Author Topic: Baby is here - now what?  (Read 23099 times)

mum as guest

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #60 on: June 20, 2005, 11:34:47 AM »
Oh, Cadbury, I felt the stomach knots myself while reading your post about your visit with the ex.  Owww. I have the same panic and fear in in dealing with my ex.  I do believe that it will be better to face him and it (fear) down now, rather than later, because I believe it never really goes away, so you might as well get the 'battle" overwith, or at least learn how to do it, as in the case of my ex, his "possessions" (children) are indeed what he views as his arsenal and "purpose" at the same time.

I am so sorry that you are in this situation. You did the right thing, walking out.  And you are completely right to have a (large...good idea, Brigid) friend with you next time.  
Don't believe for a second, that your ex has forgotten anything. He is probably strategizing at this moment.  I say this not to scare you......don't be scared any more.  Just be prepared and thus powerful, and he won't be able to take you by surprise.  Just do it.  Much better than avoiding it.  
He knows the score now.  Yes, he views your child as a possession.  It's hard to get beyond that, I know.  But he will not change that view, he is incapable.  Get armed.
My ex did indeed use my (very understandable and justifyable) anger to win his case against me.  So use your anger toward him to get prepared and strong, but don't let it cloud your judgement into spewing it in court. Stay focused. The courts in the US anyway, don't care why people break up.....they want to hear that you care about your child. That's all.  You know HE will be able to fake your TRUE caring for this child needs to be your focus.
That man was abusive to you and you  have every reason to believe he could be toward your son.  He had nothing to do with you toward the end of the pregnancy, and has a bad track record, etc etc.  Use that stuff.  and please GET LEGAL HELP!!
I know you have a lot on your plate (egads, woman, a Phd and small children???? You are amazing)....but you ARE amazing, so this guy is small potatoes.  You can do it!!!!!!!!


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #61 on: June 20, 2005, 02:12:25 PM »
Thank you all again. I am not really thinking straight right now as he has written me the longest email full of crap I have ever heard. Everything is my fault as usual. I have responded to it in as calm a manner as possible, but I don't know if I should have. I am now thinking that I should just let him take me to court and fight it out there.

Mum - your post was almost a prophecy!

I have tried to think about the future and how my son may feel about things, but it is difficult to think of how a relationship with his father may be for him. Maybe I will be enough of a balancing, loving, confidence building effect on him so that the crap from his father won't destroy him. Who knows? Maybe if all his contact were supervised and light hearted then he would stop all this crap. Then I think of my beautiful boy being destroyed by my ex and I can't bear it.

I am speaking to a solicitor tomorrow and hopefully that will help me work out what I CAN do and what I need to do for each case etc.

Well, I fel crap now and am going off to cry and get myself together.

Thanks all of you again. You help me so much.

Plucky G2

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #62 on: June 20, 2005, 02:58:46 PM »
Hi Cadbury,
congratulations on your new baby.  You sound like a wonderful mom.  Everyone has given great advice here.  I would just second that you should not express your anger to your ex.  I know that is the hardest thing in the world to do.  

1. Avoid voice to voice conversations.  If you communicate, it should be in writing where you have a chance to read it over and consult someone else, if need be.
2.  Do not read those emails he sends you. It is just imflaming you.  Above all, do not respond.  
3.  If you communicate with him, make it all business.  Only talk about logistics.  If he accuses you, insults you, etc just ignore it.  IGNORE IT.  Do not respond.  It's better if you don't even read it to begin with.  What does he have to say that is valuable?  I ask you.  Let him be the one wondering why you are acting as if nothing happened.
4.  Always have someone else as a witness.  Take a friend with you every time you meet.  Keep everything he communicates to you in a file.  Keep all your responses too.  
After those awful meetings with him, write down what happened, as you have done here, and keep it in a file.  If your witness is willing to do so, have them make notes too.
5. Don't tell him that you are documenting.  Never initiate contact with him.  Respond only in writing.

I hope this helps.
Plucky Guest2


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #63 on: June 20, 2005, 03:32:32 PM »
Hello everyone.

Plucky - your post was excellent, thank you. I have been documenting everything without letting him know. It seems like I was right to do so as he has now said that he will be taking me to court. Not for contact you understand, but to get our son's surname changed. He says that this is nothing to do with ego, but to help him bond with his son?!

oh I feel absolutely crap


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #64 on: June 20, 2005, 04:52:16 PM »
Not for contact you understand, but to get our son's surname changed. He says that this is nothing to do with ego, but to help him bond with his son?!

THAT needs to be in the Narcissistic comment Hall of Fame!!!

((((Cadbury))))), sweetie, it's ok to cry.....I would too.  But, as Gloria Steinam said:" just yell through the tears!" (or some such thing)

What an absolute moron that man is!!! What a selfish little baby. It may help to picture him as a tiny gnat, buzzing around trying to make a big noise over nothing. (that helps me with my ex....that and thinking of something rather unnatractive about him when naked!!!!)  Anything to get me to laugh instead of boil over in tears (although there is plenty of time to do that as well).
 I think you will feel better when you talk to a lawyer.  You will not have to guess at things, you can have a solid plan of action.  Sending you lots and lots and lots of motherly power!!!!!!
You can do this!  You love your child.  That's what this is all about: you love your baby MORE than you fear your ex....and that's why it will work out for you!

mum as guest

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #65 on: June 20, 2005, 04:53:18 PM »
Cadbury, that last one was me, Mum

Plucky G2

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #66 on: June 20, 2005, 07:50:30 PM »
Hi Cadbury,
hang in there.  Just a point of information here.    If your ex is not on the birth certificate, how can he get you to change the baby's name?  Could this be an empty threat?  Just to upset you?  He wouldn't do that, now would he?

Also, is there any financial responsibility he bears if he insists on being declared the baby's father?  Your lawyer should know.    Add it up over the baby's life until he's of adult age.  Whop that number on your ex (actually no, have your lawyer do it) before he makes up his mind to try to force you to do anything.

Take the offence and be prepared to prove your ex dangerous or unstable before he even gets his ducks in line to try anything with you. Don't sit back and wait to see what he will do.

If he wants to get a blood test to determine the baby's parentage, find out what else can be determined from a blood test and scare him with that (old drug abuse or drinking, old venereal diseases, congenital diseases that his insurance company would like to know about, etc).  Exaggerate if you have to.   And you do have to.

Yes.  I am telling you to fight dirty!  You go girl!

This whole thing makes my blood boil.  I guess it is sisterhood plus a baby at stake.  Turn those crappy feelings into constructive anger!  I will survive!    I am woman hear me roar!    Ok I'm shutting up now.

mum as guest

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #67 on: June 20, 2005, 08:02:06 PM »
Plucky 2: where were you when I started my court case? I could have used your shots in the arm.  Cadbury, she is right. Go on the offense. For warned is fore armed.
Plucky, are you in the legal field? You sound pretty smart!

Plucky G2

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2005, 01:17:09 AM »
Hi mum et al,

Plucky 2: where were you when I started my court case? I could have used your shots in the arm.

Well,I was out there wandering in the N induced wilderness.  Before I found my way in to the warm hearth of this board.  Sorry I wasn't there to warrior for you!

(At the risk of belaboring the point,) Cadbury, remember that if you first establish that he is unstable, everything he says about you afterwards will be viewed through that filter.   Don't let him have first crack at making you the loony one.

Plucky, are you in the legal field? You sound pretty smart!

Oh mum, thank you!  finally a compliment I can accept gracefully!  No, but I was in business.  That is how I got tougher.  Running with all the other rats.


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2005, 11:32:09 AM »
Thank you both so much. As well as all the practical advice, the fact that you understand what I am going through is such a weight off my mind. No matter how much I try and explain things to family and friends, they really can't grasp the enormity of what I am trying to deal with. They think he is just an arse. Which he is, but they can't fully appreciate the levels of manipulation. It's like I feel validated in all my worries. Thank you.

Well, I don't know whether he is taking me to court or not. When I told him that I was feeling intimidated by his threats he said they weren't threats - he would be taking me to court. When I then told him that, in that case all further communication would have to wait until I had taken legal advice, he started to back down. I don't know if he is bluffing or what he is playing at, but I have now arranged to see a solicitor and will not be contacting him again until I have had legal advice.

One of the sentences he wrote regarding our son's surname was " this is a fatal wound you have dealt me". ?!!!!! What is he like! If I hadn't been so concerned that he would be using the conversation in any court battles I would have just replied with "so die then"!! However, I just responded with "Now you are talking absolute rubbish". Which was okay, but didn't feel as satisfying!

I am now carefully documenting all the emails and yahoo conversations and preparing a file on him, so that if we end up in court I will be totally prepared.

Well, I am exhausted so I will go for now. Thank you again everyone who has responded.


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #70 on: June 21, 2005, 09:18:46 PM »

Keep your head up, don't give up on what you want for your little one.

I'm going this Saturday to the Paul Meiyer Clinic.
He is a graduate of Duke University and has written many books on the subject of the N and some major books on emotional disorders.
I also have a lawyers name from this clinic who helps in child custody cases that deal with spouses with emotional disorders.

Im marching in with the medical evaluation for a therapist  to review and explain the abnormal findings for my H, including him being Narrsisstic.
I have many e-mails to show them, with the last on saying Im trying to Murder him, Im going to cause him to have a stroke, not letting him see our daughter.

Im going to get help from this clinic so my 12 yr old daughter has a clear understanding, when her dad writes her letters, that I don't read, what to look for and the best way to communicate with him.

My D has a friend with a step-dad. He's been with her since she was small. My D was wishing I had left my H long ago in the hopes I would have met someone better to have rasied her like her friend's step dad.
She feels a great loss about her dad, I want to help her the best way I know how.

I think Plunky is correct to attack him with your mother instincts to protect the baby  from the unbalanced father. He will shrink away if you find a way to hit his poket book, insist on an mental evaluation and shed light with your e-mails.

I know you are worried, I have been away from my H for 4 mos now and getting stronger everday. I continue to pray for guidance and my H will heal from what ever makes him an N and all the other issues he has.
I love my D so much and it pains me deeply, that she feels sadness about her life.  

Best to get away from the N's as fast as you can

Take Care ......................OR


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2005, 11:42:09 AM »
Well, I am exhausted so I will go for now.

Sending you some powerful cyber energy in the form of good, strong, warm cyber hugs ((((((((((Cadbury)))))))))).

You're doing the right thing by consulting with a lawyer.  He is "an arse" eh?  But you are doing such a good job of stopping him in his tracks!

He's not controlling you anymore Cadbury!!  You're standing up to him, a little at a time and that's a good thing!  The more you do that, the better you will feel about not letting him make you crazy.

But it does take a lot of energy and so I will pray that you get lot's and lot's to sustain you through all this.  Eat well!  Pamper you some!  Rest when you can!

How is your sweet son doing?



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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2005, 11:49:02 AM »
Hello Everyone, thank you again for your replies and support etc.

Things have gotten quite bad recently in that my ex served me with court papers on Thursday (yesterday - seems like ages ago). Before he did so I had thought about trying to keep contact civil so that things weren't so difficult for us all. I wrote him and email to this effect on Wednesday, and asked him if e would like to meet me on Monday for contact. He didn't read this and set off on the whole court path. He then sent several messages to me saying that he had dee concerns regarding our son and my two daughters. He insinuated I was mad, my family was mad and controlling, and that he had witnessed all this! (?!!) He was very nasty and underhanded as he wrote it all as if he was merely concerned. Never mind the fact that it was all blatent lies! Then today he asked me if contact on Monday was still on! He genuinely wants a reply! He has twisted and lied about anything I have ever said, is hinting that he is going to go to court along the lines of my children being in some kind of danger and wants to know if I will be meeting him on Monday! I could scream!

Needless to say I have now got a solicitor and will not be responding at all, but God he is making me feel sick. Even after all his behaviour in the past, I never thought he'd be this nasty.


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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2005, 12:01:32 PM »
Oh Cadbury!  So sorry you are having to deal with all of this!  Not nice stuff at all! :(  :(

Glad you have a lawyer and good for you for not responding at all!  That must be hard to do!  I want to respond for you:

Dear Jerkoff:

Go blank yourself!




I never thought he'd be this nasty.

Those who behave like this never cease to amaze me!  It's shocking! :shock:
I can't fathom spewing such lies and acting so cruelly!

So sorry you have to experience this nasty stuff!


Sending you warm thoughts and strength to withstand this.
And keeping you and your family in my prayers too.


Plucky G2

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Baby is here - now what?
« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2005, 01:09:29 PM »
Needless to say I have now got a solicitor and will not be responding at all, but God he is making me feel sick. Even after all his behaviour in the past, I never thought he'd be this nasty.

This is scary huh?  Especially when you think that this is a person you were intimate enough with to have a baby!

The good thing is. you have no illusions any more.   From now on, don't waver in your knowledge that he is sick, malignant, ruthless, distorted, and dangerous.

You seem to be on the right track and the only thing now is to maintain your strength and focus.  Get support wherever you can.  You have my complete support.    Don't experiment and give him another chance.    Close off to him and to anyone who will be carrying his message.

When he discovers that nastiness and threats are not working, he will again try charm and sweetness.  Just look at that as a dishonest form of nastiness.  Stay quiet to him and let your solicitor do all the talking.  This is a good form of voicelessness!

Be strong.