Dear Hardtotrust,
I can really hear deeper messages from your FOO, in your voice,such as 'You will never have life's riches", "You will always be a"loser", etc. I hear very deep messages of pain. That is the place where you have to start your healing,IMO, looking at these deep messages and challenging their validity.
Papillion talks about this, I think. He had to see himself as HE was, not as his family told him he was. That is what I am talking about, dear friend.
I have tasted all the good things life has to offer and I was left alone and dying b/c of my M's mesages ,in my head, which I believed. They overrode all of my successes.
Everytime I reached one of life's milestones, college graduation, graduate school, marriage, two beautiful sons, nice house, etc, I thought I would "arrive", feel good about myself, but it never,ever worked. In fact, the more success I had , the WORSE I got b/c I realized that it was not helping me.
I gave up totally ,once my sons could drive. I did not need to take them places and so I just gave up and stopped trying all the activities I had done before. I had friends,parties, was in a dance group, went to church,etc. I just gave up b/c I could not get out of"gray" and 'numb" and I had tried it ALL,IMO.
I am saying all this to say that even if you had a wonderful wife and a wonderful baby,in the best possible circumstances, it would not touch the deeper pain, I don't think.
The deeper pain is where your healing needs to be, as mine was.
Now, I am healing. God sent a person to love me. I needed "first aid ",badly, and a flesh and blood person came in to my life to love me,unconditionally. Then, I was able to get God's love,more, b/c I experienced a human unconditional love.
Ask God to heal you and send the people you need to help you.
Trust me, YOU have value. Believe me, hardtotrust,until you can see it for yourself. Love and a Big Hug Ami