On the topic of “I have a right to be here”…and being very SELF CONSCIOUS
(warning this is sort of a boring, rambling post)
Today I was in a lovely park and decided to do some basic tai chi-stances/movements. I noticed that when people walk by I have the impulse to do one of the following things: Stop and sit on a near by bench and stare into space until they pass by, OR Stop and pretend like I’m doing something other then tai-chi such as looking at the bushes, OR stop and sit down cross legged on the grass and fake-smile at them, OR stop and walk away to another part of the park so I can find a more secluded place, AND I also think about how they might interpret my facial expression and I wonder how fake this smile is I’m making, a little fake, or a lot fake. As I’m writing this, I think this sounds absurd, yet it is what my mind is going through.
The reason why I noticed my impulsive thoughts today was because Hops started the post on the phrase “I have a right to be here”.. Thank you Hops!….
I know that my impulses are probably irrational. The park that I was practicing in today is a very, very, large park, acres worth of park. So there is ample room for me. I’m not in anyone’s way. It’s more of a stroll-through park, and there are only a few of these passers-by, it’s not bustling at all. There is no one playing Frisbee or catch. Yet I still feel like I have to not draw attention to myself, or something. Maybe I’m so fearful of being judged, in my mind people are thinking that I’m doing something the wrong way or that I’m bad at it or I’m eccentric. Maybe there is some part of me that does not think I have the right to just do my own thing. Who knows what the heck is going on inside me..Maybe I feel so self conscious because I was around people who were overly-critical about too many petty arbitrary things and it has driven me to being bonkers. Who f’n knows.
I know that the park people are not going to throw tomatoes at me. In fact Tai-chi has the effect of calming down the surrounding environment. People are pretty mellow when they walk by me they really don’t care. So why am I so self-conscious?
Until today I didn’t notice the depth of my self-consciousness, how hard it is for me to relax around other people. So, I know that this is dumb. I know I shouldn’t be so self conscious. But I just am. Maybe I feel like I can walk through the park but I’m not allowed to do anything other then walk through the park since that would be different then what the average person is doing. So I said to myself:
“I have a right to be here, there is enough space for me, it’s perfectly ok for me to do tai chi in this park”. Now that I’m writing this it seems absurd to me that I would even have to say that to myself. How weird is that.
It did help, whenever a person would walk by, I would say to myself “I have a right to be here”. After saying it I could then stay in my own body, in my own space.
At first my attention wants to go to whoever is walking by. After a while though I was able to pay more attention to my own space and not get carried away by the people walking by. That is how I felt around some Nar-people, that they demanded my full attention and I just could not bring my focus back to myself. I was always feeling self conscious wondering when they would attack next. On guard all the time not able to relax into my own being.
I’m an animal of prey constantly monitoring the environment for signs of danger.
Just the thought of the word SELF CONSCIOUS makes me feel exhausted.
So worried about what other people will think of me, Oh no! They will see my imperfectness! Oh no! I’m waving my arms around in the air, they are going to think I’m crazy!” The crazy part is not what I’m doing (The Tai-Chi), instead the crazy part is the agony that my psyche goes through just to stand in the park.
Maybe this seems like a self-absorbed post, but I do think there is something to be learned from noticing my thoughts and breaking them down and then really looking at them and trying to find any truth in them or seeing the falseness of these thoughts.
Ok maybe this all makes me sound weird, I am maybe a little weird, but I assure you not as weird as it sounds. It’s not like I’m dressed up as a bush so that I can blend in with the foliage or anything.
I am peeling my fingers off of the keyboard… RIGHT NOW!