Over the weekend, I did encounter one know-it-all-N who was hell-bent on forcing me to do what SHE wanted after I told her NO several times!!!
One of the rules that was emphasized, repeatedly, was: "Do NOT bring another victim to the disaster!" This means do NOT put yourself or anyone else in harm's way if they are not already injured....either pretend or in real life. An example was with the use of the cloth stretchers that have SIX hand-holds on them...THREE to a side....it is designed that way for a reason and it REQUIRES SIX PEOPLE to use it! We all practiced with them the day before the exercise and were reminded, repeatedly, that SIX PEOPLE ARE REQUIRED TO USE THEM! During the disaster scenario, two people attempted to ignore that instruction and started to pick up a victim laying on one of the cloth stretchers. Those of us, nearby, stepped out of our "injured" characters and shouted: "NO! DO NOT PICK HER UP! GET FOUR OTHER RESCUERS BEFORE YOU TOUCH HER! OTHERWISE YOU WILL HURT HER AND YOURSELVES REAL WORLD!!!!!" The "would-be-rescuers" got the message and recruited four others to assist them.
I was still on the ground and staying in character as a living "burn" victim when the N started cranking up her nonsense! "I'll help you up! They are not coming back! I know it all!" I tried to remind her that she is supposed to be playing "dead" and "dead" people are NOT supposed to be talking and attempting to control the scenario! (Essentially, lay down, shut up, and play dead! LEAVE ME ALONE!) I did NOT want her to touch me because (1) she does not know my real-world disabilities and could easily injure me, (2) she could easily injure herself by attempting to pick me up by herself, (3) she could easily drop me because she doesn't have the physical strength to lift me....I kept enforcing my boundaries and I could see she was PISSED OFF!!! (Too bad!)
God save me from N's!!!!!!!!