OK, so here's what I think about that. One day I have had it and I am ready to drop kick him. The next day I am sympathetic and feel I was irrational. I do that a lot = my emotions do tend to go up and down, up and down................
I had a conversation with him today and told him that while his career is on an uphill swing, his drinking can derail all the positives...even if it doesn't happen immediately. He went away and came back and acknowledged that if he were to get caught drunk driving it could ruin his career as our newspaper publishes the names of intoxicated drivers.
I even told him that I wasn't opposed to social drinking, it was the need to get drunk every Thursday, Friday and all day Saturday - every week that made me uncomfortable. I said couldn't you limit your drinking to just one day a week?? Well, he came back with, couldn't he start later in the day on Saturday and make sure he ate first?? Well, in my mind that is a baby step - but a step. There is a difference between cracking the first beer at 10 am and being passed out by 2 pm, and having lunch at noon and drink a few beers while watching a football game at 2:30.......................still not perfect, but a step.
So, Hope, while I understand where you are coming from, I have been with a couple of men who have sucked the life out of me. And if I feel for one minute that my new husband is going to fall in line with the rest of them and take and take and take and never give a thing, then I will not stay, and I DEFINITELY will not put him before my children!!
Boy, If I called into Dr. Laura she would let me have it, wouldn't she? She would have told me to not get remarried until I had my children raised in the first place!!