I never had a boundary in me. When I telemarketer called, I bought. When a salesman sold me, I bought. Someone asked me to work the nursery at church, I worked it (I hated it.) Lots of times I would say yes, then not show up. Avoid the person for years. All over a simple NO. I didn't divorce my first husband because my nmom said, "hate the sin, love the sinner" (found out he had had at least 20 women while we were married="the sin.")
But one day when I had had it - it was like a volcano erupted inside of me and I went on a rampage RAGE!!! Oh, I more than set boundaries......................anyway, it was soooooo hard on my nmom. She went through MAJOR withdrawals not being able to control me anymore. "Would you like to go to the State Fair?" No. "Can I sign up your daughter for VBS?" No. "Would you two like to join us for....." No.
"Hello, this is Joe Blow from XYZ company........." Click. "Can you work the nursery?" "I'm sorry, I am already booked at that time." "If I could get the payment on this car that you like today, can we sign the deal?" "No, I haven't decided yet, but thank you."
That is the most liberating feeling EVER. And the fact that I am in a network marketing company and I call people and ask them if they might be interested in learning more and they say no, I say "OK. By the way do you know anyone else who might be interested in pure, safe and beneficial products?" Gee, I lived and they told me NO!!