Author Topic: Things I like  (Read 72862 times)


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2007, 01:20:00 AM »

Wrong thread but..... smelly ferret fur on a humid hotter than 3 hells day.....  hmmmmm......



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Re: Things I like
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2007, 08:15:38 AM »
Here are some more:

Enjoying my own company

Meeting friendly people

Exercise that is fun and feels good

Finally finishing a project!

A cozy sleep with beautiful music-filled dreams

A good belly laugh


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2007, 08:33:41 AM »
A ferret bit me once but I still like them

Animals animals animals animals animals animals animals

Shark Week on TLC. Watched an amazing show last night about a man who was obsessed with swimming with sharks, and who practiced "tonic immobility" with them. He would take their snouts in his hands and press on the sides of their heads in a certain place and they would lapse into immobility, like a comatose state. Then he would hold them while they sank toward the bottom together...then he'd let go and they'd wake up and swim off, fine. Some of them seemed to like it and would come back for him to touch them again. He dove over and over in different places with different kinds of sharks. His goal was to prove something about their nature, to contribute to saving them. Most amazing was a huge great white who allowed him to take hold of her top fin and then carefully pulled him along with her as she swam...for about 75 feet. It has never been done or photographed before. She "volunteered" to do this, and it was in her control, not his. (He had learned the "going tonic" thing on the assumption that would be the safest way for humans to learn to interact with sharks. But the ending suggested that perhaps their own curiosity and some willingness on their part to interact, be touched, etc...showed that even more amazing things could happen.) Naturally, we should leave them alone...and for godssake stop butchering them alive to make shark fin soup. (Whoops, wrong thread...that's a thing I dislike.)

What surprised me most was how many of the sharks were curious and would swim up to him and turn so he could touch their sides, stroke them, etc. And he worked with several species that have attacked humans (mistaking them for prey, as a shark's bite is how they "taste"...the equivalent of our taking a sip of something). Yoickers, but I loved seeing their intelligent and curious side.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Things I like
« Reply #48 on: August 10, 2007, 08:48:13 AM »
Dear Hops,

My ferret wouldn't bite you  :)   He is Mr. Personality Plus, and he's brightened my life in so many ways.
My husband took the kids shopping for my birthday last year... and - ouila -  there he was... and I'll tell you... his curiousity and exuberance in exploring his surroundings absolutely lights me up. I've had animals of all sorts, but this little guy is definitely the most social, loving, comical, entertaining critter in a small package that I have ever had the pleasure of being owned by.  :D 
Which reminds me... he needs a bath!!

Happy Friday, Hops and all  :)


P.S.  on edit... I forgot!  When you lift a ferret by the scruff of the neck, you get the same response of "tonic immobility".  The ferret immediately begins to yawn and goes limp. Apparently this is because he lapses back to a state similar to that of an infant, being carried in his momma's mouth.
But I dunno why sharks respond like so.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2007, 08:50:27 AM by Certain Hope »


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2007, 08:59:24 AM »
What really feels good in my "stomach is  "making a difference in someone else's life. It is "stomach food"
My poor battle weary stomach needs  "stomach food".I am going to go on a quest for it.It is my version of "What I like" .Hope that is O.K.  .                              Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #50 on: August 10, 2007, 12:57:29 PM »
What really feels good in my "stomach is  "making a difference in someone else's life. It is "stomach food"
My poor battle weary stomach needs  "stomach food".I am going to go on a quest for it.It is my version of "What I like" .Hope that is O.K.  .                              Love   Ami

I wish you'd go volunteer....


I wish I could go hold babies at the hospital.... preemies.... crack babies...... but....

it's not possible while I have little children.  Also, not a good idea if needles and medical proceedures freak you out... tubes and wounds, etc.

You could also volunteer as an advocate/victim support at the emergency room. 

Bringing them clothes and calming them down.  In some counties you would also deal with child victims.  Not for everyone. 

You have to take a class and sign up...... go through the system but I think it would really feed your stomach to reach out and help people less fortunate or truly in need of help. 

You spend a lot of time feeding your stomach here but.... I think you could multiply this experience by 1000 if you could lay your hands on someone and really see that you're helping someone, IRL.

Certain Hope

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Re: Things I like
« Reply #51 on: August 10, 2007, 04:03:59 PM »
I wish you'd go volunteer....

I wish I could go hold babies at the hospital.... preemies.... crack babies...... but....

it's not possible while I have little children.  Also, not a good idea if needles and medical proceedures freak you out... tubes and wounds, etc.

You could also volunteer as an advocate/victim support at the emergency room. 

Bringing them clothes and calming them down.  In some counties you would also deal with child victims.  Not for everyone. 

You have to take a class and sign up...... go through the system but I think it would really feed your stomach to reach out and help people less fortunate or truly in need of help. 

You spend a lot of time feeding your stomach here but.... I think you could multiply this experience by 1000 if you could lay your hands on someone and really see that you're helping someone, IRL.


I think that's an excellent idea!!
In our small community, the local Christian mission thrift shop and help-center are always needing volunteers... no tubes or needles there. But personally, I'd love to take a class like the one you mentioned.

The other place that always needs help is the womens' shelter... even if it's just entertaining the youngsters while the adults work out details.



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Re: Things I like
« Reply #52 on: August 10, 2007, 04:11:08 PM »
A surprisingly icy cold A&W Root Beer from Walmarts front beverage case.

Henry Weinhard's draft root beer in the bottle is the choice of connoisseurs. 8)


Certain Hope

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Re: Things I like
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2007, 04:12:16 PM »
A surprisingly icy cold A&W Root Beer from Walmarts front beverage case.

Henry Weinhard's draft root beer in the bottle is the choice of connoisseurs. 8)


heh... who asked ya, pizzaman?  :wink:


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2007, 04:12:50 PM »
I really love someone with a genuine altruistic spirit-                 Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2007, 04:22:55 PM »
heh... who asked ya, pizzaman?

I should know. What goes better with pizza than root beer?


Certain Hope

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Re: Things I like
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2007, 04:27:22 PM »
heh... who asked ya, pizzaman?

I should know. What goes better with pizza than root beer?


lol.. you got me there, Brother Mud... make that a root beer float and I'm in 100% agreement!


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2007, 01:13:44 AM »
Things I like...hmmmm...this is a fun one!

--almond rocka
--really well done commercials
--John Mayer, Corrine Bailey Rae, and John Denver
--jokes that make me pee my pants
--movies movies and movies
--cool documentaries
--people with great accents
--cosy sweaters
--a wonderful book and uninterupted time to read!



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Re: Things I like
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2007, 07:25:15 PM »

Knowing when I need to shut my yap.

People who honor and aren't afraid to use the answer, I don't know,  when they don't.

Being asked to restate something when I haven't been clear. 


Black eyes.

Blue eyes.

Brown eyes.

All the in between colors of eyes.

When my behavior and my state of mind/heart match (i.e., When I'm not faking the Golden Rule, but living it. 


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Re: Things I like
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2007, 07:42:24 PM »
It really does feel good to live the way we feel on the inside, doesn't it tt?

BTW.... why did you leave out green eyes?