The following was in today's Annie's Mailbox. I think this NSperm-Donor is a real piece of work! I couldn't help but think "What Would Judge Judy Do?" if this case appeared before her. I know she had similar cases where it came out that the children were being ripped off by the NBiological-Units and Judge Judy would rip the creeps a new one!!!! (YAY, Judge Judy!)
"Dear Annie: My father is a dentist and earns a good living, but he is going after my money. When I graduated from high school, he took the money relatives and friends sent me and kept it for himself. A year later, he and Mom were going through a divorce, and he subpoenaed my work records to find out what I was earning. Their divorce was finally settled, but when Dad found out I was awarded a partial college scholarship of $980, he wanted "his share."
Mom and Dad both paid for my college tuition, but I worked hard to earn that small scholarship so I could stand on my own two feet. I am frustrated and a little disgusted with my father's greed. Shouldn't he feel proud of his daughter's accomplishment instead of trying to steal it? His true colors came out during the divorce, and I took my mother's side. Now he apparently has divorced me, as well. I support myself and don't believe he is entitled to my money. What should I do? — Spurned Daughter
Dear Daughter: Unless Dad is planning to take you to court for that money, we think you should ignore his demand. It is mean-spirited and punitive. Some disturbed and misguided parents try to hurt the ex-spouse by going after the children. We hope Dad will calm down, and while you're waiting, please consider both legal and emotional counsel. Your college counseling department should be able to help."
What are your thoughts?