Dear Hops, TT, Flowerpower, and Ann,
Thank you so much for your posts. It really gives me so much comfort that you are there.I have 3D friends ,but it is hard to impose on them when they have their own lives and troubles.
Ann,it is not an imposition to ask for the details of the doctor's story. *I *would ask the same thing.
The car crashed. He went above his body and looked down and saw his body. He AND the D walked on a beautiful,green ,lush ,vibrant path toward heaven. They walked, did not fly etc.
I think there were beautiful sounds, too.He said that it was very "earthlike" not cloud like.
They walked to a gate. The D went in and it closed to him. He said ,"No, I don't want to go to the other place." He was afraid. A voice filled with the most incredible love said,"You must go back and finish your life."
The D was on the other side of the gate waving to him WITH 2 people he did not know,When he regained consciousness, he told his wife about the 2 people(described them), and she started crying. It was HER grandparents ,whom he never knew ,so did not recognize.
The doctor left his practice which he did not like and started a new practice.
His other D told him, 'Dad ,what would we have done without you,". He realized that he did have a "job" on the earth.
He is not afraid if death or life. He says that only one thing matters----belief in Jesus as the way to God.
WHAT a story,Ann.
I could hear the joy in the man's voice. He "knows"b/c he has been there.
I did not call him until that night, and that night he was home and could talk,just when I really needed it, so that was a wonderful gift for me.
He is so NOT a "nut", so credible. Love Ami