 AM »
I'm sorry you've got all this other stuff to deal with as well now, Skep.  I'm glad you've got Buck there - by phone at the minute, hopefully really there before too much longer.  Business stuff is way over my head so I've nothing useful to suggest but I really hope that there is/will be some way you can weather the storm, even if it means some things need to change or it all looks a bit different once you come out the other side.  In all honesty I don't think anyone really saw this as being a long term thing - I think most of us thought it was a bit of a rough patch that would right itself one way or another.  Although numbers are high here, it doesn't seem to be doing as much damage as it was and most businesses here are getting by in their various ways so I hope the same happens over there soon as well x


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #482 on: October 07, 2020, 08:00:06 PM »
Keep us posted with short summaries as you can, Amber...
be thinking of you.

We (I) don't need every nut and bolt of the plans but would love to know you're okay. Just the headlines.

And ignore that if you need a total break for a while, it happens! (I just have separation anxiety, LOL.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #483 on: October 08, 2020, 08:15:50 AM »
Tupp, the duration of this situation is the crux of the issue. There is one imbalance that kinda snuck up on us, over the years. And then there's the fact that sales have slowed down a lot longer than we even knew there was a virus in the "wild". Yesterday was wild... to put it mildly.

But, before lunch I found 5 errors in the data in the accounting system... started the process to build B's shop... and helped out Hol with fancy dinner preps when I asked for her help filing my papers into some kind of order (it was done before she showed up... LOL) and regaling her with the details of the finances. I wrote notes on the reports, so if at some time in the future she's having to do the same thing, she has some explanations and the history.

Then, I started hosing off my porch before it turns chilly again.

Yeah, I went to bed early and if it weren't for Stinker... would've slept like a rock. Today is run to the stores, mail B's cookies, maybe stop at the permit office... and tomorrow run the other direction.

B says he will likely be here for the full blue moon on Halloween; and Hol is having some friends over for a bonfire, too. Some day, I'll clean house... LOL.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #484 on: October 08, 2020, 10:18:41 AM »
The full blue moon....
B at the bonfire with Amber.

That all sounds really good: )


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #485 on: October 08, 2020, 11:02:53 AM »
Tupp, the duration of this situation is the crux of the issue. There is one imbalance that kinda snuck up on us, over the years. And then there's the fact that sales have slowed down a lot longer than we even knew there was a virus in the "wild". Yesterday was wild... to put it mildly.

But, before lunch I found 5 errors in the data in the accounting system... started the process to build B's shop... and helped out Hol with fancy dinner preps when I asked for her help filing my papers into some kind of order (it was done before she showed up... LOL) and regaling her with the details of the finances. I wrote notes on the reports, so if at some time in the future she's having to do the same thing, she has some explanations and the history.

Then, I started hosing off my porch before it turns chilly again.

Yeah, I went to bed early and if it weren't for Stinker... would've slept like a rock. Today is run to the stores, mail B's cookies, maybe stop at the permit office... and tomorrow run the other direction.

B says he will likely be here for the full blue moon on Halloween; and Hol is having some friends over for a bonfire, too. Some day, I'll clean house... LOL.

The house dust can wait, Skep, it won't go anywhere!  You sound like you've got plenty else going on at the moment.  I'm glad Buck will be there soon.  I think the scale of the pandemic and the fallout from it has caught everyone by surprise.  I think we're all used to being able to fix problems in some way or other and it baffles me that in this time of technology, science and medicine we've seen the most advanced countries in the world buckle and collapse so quickly.  I certainly thought it would all be over by now and I know I'm not the only one.  I hope there are some options for you going forward xx


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #486 on: October 10, 2020, 09:12:23 AM »
Sigh. I'm tired.

SOME of the business panic has died down again. Knowing how frustratingly maddening trusting technology can be - I keep hard copies of all the important reports. The dining room table serves to lay everything out to the same page - for the last five years. A number that should've been consistent every year, wasn't. (My brain has the oddity in it's wiring, of being able to shift from the "meaning" of the number to simply seeing the numbers as objects within a larger pattern.) So I got the teacher's red pen out... and in going through those previous year's reports found a handful of my own notes from the last time we reduced the dividend. Sometimes it's hard even for me to decipher my own chicken scribbles... but what stood out for me, was quite significant.

The purported alarm was over two numbers that would imply disaster, if that one little note wasn't part of the equation. The big number was deducted ALREADY from income; and the little number - while successively shrinking over the years - was what was left over after all the accounting was accounted for. But it's still a positive number. The alarm was created, based on the opposite understanding.

I had to remind my bookkeeper of that; letting her know I had it in my notes... while I was learning to read these reports. We also addressed the discrepency in the number that should've been the same every year - and she knows what mistake happened. We laughed about it some... but I sure am glad I took bookkeeping in HS. And worked with databases. And did the troubleshooting on database and web application software. I had an uncanny knack for letting my intuition sniff out where the problem was - or what didn't "look right". It was hard to shift back into that mindset after 10 years away from it... especially in the middle of a major panic attack; the alarm that was created was akin to an immediate life/death survival struggle -- because the implied message she was giving me was that the business was essentially bankrupt. And that was so far from what I knew to be true - because I've been keeping a close eye on these reports since Easter, when she started dropping hints about this. There was NO WAY I missed an implication that huge - unless I'd really gone around the bend.

Turns out I didn't. And this whole thing might have been motivated by attention-seeking. (While real errors were allowed to persist and would eventually snowball into a total mess.) She wanted to tell me she decided to retire next spring. She's 78; learned the new software - with grumbling & difficulty, but did it and that's a serious accomplishment - and because I'm not even in the same state, and am trying to just have my own life after all these years - that also creates the impression that I don't care. But that's why I have a "guy in charge" on site, day in and day out... and the top 3-4 people in the office/shop to handle the mundane affairs. The guy in charge is on vacation for 3 weeks. And the last time he took an extended vacation, this same kind of thing happened with her.

I could spend the time to try to analyze this situation, change my behaviors somewhat - but to what purpose? My motto has always been to be friendly with the employees - but NOT friends. Just like in this situation, if I had to make hard decisions about reorganizing the business or downsizing it... I couldn't afford to be friends with some of the employees and still be fair & objective. Not without putting myself through even more agony.

The best thing for me to do when blasted with adrenalin like earlier in the week, is some physical task that requires paying attention (like washing dishes) but doesn't tax my brain. So my porch is cleaned off now and re-arranged for winter. Today's job is going to be string trimming. I've been going to sleep reasonably early, and carving out that early morning quiet time for myself again.

Hol's dropped in on a daily basis; usually mid-morning coffee and coordinating the day's activities. Sometimes longer. One of her girlfriends is coming out this afternoon; maybe an overnight. Hol spent a whole day trying to get the wood splitter running. Frustrated beyond belief, she was. She had all but taken the carbuerator apart. And one of the guys working here took a look at it for her. Exhaust pipe plugged up by mud dauber wasps. She would not have welcomed my getting involved; didn't want that at all. Resented me asking Buck about it too. But she is coming to appreciate why mom wants the important equipment under shelter when not in use. Why I want things grouped together by use. Tools cleaned & put back - and I'll settle for just put back.

Buck is making plans to get here end of the month; another week long visit. He has a couple more medical appts coming up; at this point he's pretty sure the hospital is going to just release him from care; completely. Which suits him FINE. There is left over stuff that is still problematic for him, going forward. But he really doesn't want them to deal with it. Still nothing from the Navy.

I told him last night, I was hoping this trip would be the last. And of course, these dates aren't completely written in stone either. There is always SOMETHING that comes up that creates a delay. Something important enough to stay there and deal with. I can't help being disappointed at this point. And that's even after I've determined to just continue on "doing" what I need to do here, and deal with that... and not let myself depend on the happy energy created when he's around, to "do" or to sit around & mope because it's going to be longer than I thought till the next, or even last time... when he'll just "be here". I'm even forgetting to carry the phone around with me... while I just do what I'm doing in my own space. This is getting tedious for me in a superficial, ego way.

It doesn't feel like I'm changing my mind about the commitment; my feelings for him haven't changed; but I also don't feel like pining away for something that isn't going to - or can't happen - within the timeframe we tentatively agreed to.  I could just be tired, too. Some of the "shiny" is wearing off in this phase of surfing the waves. Patience, my ass. I've been taking care of myself long enough - and taking care of how many others? to greater or lesser degrees - that I'm just fine. The only thing I want - that I can't do for myself - is have someone else take care of me sometimes. (Yeah, my mom called again yesterday. Same shit, different day. Once again an hour's tirade on how ill-used she is... and no interest in me, my life, or taking care of me. She doesn't even bring up Buck; and I know I told her. The universe sometimes puts up neon signs with stuff we need to pay attention to.)

I have some easy ideas of what I might do to perk myself up a little bit.

It's going to rain the next couple days, so if I hope to have another task done in prep for next week, I must needs plod on.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #487 on: October 10, 2020, 10:11:17 AM »
Tired is understandable, Skep.  I'm glad the business situation isn't looking as bad as it seemed to be, but it's tiring when you have to keep on top of things yourself even when other people are involved in doing the job.  There is a lot to be said for old school methods of bits of paper spread out and checking it line by line - I've done it loads with my son's stuff over the years and it's amazing how one small mistake (genuine error) one sheet can spread and create a completely different story.  Good to be able to check it.

I agree, pining for Buck won't make things happen any faster.  He'll be there when he's there, hopefully sooner rather than later, but it's out of your hands so keeping active and getting on with things makes sense to me.  It's a shame your mum can't be a little bit more supportive.  Even just a tiny bit can mean a lot.  I'm hoping you can maybe sleep a bit easier now you know the business situation isn't as dire as it seemed and that the better sleep will help you feel better xx


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #488 on: October 10, 2020, 10:13:47 AM »
You sound very relieved, Amber.  The book keeper's attention seeking was....
meant to panic you?  You think?  Sounds exhausting to me.....not acceptable.  If I weren't so wrung out, I'd rant with more gusto on your behalf.

I'm hoping B makes it to the farm this month.  Until then, business as usual.  Enjoy the weather, your farm and tasks at hand : )


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #489 on: October 10, 2020, 10:35:20 AM »
I wonder if a new, PT bookkeeper-in-training (a whiz) could be hired now, to work alongside soon-retired woman? With understanding that this provisional PT position would go FT upon her retirement if all checks out and it goes well? Just a thot.

I don't blame you about B. I'd be disappointed too. Is there a shred of concern that he's foot dragging or is it purely the load of things he's got to sort out? I forget what they all are but recall first it was getting his D off to college, and next was selling his house? Not sure I've remembered it right.

If D is sent home due to covid, can she live there independently? Maybe he's not selling his house until he's sure about that?

Damn. I get it. But love your reaction, which is to carry on inside YOUR life while you ponder and figure it out. I Like the idea of you not being glued to your phone either, since I've always felt that texting isn't relating even though it gives that illusion and dopamine hits. Phone calls give real connection though, and feel more adult. (Translation: feel more geezer, like myself).

Frustrated for you, admiring your coping. How about a huge cozy nap in the new bedroom today, or just some lolling time and maybe journaling? Pros and Cons of this or that?

hugs and comfort,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #490 on: October 11, 2020, 10:47:30 AM »
Hey Lighter...

the weird thing about my situation is I'm 2 days away from where the business is located. MOST of the time, since people have been there so long, everything runs smoothly. And anything that comes up can be handled by the guy in charge, since he's been there so long. I can trust his judgement; I've only had occasion to question him or propose alternatives one time... and in the end, his instinct was right anyway.

Guy in charge is on vacation till the end of the month. Thinking back... this attention-seeking behavior has raised it's head more than once. Sometimes it was difficulties with another employee; sometimes it was creating a "problem" out of thin air. I LIKE her. I really do. And she knows I consider her the "memory" of the company... and trust her. It's game-playing, pure and simple. Pecking order rivalry stuff. It happens in group dynamics. USUALLLY, it's nothing serious; harmless. But it's always dramatized to be.

People who are compulsive game-players will assume that everyone thinks the same way they do... and are up to the same mind tricks. For some people, that's the only group dynamics they know; have been around. If shown another way... a bit of enlightenment occurs. If the group leader is aware of this tactic within the pecking order, and enforces some rules to circumvent the motivation for it in the first place... most of it can be avoided. But that strategy requires a secondary effort too - with individual and personal attention to each person; actual caring. And given the distance I am from the company - and the demands/activities in the rest of my life - I'm not so good at that second part. Team leadership 101 requires the leader put forth as much time & effort as everyone else. No one gets to just sit around and say I want... you do.... and point.

So in a way, it was a harmless - but terrifying - wake up call for me. She usually goes to my brother. Having spent his life as a team coach, he's really much better at Part 2 than I am. And then my brother will say something to me.

Yes, Hops. The wise thing to do is hire someone on before she retires so that the stream of workflow in the office stays continuous and doesn't bog down while someone tries to figure things out. We've talked for at least 5 years about hiring/training someone new and younger for each position so people can retire knowing they haven't left us scrambling. (Loyalty is that high in some cases.) When guy in charge comes back from vacation, we'll review the job description and update it... and start the search. I almost expect the outgoing BKeeper to be real prickly about the incoming... but that's because outgoing & I both date back to the green ledger sheets and hand calculations. No one CAN replace her... but perhaps we can find someone who's more expert with the software, has a solid acounting background (not just bookkeeping) and can easily learn the intricacies of our cobbled together system. And then we have a retirement party to plan.  :D 

Buck heard me about the disappointment, and the waning patience on my part. Plans have firmed up for the end of October trip. It just won't be the last trip, like I'd hoped. He is bringing a truck/trailer load. Despite him enjoying projecting the gung-ho, git R done, move fast image... the fact is, a large and significant portion of his life is all closing at once. Albeit, at different rates of momentum. That's a lot to process - mentally and emotionally. And unless he's really called to rush it from within himself... it's going to take time. When it feels "time" to him... it's time. I'm a little different, in that I do my deciding, waffling, second-guessing and most of my beating myself up BEFORE I decide to take action and what action I'll take.

But once I decide, then I release the process of HOW it happens in the interest of making it happen... understanding that there will some things that are difficult, not to my standards, and "expedient" over "how it should be" all along the way. It's full steam ahead... damn the torpedos... LOLOLOL.

He keeps a lot of that processing over the past private. We've talked enough about it, that I understand, or think I do. I don't have curiosity about going deeper. At least, not in a "gory detail" way. Like most people, something will nudge a memory... and he tells me the story of what happened.

So, the knowledge that the road trip is "on" now; coming up; put him in a playful mood. Which makes me smile and want to play too. I realized he and I really do play well together. We like doing a lot of the same things - not just talking about them, dreaming about them, but actually getting out there and DOING them. It takes me a "buddy" to do things with, to go do a lot of things. I'm not thrilled about doing things on my own, although I have done. We also work well together... even given our differences in how we work. And doing things together is how we learn more about each other. I know how incredibly patient he can be... and how easily frustrated he can get too over certain things too. He's discovered that I'm not a cringing, wringing my hands type of female. I'll dive right into mud or dirt and do what needs doing... even if I don't want to. And sometimes I have to psych myself up to that, depending on the situation. He knows for a fact that I can use tools - but the deeper mechanical knowledge of things is still not high on my list of learning priorities. That's changing, lately. But that's because he's a master at those trades and is a patient teacher.

At 64, finishing up and closing out all the past major parts of one's life... and how/why X Y Z happened... and all the thoughts/emotions about it... only to jump off the cliff and start something brand-new, that gets him back to where he started; aspects of HOME... the closing of a full circle... is a freakin' big huge life deal for him. It's even a test of how much he's learned about himself; how he interacts with people... and yet it's all new. I had the same sense; that both of us know our roles so well; they're second nature - but we're not locked into them. There is still more to explore, discover, and learn... but it's much more fun to do so with a buddy.   :D

Yes, there's love. In all it's permutations & silliness sometimes. An appreciation of who the other IS. How we're stronger and deeper together, than separate. Somehow, we're both past wanting to force things into some kind of pre-determined pattern of relationship. It's awkward & confusing sometimes. But that's where the mutual respect comes in... and we can enjoy our differences. I think we both sense that when he's permanently here, is when things will really begin. And we're taking our own sweet time doing the survey of how the "land lies" first... and checking in with ourselves to make sure this is doable; we still want to do this. Delaying the moment of no return... even though this isn't going to be a legally binding relationship. At least, not right now. We both have valid reasons for why we'd rather not do that.

He keeps saying he's simple to operate - feed him, give him something to do, help him sleep. But simple is often very profound. And he may be extremely self-deprecating, but some of the rest of us, are extremely observant and highly intuitive... able to sense what is non-verbal. And able to separate out projections from self, from what is sensed. Much of what passes between he and I that is significant, involves no talking whatsoever. But we DO communicate pretty well verbally, too. Still learning some idiosyncrasies there... but it's not challenging.

I don't think he's seen actual snow for a long time. The pretty leaves are starting to drop from the trees now... and it won't be much longer.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #491 on: October 12, 2020, 10:25:32 AM »
I've been sleeping; a soft steady rain has contributed to a serious depth to that sleep. And serious dreaming. Lots of processing going on in those dreams. There was a long complex one about Ex #2. Last night's was a different topic and I knew what it was before I made coffee. But there is no point in trying to remember or analyze either of those - or any of that kind of dream making it's way into consciousness.

These are kinda like emotional adjustments taking place below the surface. Something minor; but a necessary tweak - like during a massage when just the right knot relaxes to bring a better balance to chi flow. It means I'm waking up more rested than usual; less scattered or anxious;

There isn't a lot going through my head right now. I decided to give the business stuff a real rest for a bit and will go back to it later, when the fright I had is more distant in memory. There are lots of other things I can do today, tomorrow and consecutive days that will help me keep things more in balance when I get back to the paperwork.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #492 on: October 15, 2020, 02:50:24 AM »
You sound a lot more peaceful, Amber...
as though that gentle rain and deep sleep refreshed you at a level you haven't gotten to restore in a while.

I hope that more hope and comfort join hands and walk on in to hang out with you.
Soon! And staying!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #493 on: October 15, 2020, 08:29:09 AM »
Still plugging away on numbers, looking how I can make things balance. June was our worst month; things have gotten a little better since then. Personnel costs became a greater percentage of sales this year - too high a percentage, actually - due to how far sales have fallen. I've spent YEARS trying to figure out what the deal is there; I am aware of patent violations by the Chinese (it's a real thing)... but to prosecute that would cause us to go broke anyway. Unless something happens at the National level - like a class action suit - we could sign on to.

I'm mostly focused on finding things I can cut expense wise - that are reversible; without laying anyone off or cutting hours. On the off chance, the sales picture improves. It's not something that's specific to my company, how we do things or how it's run. Business activity - in our area of the market - is just that slow. We've been aware for years, that our personnel costs were increasing. Some of that is healthcare - and we have room to cut there, without doing to much damage; it's quite generous at the moment. Some of that is payroll increases too.

Once I put out the immediate fire, then I have to look at whether this economic slowdown is as permanent as I believe it is. From all I've seen so far - and a lot of that kind of information is evaporating from the 'net - the whole world is going through an economic contraction to rival or surpass the Great Depression. Now, that wasn't the end of the world - or even companies. But it did hurt an awful lot of people. Severely.

To make the best decision for the future, I've got to delve into a lot of stuff that's foreign to me; process it; strip out the BS happy talk; look at hard facts - if there are indeed any hard facts published anymore anywhere (even the gov numbers have been tweaked to present a more positive picture)... the old canard about statistics is very very true, IMO. Even Mike would tell me he could make the numbers say anything he wanted.

I've accepted this. As best a person can, I guess. I've not been one to look at reality as I WISH it would be, or how it ideally could (even being a romantic)... I can only chart my course based on WHAT IS. That means rooting out all the tendency to denial, blindspots, and being ruthless with myself.

Buck is giving me space for this. But I think after today, I'm pulling him back in close. This situation affects all of us. Hol is facing the fact that there might not be any work in film, even next year. She mentioned yesterday that Burger King is hiring. Yeah, she's way overqualified. And speak o' the devil... here she is. Planning our day commences.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #494 on: October 15, 2020, 12:08:27 PM »
Amber, this sounds like a heavy task. Very heavy.
I'm awed by your calm and your capability (including commitment to reality).

I agree with you about a worldwide depression being likely. How could it not be, given the pandemic's impact? The ripple effects will hit everyone. Already are hitting so many.

I hope you can save your business. What's your brother's take on all this?

I am cleverly comparing this with my joist problems. One pushy plumber, one unvetted contractor, and a negative cascade could easily begin. (Hoping it won't be as bad as all that but facing that it's possible.) I feel vulnerable and imagine you do too, in a different way.

Glad you're okay, farm's okay. Alarming that Hol may need to work in fast food. I hope you're not supporting her forever but assume you're ready to if you must.

I hope Buck can arrive soon to give you moral support through all of it. I hope he's hearing that the time to be all in has arrived, and that he can work through his farewells to previous chapter with more dispatch.

You seem to thrive when challenged in large and complex ways. I hope it won't tax you so much that self-care takes a hit, eh? Be extra good to yourself now....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."