hi kelly,
sorry, that was confusing. I meant that N's like to point the blaming finger all the time, lots of relatives are ready to jump on the bandwagon of hating the person that finger gets pointed at (the scapegoat), but really, it's the guy (or gal), the N, who's doing all the pointing that needs to get their head examined!
I am now very skeptical of someone pointing a finger at anyone (myself included). I always like to examine all the possible motives. Only after I can find none is it possible for me to say, OK, I'll take a look at this person you want to blame....
I have found myself become a whole lot more forgiving of people, since I learned about N. Before, since I was raised with Ns, I thought it was normal to just go around blaming people for all sorts of things, such as: (said in a whispered voice) I think that woman is depressed. or That guy is probably an alcoholic. or that kid is just a bad seed. etc
Now I'm finding I have a strong aversion to finger pointing. I just don't see how it's necessary to get through life. Typically those pointing fingers (not us, we're pointing out our Ns and coming to self-realization, which is different) are doing so to shift the blame and shame they have, their deep pain, onto others. Only when we realize where pain comes from, and learn not to transfer it, can we become whole.
I'm sorry to hear your T experience went so poorly...but then, I'm not surprised. There are some really bad T's out there. Some just clueless. I was lucky to have found a really great T who understands N, recently. I emailed her initially with the request: I would like to find a T who can help me divorce my N parents. So that sort of set the precedence. I didn't feel like it was necessary for her to meet my Mom, as I'd already made this decision. She is 100% on my side, for me..the other T I saw with my Mom, always felt like a conflict of interest or something with that one. I could never tell who he was pulling for. I find it is probably impossible to remain neutral in this case. Your T's job is to support you, to nurture you, and to become a soft place to fall. I just don't see how they could do that if they were in contact with N. Typically, in my case, I've felt anyone sympathetic to my Ns just didn't understand.
p bean