You're right, Tupp.... lots of really tragic things in the world right now. I think I need to stay off the neighborhood message board EXCEPT I found 2 new mossing buddies.... women who cultivate and love moss like I do AND have outdoor showers they can go on and on about. I can block certain posters.... and maybe threads. That's just what I'm going to do.
Hops, the ER doc's story changed the way I moved through my day yesterday. I was IN my head... not so focused on surfaces and disinfecting in the usual way. Almost like I couldn't focus my vision or breath right... walk right. Just very IN my head and not in my body... that's how it felt. Very threatened and vulnerable and the ER doc's fear ..... his feeling of being overwhelmed inhabited me.
I figured it out when I was all done and sitting in the car.... NOT feeling the way I had before, which was wanting to get away from my clothing. THIS time I was focused on breathing through the mask and seeing through the splash guard..... like they weighed many pounds... so weighty.
It didn't help to see many children shopping with their parents, sans protection, and there were 2 young 8ish yo boys running around bouncing balls..... touching things, sitting on things, no masks or gloves. I don't know if they were with a worker or a shopping parent bc they were on their own, roaming the store the entire time. Lots of people without gloves.... most had masks.
The healthcare provider I loved in Atlanta thinks the virus is a hoax. She's seeing patients without wearing any protective gear or requiring patients wear any. The friend with heart and lung problems sees her twice a week, which is super alarming, even if the office is getting wiped down between patients. I want to say..... years ago that provider had that friend on supplements for his heart and lungs, which weren't an issue (with his Western med docs at that time.) Now he's been in and out of the hospital with alarming symptoms and plenty of evidence his heart and lungs WERE a problem years ago..... but Western medicine requires problems become alarming symptoms THEN the treatment of prescription drugs begins.
I don't understand or believe in that. So, his choices are to stop all Western meds, and figure this out with more Eastern methods, OR continue with the Western medications and the Eastern.... see how that goes. Instead of wishing he chooses one or the other, I'm upset he didn't deal with the imbalance in his system BEFORE he became very ill. I just don't understand the logic AND THIS FRIEND received a lot of relief and help from this practitioner for other things, actual symptoms of course, when he was seeing her. He started feeling better, tipped his hat, thanked her for her help and stopped going, which is the experience that practitioner normally has with men in her practice.
My youngest dd said she's lost all respect for that provider, bc of the hoax belief. I suspect her man is a conspiracy theorist... and she's been contaminated, bc she's normally very level, no-nonsense kind of woman. That's a huge heartbreak for me.... the people in my life who're contaminated by the talking heads. I'm expecting more of an explanation about that particular belief from that particular health care professional. I really want to know why she believes that.