Thank you thank you Thank you, for your kind words. For you nice heart to empathize with another human being. Thank you. It is very nice to come here and ventilate, and receive consolation, and comfort.
Today the report cards went home. I had the last chance to change grades, but I did not. I prayed all night. I know I did the right thing. Later in the day I found out that two of the Fs were not going to complain because they were expecting something since their children were written up before. And the other two were in deep trouble because they had a very low GPA including the coach's son. Those are almost lost cases, unless the parents do something radical. So, the sports director told me that he did not think that the coach was going to jump on my back. if they do, they will be very weak, since I had a good judgment. So, the only problem left is two Ds to two rude ladies that are future Ns, and will serious attitude problems. If they confront me, the only sin I had is not to call them and tell them of the behavior, because I was intimidated by their past actions. But that is easy, I will apologize, tell them that I am sorry i did not notify them before, but I thought I could handle it and the kids got out of control and that is why they got a D. Also I will tell them that their kids know right and wrong, that they are 18 years old, that they are young adults, that next year they are going to college and they need to apply them selves. I have documentation, and witnesses of their behavior. So, probably they will not give me a big trouble.
Or so I think. I feel a little better today. if they fire me for doing the right thing, then I do not want to work in a Christian school where they protect the bullies. And on top they control my life, I have to go to their church, I cannot have a beer because it is considered a sin, i cannot go to a bar, because id they see me I will lose my job. And if on top of it they protect the bullies, then, please, god help me. I went to the principal's office just to take temperature, asked him how he was and he chatted with me about classroom management and books to read. He was not mad at all. So, I am assuming that he does not expect a problem.
In my same school, a wonderful elementary teacher was fired this week, because an angry mother called all parents and set her up. It is scary. This summer I will think what I should do. Maybe look in a public school. I do not know. Now, the big trouble will start after spring brake because the instigator is in Europe, since half of the school went to Europe and they are coming back after spring brake on the 26th. But the four F were there today and did not do anything.
But, it is wonderful to be able to talk here with all of you. For the first time I feel that I am getting my fair share of attention. it is wonderful.
I love you all.
God bless you.