Much of the focus, I think, in these posts is about what I did not receive. There is another side to this.
The other side is that Nar-parents and Nar-people do not receive love in a healthy way. So a child does not get to practice giving love in a healthy fashion.
Not only is a child refused love but the child is also refused the chance to experience the joy of giving love.
I can feel my heart responding to this statement, maybe my heart is dropping a little or fluttering around.
After all love is an active exchange, it is probably never meant to be one way.
I know this is true for me. I think this may be part of my feelings of guilt and responsibility, my parents never reflected back to me the exchange of love, so the child in me never learned when I was giving love in a healthy way.
It's not just about what I did not get, it is also about what I did not learn to give.
As a kid I was taught that I did not have the ability to give love. I lost confidence in my own ability to love.
PS: I feel so sorry for the "little Helen" part of me that did not get to give love, I'm thinking how children naturally want to give love.
I know this was bad for me. I know, somewhere in me this is another piece of the puzzle.
I feel bad for this. Guilt. My heart.. is doing something right now but I'm in a public cafe and it's sort of a subtle thing.
My heart is telling me that this is true. That not being able to give love causes suffering also.
My heart is telling me that it has suffered somehow, like I don't know. I feel so sorry for my heart. My poor little heart!
In a way my heart had it's own silence because my mind did not understand this aspect of it's suffering.