Dragonsamm and all in this thread -
Your words are so thought provoking. Dragonsamm, I am 48 have had all the blessings that should have permitted me to live a full and fulfilling life but my experience has been anything but fulfilling. I have no money, a house that is almost falling down around me, have no friends, family that (at best) offers no support, have a 5 year old who is the love of my life but is certainly dependent on me, not good work history and I could go on and on. I have been trying to get at the source of my "dysfunction" for over 20 years but I have not given up.
I believe, (and am acting on this belief) that I can transcend this darkness and get to the place, to the life I once envisioned. I have been reading about brain and mind and have received the concepts of moving toward living on a plain of higher energy. Thich Nhat Hanh writes in "Understaning our Mind" about nuturing the seeds in our consciousness that we want to grow. In part, I am going to nuture those seeds that tell me, against all odds, that I have broken through the walls of paralysis - that I have a job, that I have friends, that I have a nurturing home and on and on. His teachings along with Wayne Dyar's in "The Power of Intention" fit neatly with my Christian philosophy. They provide me with tools to fight the oppression of the shaming binds that were put on me by my FOO. I could not free myself from these shackles because I felt bound to my parents and brothers out of loyalty but also I wanted to BELONG. I wanted that life that I grew up in but also more significantly I NEEDED to connect to those people who were my very life source. The annihilation of my very being began perhaps at birth and has been so incidious perhaps in part because it was not conscious and was not necessarily spoken. I have had to name everything for myself and in my youth, up until recently, when I have tried to elicit validation from friends, family even therapists, I have fallen short.
When you wrote about your struggles with therapists waiting for you to solve your own problems I identified with that. I love my therapist but I have really needed more. When I came upon th concept of NPD via the internet I asked him what he thought. He agreed but his agreement was lackluster enough for me not to feel reassured. Well that's the crux of the matter. Growing up in a family that not only did not nurture but took any and every opportunity to belittle and besmirch me I need more that a nod in order to integrate anything that contradicts my families accepted order. I would have like or my therapist to do a Tom Cruise and jump up on the sofa and shout. Even today, when I am knocking on my own wall of paralyzing shame and getting no nudge I will not let go of my belief that when I convert this low energy shame to high energy something, then these fetters will be loosed. But I am retraining my brain to operate on a new energy level and it will take practise.
There is a marvelous book, "The Mind and The Brain" by a psychiatrist who specializes in OCD. In this book the author focuses on the neuroplasticity of the brain to help OCD by first identifying the obsessive thought as "a misfiring of the brain". And then he works to create a means to get that brain to fire correctly. This book and th other books mentioned above among others are pointing to the same thing. I believe it and I know that I can apply it.
Perhaps the turning point came for me in several months ago when I was reading something on the internet about Narcissistic behavior and in addition to my father I saw myself. And in a flash I knew what had caused me so much struggle in recent years with friends and store clerks, bank tellers, etc. For a moment, in a panic, I feared that I too might be Narcissistic but then I realized my behavior was simply mirroring what I have received. Looking back, it is no surprise that I have lived on a low level energy plain - frustrated about the way things are, unable to see how I ended up where I have, unable to discern the difference between me and those I grew up with, unable to understand where I went wrong, and once life went wrong I was unable to see why I couldn't get back on track. Well first of all, I never was on track and second of all - my heavens - no wonder I lived in such depression - it was all I or my family had ever lived even though, as a child, we had everything you could ever want - materially, socially, educationally - everything: everything except love and support and encouragement. Everything except those wonderful high energy emotions. So now my work for myself, my son and the world around me is to convert all of my depression, all of my fear, all of my doubts to hope and prosperity and fullness of life. And I am going to do it step by step and to the extent available I will receive any encourage offered here and anywhere else.
Dragonsamm - take this journey with me. Convert your doubts and fears by focusing on them with love. Open those recesses of your memories and love that child desparate for encouragement and hope. Pour love on her, conjure in your mind the perfect parents and let them love her and stand betgween her and your real parents. I do that, and it helps. It is slower than I would like but I will not let that deter me. Will you walk with me Dragonsamm?
Your in love - come with me, I'm - Gaining Strength