Yah, I lived in my room and nowhere else. As I grew older the only time I'd leave would be to go get some drugs. I wouldn't be comfortable out in the world though, and I'd head back home as quickly as possible. My father sat, and slept, on the couch... and never left. Despite not having a curfew, I'd sneak out of my window to avoid him if I had to go anywhere. It didn't matter if it was midnight or the middle of the day. I didn't even wanna come out to go to the restroom. Thinking about it today, I didn't really how much shame and embarrassment I had about all that. Between my mother and father, they completely destroyed any confidence or sense of self I could have developed. I grew up and went to school and didn't interact with my peers like everybody else. I didn't just have low self esteem, I had ZERO esteem. Can you have less than that? I could not interact with people because I just didn't feel I was good enough. That was long ago, but gosh... I was messed up. I think I may have been turning into an avoidant personality at that stage. I wanted to be a part of everything, I wanted friends and people in my life, to be cool, and popular. But my esteem would have none of that.
I used to think I developed better self esteem and gained my confidence, but I'm not so sure anymore. I think I just made a science out of ignoring it and its all in there somewhere still waiting for me to face it. Maybe I just stopped feeling bad about it and accepted myself the way I was. I'm probably over confident now, but my self esteem and self is trashed very badly. I'm glad to know it, though, cuz I can fix that.
One of the weird things I realized is that... with my ex... I got brainwashed pretty badly. I still can't decide if I feel she did it intentionally or not. but I came to the conclusion I let it happen. I even helped. I told myself I was a failure, and bad, and not good enough, and spent a great deal of time brainwashing myself. In a weird way, I think I'm my own worst enemy. They may have started it, but I kept it going. I'm doing my best to treat myself better =)