I guess we have to figure out how to handle and overcome the increased emotional terrorism following any attempt we make at setting healthy boundaries, lol?
An increase in terrorism we couldn't handle in teh first place so we start drawing assertive little lines in the sand.
The N's go right to world war III bc that's what they do.... and we're cringing under the firepower.
Man that just sucks.
Our attempt to protect ourselves is
treated like an act of aggression..::.shaking head::
It's more than difficult if we, or our spouses and children, are dependant on the ones we're trying to set and sustain bounadries with.
They have lots to bargain with and they don't think twice about sacraficing anything and everything to get their selfish irrational needs met.
Makes no sense....::shrug::
That doesn't help us figure it out.
I think it was Mud who said that 'trying to figure out something that makes no sense, is a waste of time."
Something similar to that.
So..... we can set a boundarie then run for cover!
We can speak a truth then run for cover!
Then what?
We're harrassed, accused of doing exactly what they're doing, punished, denied and called selfish and crazy....
guilted, shamed..... manipulated into feeling pity, the absolute worst!
We can control our own thoughts and actions...... reactions, but not how others will guide their behavior.
We make discoveries, try to resolve some of the conflicts causing us pain, then get hit with quadruple the chaos in reaction to our boundarie setting, lol.
I;d like to think that most people recieve support and care from their FOO's. Not sure at this point

How crazy is it when the people who're supposed to be guiding and protecting us are subjugating, scapegoating, controlling and dominating us for shits and giggles?
SO they accuse us of EVERYTHING they're doing and more and we're back to feeling the things that people who actually committed those offenses SHOULD feel!
And the nauseating confusion.....
We keep doubting ourselves bc we're good people.
How do we break that cycle?Teacher speaking to class:
"Today, class... we practice our new mantra.....
insert fingers in ears, thusly......
repeat after me.....
la la la la la la la la la la la la!"
A vision of myself holding a cross and chanting some version of holy words just came to mind

I guess as long as the N's have something they can successfully bargain with (read that as hold over our heads and emotionally terrorise us with....) we're in a bind?
We can't expect them to change..... so what can we change?
Our expectations. CHECK
We can stop internalizing their words. CHECK, maybe.... sometimes, lol. It comes and goes!
Our own reactions to their words.
I don't think we can do that successfully while we're dependant on them for
There is no resolution, in that case bc they tirelessly dog us into submission, bc they can. It's what they
Because we allow it?
They up the aggression until we cry uncle or run away, screaming like our hair's on fire.
Who can take that kind of sustained manipulation and remain steady?
I can't.
I've tried and I shut down too.
Or I'm patient for just so long then.... BOOM!
Are we asking the wrong questions?
Should we be asking ourselves why in the world would we
try to sustain relationships like that?
Is that what 'normal' people do, without thinking about it?
Is the fact that we're willing to waste vast amounts of our limited time and energy the problem?
Is that the reason why we can't find happy?
Right now..... I feel like trying to have a relationship with N's is like standing there with a cross and jabbering excorsism rites at someone who can't possibly be freed from their demons

How do we find serenity facing that? Being pulled and pushed and batted around unless we submit and give up our voices again?
Or... at the very least, pretend along with them while believing some entirely different reality..... I guess humoring them (like their idiot savants) and living like we're the only adults in a room full of toddlers?
Do we parent them?
I'm just not that strong..... I don't have enough energy to parent abusive destructive adults who dwell in a position of trust in my life....
let me rephrase that....
dwell in a position
a trustworthy person WOULD occupy in a heathy person's life!! 
Is it us?
Are we truly missing the point here?
SHOULD we be giving up, getting over it and moving on...... but we're not?
Are we just making the noises people make BEFORE they get it together and truly give up hope and really really move on?
I don't know but I'm self medicating with food right now and can't stop to save my life: /
Are we trapped bc we allow ourselves to be?
Are we creating the trap ourselves?
Is the trap in our own minds?
Do we have the power to exist with the N's and not be afffected negatively?
Could a Tibetan Monk handle it?
A Tibetan Monk wouldn't ever find himself in this postion, hmph.
Is it as simple as the AA slogan.....
replace replace replace?
And finally..... do we, like other addicts, have to hit rock bottom before we've had enough and finally grasp the depth of what we're dealing with?
Is that what this all comes to?
I must admit.... I'm not thinking with complete clarity today.
I may come back and argue opposite points tomorrow

As of right now..... I see trying to sustain healthy relationships, with people who do us harm, akin to beating our heads against the wall.
Trying to get them to
understand what they're doing?
Akin to beating our head, shoulders knees and toes against the wall: /
Trying to make sense of it all?
Akin to beating all of the above against wall, then flipping ourselves backwards and dashing our heads on the pavement.
end rant