Author Topic: 2021 Farm Log  (Read 51164 times)


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #75 on: February 17, 2021, 09:09:46 PM »
How to Get Amber Through Another Ice Storm When B. Is Taking Too Long

(by Hops, famous poet)

+1 310 356 3929

This is Sam Heughan's phone number that he intentionally set up so Outlander fans could text him. Did you hear about his new book and show "Men In Kilts"? Drooool.

(You're welcome.)

LOL and hugs,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #76 on: February 18, 2021, 05:39:43 AM »

I've got no idea what is going on only that Hops has just posted Sam Heughan's phone number.

So did you text the number Hops??


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #77 on: February 18, 2021, 07:35:00 AM »
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.........oooooo.....owwww..... laughing too hard....

Thank'ee Hops... but I haven't drunk called or texted anyone in quite few years. And believe it or not - I'm so shy I'd have to be drunk to text him. Sam is cute, no lie. But I was a Murtagh groupie. The one who was in love with Jamie's mother; and Jamie's godfather. Sam is more Holly's cup o' tea. Duncan Lacroix is Murtagh.

I did just watch the first episode of Men in Kilts. Sam & Graham making angels in the barley drying room of the distillery was just so cute & silly. B has already said we'll go visit Scotland; just gotta get him here first.  ;)  He was based out of Holy Loch. Did a lot of cold water - ie, arctic circle - diving.

I already have two- three inches of new snow this morning. It's blowing from the east, so B must finally have some relief from the 40 days & nights of rain he enduring. I hit the hay really early last night coz I didn't sleep well the night before that... so I was up early. My west ridge is only a faint shadow through the thick blanket of snow that's descending; pine trees closer to the house stand out from the bare oaks & hickories. Yesterday over the mountain, I saw the bradford pears have budded out and we spotted a robin, too. Easter is early this year, too - so it won't be much longer till we're into spring.

I have things I "have" to do... like collect docs for taxes. And I'm kinda taking a break before sanding the poly and applying a second coat. I don't know yet if Hol is going to venture out up here or not - she's started felting another blanket. She and I were discussing staining more sections of wall and some trim ideas and I could do that with the stain I have. She's been doing the same kind of piecemeal work at the hut too. Yesterday, she also picked up her latest investment - weights and a squat rack - that she got at a bargain price. Loaded, unloaded, got home before the snow started.... after 8 different stops in town over the mountain yesterday mid-day. She might not move today. LOLOL. The weights are for her, to get back in shape in case she gets work this year. [nope; she still can't sit still... just informed she left her curtain rods in my jeep and is headed for studio to make thick curtains (I warned her about an all glass wall) and finish felting the wool.

Think I'm going have banana cake again for breakfast!   :D

I did stain and get the first coat of poly on my counter and I like it. Hol says it grounds the space more - as the range counter divides the wide open kitchen & the dining room and that furniture is red oak.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #78 on: February 18, 2021, 12:55:31 PM »
Mouse, hahahaha, nope, I didn't text him. I'm content with the certain knowledge that now that Amber has it, she WILL at some point be unable not to yield to the irresistible pull to let those itchy texty fingers give it a try....just to ask him for Murtagh's number, of course. Good place to start. Surely Amber needs an obsession, it's clear she doesn't have enough to do! LOL.

(Truth is more likely that Hops wants a vicarious obsession, being too lazy to tend to a new one herself....)

Amber, about the toekicks? I will be unsatisfied with this vicarious farm development journey unless I hear updates about the state of the toekicks.

Loved reading your description of the snow and trees. Balm for the mountain-nostalgic soul. Thanks!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2021, 03:05:23 PM »
Well the perfectionist in me, wants to sand (lightly) the first coat of poly and then add a 2nd to the counter before moving on to toe kicks. B & Hol keep my phone pinging all day long with txts... and Stinker keeps me asking loudly: "WHAT was THAT Stinker" throughout the day...

I experimented with a smooshed potato, carrot, celery, broccoli & ham & cheese soup yesterday... and today I'm going to try adding heavy cream, more butter & more cheese too. It was kinda bland... might drag out the step stool and climb up to dig around in spice cabinet for either tumeric or curry - if I remain resistant - I'll just add more paprika.

We had a longish break from the s*** falling from the sky - so Hol has magically made her large pile of cardboard and scrap lumber disappear, courtesy a little diesel we keep on hand for the bobcat. The special effects person can't go more than a month without a bonfire... she's waiting for 3:30 to go see if the mail got delivered today; my guess is it didn't and then she'll stop by for a beer and a chat before retiring back into her nest for the evening.

I've uploaded my tax documents; emailed CPA; fixed ATT's profile (new email address)... and checked to see if my furnace vents were iced up or clear. Oh, and I cleaned the woodstove. As the temp warms up and the snow melts - it gets really damp outside and consequently feels colder than when it's sub-freezing here. If I get ambitious, I'll move some set recurring payments to a specific credit card - and continue updating my county-mandated address & email address... and copy over the address book from old email to new email. It's maybe a dozen addresses. I'm leaving gmail alone till after tax season.

It was extreme to give up the address I had for 17 years; but new email costs a fraction/year of what old email did - is way faster & reliable and has more features - plus I'm not getting all the political spam anymore. I reported batches of addresses like 30 times... but however those "messages purportedly from actual politicians" are generated, each batch has a different actual email address versus the display name. I don't know how I got on their mailing lists; I'm a registered independent and have been all my life. They get enough money from corporate donations; I don't feel inclined to "support" any of 'em. What have they done for me lately??? Reciprocity, anyone??  ;)   Clearly, none of them will respect my wish to be left in peace either.

So drastic measures were called for.  :D
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #80 on: February 20, 2021, 09:23:00 AM »
In the past year, Hol and I have discussed everything under the sun - sometimes more than once. Our current level of "boredom" is simply - nothing new & exciting to share; no changes either. And we much prefer that to dealing with constant, unpredictable drama... so it's not a complaint; just acknowledgement of "we are here". This usually generates some creative energy.

But, I've detected and Hol's admitted, that she has a tendency to take that creativity into creating problems, trying to hammer new solutions out for old problems, etc. So she finally got around to starting to talk about her abortions and the current difficulties with pregnancy yesterday. Mom has suspected that this was a burr under her saddle that she simply didn't have the willingness to drag out and investigate; and mom wasn't going to bring it up either. But she talks about anything/everything, and I knew if I waited she would eventually bring it up.

There is pain & anger (at her former partners/herself) in this. There is some ideal "expectation" woven through it that she feels she's failed. And she's just unearthed this turd and put it on the table between us for discussion; the unravelling of all the twisted threads hasn't even started yet. She is finally detached (?) enough from the emotions enough to start talking. In some ways, I feel like this is the issue that's kind of been anchor on her; getting her stuck. But that's just my theory based on observation - I don't know yet. Since there is so much time; and not that much to fill work-wise right now we MIGHT revisit this topic; she MIGHT have more thoughts/feelings to share; she might not.

I'm trying to stay in compassionate witness mode with this, because she's adamant (according to my perception/observation) that she must punish herself over this; or that's her reflex reaction. I can generally counter that with kindness some; sometimes she even resists that. There are some parallels between abortion and miscarriage... but instead of me defining/explaining those, I'm waiting on her to tell me how she connects them. My opinions, feelings, or thoughts on the topic are totally irrelevant except as perhaps options/choices she hasn't already entertained. She might not entertain those either.  ;)  The crux of her flailing with this is finding a reason why she should forgive herself, I think. And not blame herself for current situations way out of her control.

On the one hand I'm relieved she's finally talking about this and with her full faculties engaged on the topic; not just an emotionally laden one-liner. On the other, there are a number of challenges for me - although I did ask permission/acknowledgement that I have my own feelings about this too. With that out of the way, I'm just along for the ride - she's driving this exploration - so I have keep my tendency to suggest helpful things; all of my natural wanting to just wrap her up and rock her... to myself. Me mothering HER, is only rubbing salt in the wound.

This is going to happen in snippets, over time. And her ideas/feelings/thoughts are likely to change about it over time too - as she talks it out. No idea how much time that will take.

Next week, the weather-guessers are predicting early spring temps - ie, mud season. The early trees have buds despite the arctic temps & snow. So, I need to be ready to shift gears from a mental space - less physical work - into getting the dirt ready for garden, seed starting setup prepared... and sowing seeds. I MIGHT put snow peas & snap peas out in April - but those get direct seeded if the soil temps are warm enough. I can't use tools in the dirt until it dries up enough. So that's a careful dance.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #81 on: February 20, 2021, 10:42:30 AM »
How incredibly painful for Hol.
I'm so sorry she's wrestling with that question.

Fault is an easy, easy word. Forgiveness is so much much harder.

She chose what she needed to do when she needed to do it. And at the time she probably didn't know there could be future harm to fertility. (I hadn't realized that myself. But Hol is intelligent and capable of researching it on her own. Probably better to leave that to her....)

I will never forget my D's choice. She arrived a day or two later
and told me in the driveway. I remember feeling broken-hearted for her
and even simultaneously for myself (bye, grandchild). But I also felt
fiercely protective. Angry on some level that she'd taken the risk
of inadequate BC and sorry there'd been no discussion, but knew it
wasn't my business. I remember telling her that it was unquestionably
her right, but at the same time that to feel grief was appropriate because
chosen or not, it was still a loss. She appreciated my inviting her to respect
her grief. I could tell she was deeply distressed. I felt awful for her. And oh
so pissed at the controlling boyfriend....

Later I sent her about 8 books about the issue--stories of the aftermath
and the huge very individual spectrum of responses: how women forgave themselves, some easily and some with difficulty, or many felt no such need
or trauma about it whatsoever, and all the ways in between. She told me the books had helped a lot, but also that she never wanted to discuss it again. Never did.

The only other memory I have of that time was taking her to an acoustic music festival in a gorgeous setting that weekend, and she saw a baby on a quilt and asked the parents if she might hold him. They said yes and after she picked him up
she just kept staring into his eyes -- it was overwhelming, as I sensed how
deep the moment was -- and she could not stop. At one point I could see the
mother was growing anxious, because D's manner wasn't normal (she didn't interact with the parents), so I finally kept patting her back and urged her quietly
to put the baby down because she was scaring the Mom, and she did. I knew in
that moment that she was going to be profoundly impacted by that choice for the rest of her life (I didn't assume it wasn't the right choice...just felt the full impact with every sense in me how profoundly it affected her).

My poor girl.

I hope Hol learns about self-love and self-compassion and self-forgiveness as THE most important things for her to know and work at and focus like fury on. It's the most important inner work she can do, imn-ho. (I know much of my D's agony was driven by shame, in addition to the illness. Broke my heart.)

I so hope Hol'll give therapy an honest and long-term effort because it could transform the rest of her life. She might even after some time qualify to foster to adopt, if she is interested. Or I hope she might; can't pretend I know.

Invisible hugs and comfort aloft her way. Your way, too.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #82 on: February 21, 2021, 11:24:43 AM »
Agreed on the therapy Hops. For many reasons (or excuses) it's not happening. I don't think this is going to be a long continuous topic of discussion; more fits & starts with her. Nibbling away at things. I'm certainly not going to push her - out of concern that I can't truly understand her feelings, even if I feel how intense her pain is at times. But I can listen, with a care for her and pay attention to things she's telling herself; watch for where she may not be that kind to herself. Obviously the miscarriages are more recent; and the fact she hasn't gotten pregnant again recently - even with hormone assistance - is why she's revisiting the older feelings.

I am quite familiar with her process. Over the years, it's been improved with about 6 mos of therapy; and much much reading. She may indeed be able to get to a reconciliation with herself on this, with my feeble assistance of being able to listen while she talks it out loud and our combined ideas/brainstorming.

I've been put on notice - subtly - to expect another B visit soon. There has been SOME progress with his infuriating health insurance system and providers. There is yet one major bridge to cross before dates can be discussed. And I'm in kind of an UNemotional place with this right now. It's complicated, as usual. ;)

As we approach this 2 year milestone of trying to maintain a long distance relationship, I'm not willing to obsessively imagine "what might be". I got things to do here and I need to be doing them. (Many of the little "just for me" projects have gotten crossed off the list already; some more - that are more interesting - to go.) I talk to B throughout almost every day - like the tide, some days are busier than others - as we share and discuss our everydays. This is a level of intimacy we're both comfortable in - and it's educational as to how we'll function together, when/if that time comes.

I simply don't have the perserverence to maintain a state of longing for someone I don't "have" around me - no matter how enjoyable it is being around him, when he is here. I can't live in that kind of purgatory without tweaking the old grief/loss buttons and those neural pathways. And it's not like I'm giving up hope or lost faith in his "plan" or "timeline" - but I can't put my life on hold until that manifests. Life throws everyone unexpected curveballs, including us. And in some ways - this is an educational time; learning healthier connection & communication styles. But I'm also keenly aware that I'm also using this to protect myself from disappointment... and that feels about as romantic as the kitty litter box.

That's another "tide"... or cycle... I think. And what I'm starting to realilze is that this relationship is going to be completely different from anything I've ever experienced or imagined experiencing before. Eyes open; knowing my limitations - seeing his... and I'm starting to approach my thinking about him & us... from a non-pattern place now. Not old styles of being in relationship; not old love language stuff either.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #83 on: February 21, 2021, 12:25:01 PM »
From your story, these things made me feel less alone (although of course we and our situations are so different):

I'm not willing to obsessively imagine "what might be". I got things to do here and I need to be doing them.

Difference here being, of course, that you have a much stronger grip on the obsessive imaginination than I do! Good for you, Amber. After two years, it's making sense that you are rejecting fantasy over what is. I need to do the same.
And I'm grateful for and inspired by your strength. [Trickle down the mountain, some of that, universe....himme?]

And this:
I simply don't have the perserverence to maintain a state of longing for someone I don't "have" around me - no matter how enjoyable it is being around him, when he is here. I can't live in that kind of purgatory without tweaking the old grief/loss buttons

That is a comfort and bucking-up (no pun intended) thing to read. I completely and deeply understand this as you describe it. I get a state of longing, interspersed with much happiness, and then...purgatory.

I have so much respect for your functionality. I feel many of the same things but in an inert puddle of quivering poet-pudding. You feel what you feel but act in your own behalf, and use activity both for health and fulfillment.

You're not just imagining and waiting endlessly to see if you get what you had hoped for with B. You're moving forward in your own separate life in the now.

Wow. (And you and B still sound close. I'm glad he's maybe visiting again soon.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #84 on: February 22, 2021, 10:51:03 AM »
Hops, in a not completely understood yet way, this is an evolution for me; a "levelling up" may be a clearer idea of how I used to interact in relationships. Hol & I briefly discussed the phenomenon where usually the female gives up part of her life/self in exchange for the relationship... entering into the male's world/worldview and forsaking her own. She called it pre-codependent. It IS a thing I've done in the past - it's beyond chameleonism - and it's always ended up non-reciprocal years later; as there is no invitation or expectation for the partner to enter MY WORLD, as well.

Well, partly due to the long wait and distance, I had to do something different. Earlier, maybe last year, I would stagnate into inaction and impotent mopey emotional states... and it felt familiar; just like those early days of grieving Mike when I simply couldn't move out of the "wishing him back" feelings. Obviously that's impossible. And it's just as impossible to wish B here, sooner than he can get here. So I decided to try to just live my life as I was pre-Buck; and still maintain close communication/feeling connected with him. And it's not just one way; he's doing the same.

When he's here; he's here and we can explore other aspects of our connection. But when he's not here - as he's winding things up - I have things to do to have the house ready to share; and work to do on the farm, to keep the project moving along to the point where maybe I'll make it official with the county (probably be another 3 years before that happens) and change the designation of the property, change the tax status, etc bureaucracy/business side of this. Our relationship doesn't include me "needing" him to share the work - altho this seems to be his natural bent.

And doing both things - maintaining a relationship while I move forward in my own life - is opening up the idea that this is a healthier way to relate; more to my liking for sure; and I have no idea where I got the idea that it was a requirement of a relationship to give up that much of myself in the fusing of a "we"**. Definitely losing that idea and watching myself for the reflex; stopping it when I notice it. I ain't doing that again. It's not NECESSARY; it's something "extra" that almost always breeds later resentment while forging that "we" space. It is reassuring that any time I make noises about being that way - B reminds me he wants an equal, with her own mind, life and ways of doing things... not a moldable robot that he can program any way he wants.

** Yeah, it sounds like enmeshment but I think it's a little more convoluted than that. And definitely more subtle. But whatever...

At this point, having worked so hard to get "me" put back together & functional after Mike, to understand who I am now - coz I'm not the same woman Mike married even; to say nothing of who I was before that... and to get back into the "decision>action>adapt & repeat" mode. I don't plan on giving that up again for anyone/anything. I'm standing up in the middle of my power; B is coming "correct"; and he wants to be part of my world and I'm giving him room and time and the space to reinvent his too. This doesn't intimidate him; doesn't scare him off; he likes it.

We have no commitment that this will be forever - except the emotional one; that we WANT to be together with plenty of space for us both to be who we are. He is intentionally giving up his world - that was his plan after his D got settled in college anyway; before sparks flew - only he was looking at inventing a new life all by himself. Then I butted in, with all my ideas.  ;)

We work well together. The chemistry is of course intense, when he's here. And we're able to talk to each other comfortably about most things; he doesn't like revisiting his painful divorces or talking about what he did on active duty; what was expected of him. He DOES... because he wants me know; he doesn't want to hide things - and he wants to know I'll accept those things about him. I do. And he's working very hard to make sure all that slides into his past... and stays there. He wants to live differently, and I can offer him what he had growing up in the mountains/woods. I do remind him a lot - we need to imagine some fun things to do too; not just work. He knows my story, too.

We respect each other - for what we've done in life previous to this; and who we've become as a result. We trust each other - and are still at the stage we're still actively working on this. I will say that I trust him more now; before he's even here than I thought I would. Neither of us are fans of playing the games that go on between couples. So I think we've got a fair chance of this working out.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #85 on: February 22, 2021, 06:04:44 PM »
My gosh, I'm so happy for you. For you both.

I realllllllllllly respect your anti-codependence thinking.

I'm embrodering this on a pillow:

both things - maintaining a relationship while I move forward in my own life - is opening up the idea that this is a healthier way to relate; more to my liking for sure; and I have no idea where I got the idea that it was a requirement of a relationship to give up that much of myself in the fusing of a "we"**. Definitely losing that idea and watching myself for the reflex; stopping it when I notice it. I ain't doing that again. It's not NECESSARY; it's something "extra" that almost always breeds later resentment while forging that "we" space.

Well, I don't have any pillows big enough. But it's a REALLY helpful thing for me to ponder. Thank you, thank you!


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #86 on: February 23, 2021, 08:00:01 AM »
Maybe it was the old "a relationship is supposed to be a two-way street; give & take" that wasn't completely explained well to me. Yes - reciprocity (or ebb & flow) is the natural dynamic of a relationship. But it doesn't go so far as to denying or hiding or cutting out part of yourself... to better "fit" with the partner; to be accepted, approved - loved.

It's more like a partner should ADD to you - perhaps complimenting, perhaps bringing something that's just outside one's own experience. The "thing" I'm trying to describe awkwardly is more visible in skill sets - put simply, B & I are like Ma & Pa Kettle. We have mastered our stereotypical, socially conditioned roles... and fit together well this way. Less obvious is that in some ways he's so creative I need to just turn him loose to do his thing - while I manage the bills, money, and business side of things.

I expect that there are going to be some things come up once he's permanently here, that are going to bug me -- and vice versa, I'll do things that worry or concern him. The one thing I know is that we can talk it out, and negotiate a "deal" between us. We started doing that last year, when he went to sea again.

This kind of thing is Hol's main obstacle with S. He simply will not; perhaps can not talk about his feelings about anything - to the point of denying he has feelings, except when there's an outburst. Neither she or I are strangers to this "symptom". She is so highly verbal (and this is her main tool for connection) - until the feelings are so intense they take over all her senses - that it SEEMS she has a handle on things; and I have seen a lot of change/growth/progress in the last 5 or so years in her but she's also doing a lot of a different kind of denial. She's not taking any action to change the situation and so keeps cycling through anger & frustration; and thinging there's something defiicient about herself responsible for his behavior toward here. She finds it's affecting the trust in their relationship - because he doesn't make himself known to her, to connect to - and as is common, she can only guess or imagine why. Some of it is clearly fear based. This is really bugging her now - because he promised her he'd open up more after moving to the hut; instead it's gone the other direction. She's started writing it out for herself. Wordsmithing. Naming/identifying feelings; and the shades thereof.

We talk about things this way a lot in between her drafts... it helps her to have someone to bounce her understandings and ideas off of... and it's understood, that I am only a resource, as requested and she is the one making the decisions about when/what... etc.  And if it seems I'm immersed in this topic, that's why.  ;)
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #87 on: February 26, 2021, 09:59:45 AM »
OK - maybe it's the full moon this weekend. Maybe it's the end of winter "spring fever" - bluebirds have arrived. Maybe I'm just having a self "high maintenance" moment. I'm still sleeping like a log my desired 8 hrs or more... adjusting again with the sunrise/sunset; no matter what the clock says.

I'm restless; full of energy; but without a main focus. Yes, there are things I still have to do in the kitchen. I gave the floor a serious scrub this week... so I could sand/paint those toe kicks; LOL. I am not entirely sure I'm that OCD yet. Even broke out the Windex to clean windows.

Still waiting... on spring, Buck, a clue or an idea to put my brain to work on... then my hands. There is always LOTS to do... but we've developed Pandemic Procrastination Syndrome. That's where even though there are 12 things to do on the list - you save half of them for another day, just to have something to do tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day...

waiting on contractors - doors/windows/siding for Hol's garage, then THAT'S done and she can move the rest of her stuff... and to get started on Buck's shop (I am not above bribery; but he really does need that building done to move his 4 ton milling machine in). Now that Helga is mine again, it's even more bait for Buck - working on her, customizing her is right up his alley. Hol's been using the ranger to go back & forth since Helga bit the tree... and I just got that back yesterday because she & S finally found a pickup to buy. We do need it around here and they've been looking for about a year.

Hol said this morning she decided on a whole list of things to do today - then promptly decided not to do any of them. That's EXACTLY the symptoms of Pandemic Procrastination. And it gives rise to the most sillyness trying to entertain each other.

SIGH. "Content" isn't even a thing right now; not in the serene, at peace, well-balanced sense of the word. She is going to lift some weight today (getting back into her strength training) and I have a short routine to strengthen core muscles which I desperately need to start doing. Physical solutions to the inner flipperty-whimppfffff-doodle energy. Perhaps that will help us be a little productive today. 

:D     Dream big, right?
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #88 on: February 26, 2021, 03:28:00 PM »
Boy, in your just-previous post, I could identify with a LOT of Hol's struggle with S (and herself). Hoo boy. Being intensely verbal and needing acknowledgement of his and her own emotional layers...and being blocked. Wow, that's familiar. Tormenting. I hope with age her own nature calms, and if he wants to live "the examined life" I hope he'll step up and learn something about how to, PDQ. Doesn't look likely.

Be nice (if one could wish such things) if he'd join her in couples therapy, with someone good. Could shift things. But that's Hol's life. I hope for her. And know it must be hard on you to understand so much of what goes on but be helpless to live out the solutions for her (and believe in them before she does). HUGS.

Continue to be inspired by your activity level...astonishing. To prove it, I walked a little bit farther than I did yesterday.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #89 on: March 02, 2021, 09:08:33 AM »
Well, things STILL seem slow around here. We had a couple spring-teaser days - then another form of winter: a couple inches of rain all in one stretch. It melted the snow and ushered in mud season. The hut parking area is a swamp. My backhoe buddy pulled Helga off the tree and up to my house across from the garage. It's now "Buck Bait" - he insists it's easy to fix and he likes working on this era jeep. Fine by me... if it gets him here.   ;)

I watched 5 Canada geese circle the pond in a landing pattern, before they noticed the domestic flock... and they ventured on down the hollow to the Hut pond. Sure sign of spring - they like to nest here. I've seen bluebirds & robins in the last few days too.

Stinker is now a eunich.  ;)  Poor little guy, he woke me up at 3 am, guess the drugs wore off, for kitty kisses & snuggles. While he was at the vet, I spent the time trying to clean up kitty "stink" from an adolescent tomcat. I still have carpets to clean - but I brought my big heavy Bissell from the beach. It's time to break it out and haul it through all 3 floors until I'm ready to replace carpet upstairs. That's gonna have to wait I think - the furnace has been loudly griping about being close to end of life... so I'm going to have to investigate costs & efficiency. Might as well do that before we get to a/c season, right? In a couple weeks, it'll be warm enough for Stink to start learning the wisdom of outdoors & the woods with Freddy. He'll go out during the day, next week, a little bit to get oriented to where "home" is.

B is still struggling; dragging the PTB (powers that be) along since he's gotten approval for IV antibiotics a month ago, to getting the actual appointments set up and drugs into him. He called everyone yesterday; only one call back so far. He is antsy to get up here; I'm antsy for him to be here. And it's to the point we don't have anything to say much to each other -- because there just isn't any good news about that one thing, right now. The skin eruptions are clearing - thanks to silver bandages and the tinctures I found for him. But heat and wearing socks/boots - normal work requirements - can quickly reverse progress. Walter Reed is sending his docs info on specific ABs and dosage/duration of treatment - since he pulled some strings. But that still doesn't speed things up -- that can't be done with power or money it seems. Nor media attention. Nor lawyers.

And I just can't think about that anymore -- or let myself feel much about it either -- without completely stopping all my progress around here to welcome B in, dead in it's tracks -- while pursuing my one goal this spring of getting the garden actually underway. On the other hand, I'm too good at "not thinking/feeling"... thorough... deep... and that causes yet another issue... which took me a couple days to deal with. I still have to untangle all that and find a simpler, more direct and balanced way through things like that.

More on that, after I've taken the time to unpack the brain more.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.