Author Topic: Farm Journal - 2025  (Read 307 times)


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Farm Journal - 2025
« on: January 31, 2025, 09:31:28 AM »
Yep, finally had a minute to start this year's thread. I posted on the old one, 'coz I was holding down the fort, trying to keep up with my stuff, helping Hol's housesitters through the freezing cold snap, and B with the frenzy of things (new experiences) coming at him at one time.

In one way, it was mentally exhausting. But perfect excuse for me getting in my "long winter's naps". Physically I was doing more too - and that's a good thing. Reining in a bit of my uninibited hedonism, too. No time for it!

Now, my 3x3 post-it "to do" list of my stuff is full. But I'm still checking some stuff off before I add anything else. A lot of times, my "list" consists of things I don't want to forget that I want to do, but right now, that stuff is going to have to wait. Like garden planning. It can wait a week or two.

Like I mentioned on Tupp's thread - I've been dealing a lot with B's internal narrative, relative to him selling a piece of property, having to interact with banks, processing a thousand little things... and of course the doctors.

Which is it's own cluster. New surgeon has already decided based on current imaging that he will not be able to move stimulator leads or implant spinal stimulator. He told Dr. Lee... who did not pass that info on. Dr. Lee is however, trying to acquire a new pump controller which allows B to apply 4 "bumps" of pain relief a day, if needed. So we're driving into the city later in Feb. to see new surgeon for consult on OTHER options for pain relief... even though, B's been thrown by the sudden news that the stimulator is a total no-go for him now. He's had to process that.

Hopefully, ONE of those surgeons can remove the non-functioning stimulator as B has been told (in the past - and maybe it's incorrect) that he is allergic to metal in his body. <shrug - who knows?? he's been told so many dumb things and yet he's still hopeful to find a smart and helpful doc> But it is a problem for him as he's hit that stimulator a number of times, and yeah - it's painful too.

We're now at the point of discussing options outside of insurance and the allopathic medical options. It'll be a long discussion spread over months. I will say, he's not been feeling terribly bad in the current "holding pattern". I'm kind of surprised. Still exploring this, for now. No, I haven't been using any herbal substitutes either. He does have a loratab prescription, recently increased in daily dosage, to deal with the "end of the day" onset of pain symptoms. Stress - like the new experiences he's been thru - DOES increase his pain. Lack of stress and worry decreases symptoms.

And I know a little bit about these psychosomatic (? right word?) interactions... so observing, studying, getting his input for now.
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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2025, 05:08:14 PM »
Bless you both, Amber.  B can't seem to catch a break, which makes research outside insurance seem wise, imo.

I hope you're enjoying this gorgeous weather..... yesterday was perfectly windy and mild.  Exactly right for putting moss back in place after hurricane.

Hug B for me.



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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2025, 09:22:23 PM »
I hope the "bumps" turn out to keep his pain at a level he can live with.

My heart goes out to you both. Severe chronic pain challenges people and those who walk beside them down to their bone marrow, their beliefs, their philosophies, and their deepest selves.

Sending unchanging courage and calm. All in all, it's still nature, that we can learn to walk with or abandon.

This not an easy road for you, Amber, but I hope the path has its beauties.

(Still in devices dilemma but strategizing forward.)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2025, 10:45:35 AM »
Since Hol's been back, she's been spending a lot more time at home on her stuff, with C hanging about helping her, too. That's good because B & I have been being homebodies and just getting caught up with the little stuff around here. It gives us a chance to work on our communication styles, teach him some more online stuff, and talk about the big things in digestible chunks.

Last week, there was massive confusion about the appt with Dr. Lee - because their AI sent him a message changing the date & time to way early in the morning. Office called Monday (orig appt), and offered to shift appt time 1/2 an hour, but no way we could've dressed, gotten out the door and navigated our gravel, snowy/icy road to highway and make that time. Turns out - the appt is ONLY required for Dr. to refill prescription. No, he can't just call it in. State law (not our state) mandates an in-person requirement for a Rx that barely helps. I rolled my eyes and muttered some snide comments about bureaucratic idiocy that are the antithesis of "care" all because SOME people abuse the system and narcotics.

We see referral doc way across Va, in the city, on Friday - for alternative options to the stimulator. Since apparently no one is going to take responsibility for changing the leads or removing the device - I asked and got no answer from Dr. Lee. I'll ask the new doc too. That appt MIGHT have to be cancelled; I'm watching the weather forecast closely for a potential snow storm. And we don't have any reason to believe this appt will offer anything useful. ( I DO, do my homework. )

Got the functional sewing side of the studio arranged, I think. There will probaby be little tweaks, as I do work in the space. Got all the fiddly pieces of my project cut out. Just the two main pieces to cut, but I'll have to mark, pin & iron about 20 small pleats, front & back. There's a couple mending projects, too. One summer dress, that needs alterations.

Still thinking about garden situation. There are a couple things that would be easier to manage in raised beds, but will need regular watering. And protection from the varmints. And herbs. And spring brings all it's own "projects". And Hol needs to harvest & process "her" geese that S left behind. Think they're going to be dog food.
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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2025, 02:59:00 PM »
Bless B's soul..... can't wait for him to catch a big dang break!  Beyond unacceptable FF's sake!!!


Good luck to Hol with processing S' geese.  I'd be tempted to give them reprieves, at a neighbor's farm, but then.... I'm done "processing" animals.  My nervous system deserves loving kindness. 
 Is that something C would help Hold with?  Not that she needs help, just say'in.

I stopped blending raw chicken and bones into dog food a while ago.....gack, pink goo😫, no thank you.  I still make dog food, but with gently cooked meat, veggies and ground eggshells for calcium and in 9 day batches.

Tell B I'm rooting for him.  Maybe reach out to Ranger J again?



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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2025, 08:08:43 AM »
This time it's less to do with the crazy insurance situation. It's more what's medically possible, B's refusal to give up seeking the goal of being "made whole" - and just accepting the best compromise we can find. And we are considering EVERYTHING. The neuroscience side of things holds some promise - but as y'all know, that's truly complex. Almost borders on "dark arts" - LOL.

This 4 months or so, he HAS been overall improved pain-wise; noting the exceptionally bad episodes which have lessoned in frequency. My advice to slow down his "to-dos" but still keep doing SOMEthing, seems to be helping. Like it or not, we're both staring down 70 years old. And while we ain't dead, frail, or incompetent yet - we aren't 40 either. There has to be some adjustment to expectations or one is chasing an unrealistic dream. I get that this might be more problematic for a guy who's been exceptionally physically active throughout most of his life. And good at it, too. Emotionally speaking.

I have noticed that working outside - in the garden, cutting wood, etc - has been less taxing on him; aggravates the usual pain centers less. It's the work of those negative ions, I s'pose - like in spring rain. In freshly turned dirt. He enjoys the sun & heat - my nemesis - so he can do a lot more than I can. I'll be pushing a little harder this year though. Strategies.

What neither of us needs, is to face the dangling carrot of "hope" that there is a solution from some doc - which only ends up billing insurance for visits that do nothing more than create the appearance of maintenance "treatment". We got things we'd RATHER spend our time on. And it truly is a time-suck for the "benefit" received. So far, the morphine pump is the best ROI - even without the bolus (extra boost) controller. With that controller, B & I can substitute a TENS unit and simple heating pad for relief from the spasms. Oral narcotics are mostly useless, basically only making him not CARE that it hurts - but also interfering with other more cognitive activities he could pursue. Those are the std tradeoff offered by Docs. And we could probably do the same, with the local primary care doc.

We'll know more after Friday. I plan to make this a REAL consulting appt. and not just a 15 minute "drive thru" visit. Then B & I will ponder and discuss... and maybe he'll choose another path. He's pretty tired of being "owned" by this second master. Trying to boost his autonomy the best way we can figure out.
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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2025, 03:12:51 PM »
Acceptance of physical limitations, after feeling strength and physical competence all his life, will likely bring more peace, but first will come the death of who he's always been.....and what he's always done.

That scatters my brain to contemplate.  I wonder who he  thinks he'll be, once he accepts the loss.  Does he feel he has to earn everything all the time?

Seems sneaking up on that reality, one little death at a time.....
ticking off activities B limits, then gives up .....rather than just writing that list and making it so.....will be less heartbreaking, IME.  Less shattering.

I should think the little reliefs, he reaps, will offset the by one.

I just don't see B accepting the end of whatever hope he's carried and kept alive .  He seems the sort to go down swinging, imo.

Accepting brokenness....and limits.... isn't the same as giving up ( just bc it feels that way, IME.)

It seems you're helping him accept trade offs, as maximizing  energy, time and joy, rather than viewing them through the lense of loss.

I hope you guys find the most helpful combination, the sooner the better.


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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2025, 01:28:48 PM »

I started breaking out in a rash a couple weeks ago. Thought maybe it was bugs (5 cats in the house) so I washed all the bedding. Rash spread; constantly ITCHES to high heaven. I have a pretty good calendula cream, tried that. Tried almost all my various potions/creams... can't find my bottle of Aloe... but we have plenty of plants. Rash turned in hives...

so I suspected an allergy. But to what? I've used Tide Free & Gentle for over 20 years. I did some searching online and lo and behold the formula changed... and I started seeing fellow sufferers complaining of the same rash, from whatever is in the new formula. I tried benedryl; half a 25mg doesn't affect me but kinda "tones down" the itch. I took a whole pill at bedtime but was hungover all the next day.

Bought Arm & Hammer sensitive skin detergent; rewashed bedding and all the clothes I'd recently washed. NOT HELPING; maybe this detergent uses the same chemical? Next, I'm going to try Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds. Hol swears by it; mostly castile soap. B keeps threatening to take me to the ER, but all they'll do is give me a Rx for a steroid cream... sigh.

So, this morning I broke out the cryptolepis salve. The herbs are infused in olive oil/beeswax to make a vasoline like salve. Cryptolepis is a pretty powerful antibiotic herb; given how much of my skin is broke out, I'm only trying it on a couple places to experiment. Thinking I might have some auto-immune over-reaction to the original irritant... but that hasn't happened to me, since I was 12.

Also drinking my detox tea, trying to boost things INTERNALLY. Just in case.

Do me favor & send me non-itchy good thoughts!
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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2025, 04:15:55 PM »
That sucks, Amber. My oldest DD looked like a huge hive of bees hit her, in areas Tide washed laundry, made skin contact.  My niece was visiting and uses Tide.  Huge YIKES! 

 I use ZUM detergent, in various smelling formulas.  Seems to work for us. No skin issues and laundry smells yummy.

I'm considering switching to those detergent sheets.....Arm and Hammer makes them, btw. 

Hope you heal up soon.



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Re: Farm Journal - 2025
« Reply #9 on: Today at 07:55:53 AM »
Thanks! I think the cryptolepis is helping... maybe?
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