Author Topic: My Truth  (Read 93830 times)


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #255 on: August 26, 2009, 06:34:20 PM »
I am not idealzing you, Helen. I know it feels scary when s/one seems to be idealizing us. My M put me way up high and then put me way down low.
 I am just a freak for good writing!            Ami

Oh, ok, Ami, I think you said it correctly, yes, I think I was feeling idealized.
Ok, you can be a freak for good writing! :D
I'm a freak for good paintings and for acrobats and for animal communicators and theoretical physicists!! :shock:


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #256 on: August 27, 2009, 08:19:26 AM »
I'm imagining that the Rev. saw me glowering and crossing my arms and zoning out at her speech and I'm imagining that she interprets that to mean I especially need to learn how to say "I'm sorry". Oh Grrrrr. Now this is just what is going on in my mind but there have been real experiences where this sort of thing happens where a person could not be more off in their interpretation of me.

This stood out for me. I suppose that many parts of you feel that you've been denied an apology - and the list of apologies could go on & on. An apology is a validation of our human-ness; that we have feelings too; that the apologizer is sorry for grief, hurt, insult or injustice that they are responsible for and that the being sorry means that you are important; you matter; they care about you.

Being denied the apology - or even a recognition of the misdeed by the wrongdoer - that "denial"... can surely cause one to be very, very angry in a lot of different colors, gradations, and intensities. It's a curse, in a way - one still pays the price, bears the burden, suffers the self-limitation and agony of SOMEONE ELSE'S wrongdoing - by carrying around anger about things that one can not change. We can't change it because the other person isn't rational - they're still denying any wrongdoing.

So, we can't change that person. (I'm dubious that they are even capable of conscious change.) But we can change ourselves. While each of those things on that "list" of wrongdoing needs to be identified, explored, and mined for understanding... which brings it into the rational, conscious realm out of unconscious or emotional being... once we've studied it in detail... then we can decide if it belongs to the past: past you, past Nmom, past life, past history. Then it becomes a plain old fact, like "The war of 1812 took place in 1812" or "I had a perm, once, with bangs." Once something on the list becomes a fact, the curse begins to be broken... the anger begins to loosen it's hold on you, and you are free - free to feel other things. Living well and being happy, btw... is the best "revenge". Drives Ns so bonkers they chase their own tail endlessly, in frustration... because you're not playing their game anymore.

And that becomes even more possible and delightful, when we realize that other people aren't going react and respond to us, like Ns did. Rather than holding us accountable for their wrongdoing - or even misunderstanding us - they will own their own "stuff" and beyond not blaming us for it... will respond positively and caringly. Like the people watching you practice tai chi in the park:

they may very well be intrigued, fascinated, and would love to ask you about it... but don't want to interrupt you. They might feel like they are intruding... trespassing.

But I'm no pollyanna. I know there are plenty of people caught up in denial and blame - it's a bigger epidemic than swine flu will ever be. And it causes WAAAAAYYYYY more damage than anyone could measure. So then, the question becomes how to tell them apart? How do we know that others see us for who we really are and not just how we appear to be? How do we know when they are being authentic with us? That we can trust them?

I'm a co-conspirator in a Nar persons low self esteem. I help them feel good about themselves by feeling bad about me.

This is brilliant, Helen. You've summed up the "problem" perfectly. Now that you see this - with your laser vision - you have the power of choice. In any situation, with any person. Not that it's easy or automatic just because you see this. There's more to learn about this - and I think we're all practicing, all the time - sometimes we make mistakes, but it's not the end of the world or a life sentence... the power of choice keeps it from being that. Life gives us plenty of opportunities to practice.

I never got to say goodbye to her, I think this is a big deal, I never got to express to her how important she was to me.

Oh my dear... I'm teary right along with you! I too, have lost people like this. People who have made a bigger difference for me, than they could ever, ever know. Substitute moms... some of them. Their small acts of human kindness were the candle in a terribly long, dark night for me. So I tell them - now. I tell them often. I tell them how much it meant. How much I loved them. There is healing, in a mysterious undescribeable way, in that.

And you are already healing... you are neck deep in the process... it won't be long now.

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Re: My Truth
« Reply #257 on: August 27, 2009, 09:21:49 AM »
Dear Helen
 When I was younger and healthier ,I had many  friends whom  I admired for one thing or another .I was a popular person BUT the big part was that *I* loved myself for what *I* was. My  admiring them did not take anything away from me b/c I was secure within myself
 As I got sicker(NM influenced me more) *I* had to be the "best"(perfect) .If  I wasn't, it took AWAY from me.
  When I complimented you, I felt silly .However,my heart wanted to tell you what your writing meant to me  even if it looked dumb .
 I think healing is all about following our hearts and they will lead us to the places that the NM razed to the ground.(This is Alice Miller in a nutshell) Thanks for your input and we can put it to rest if you  desire.            Ami
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 09:44:58 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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« Reply #258 on: August 27, 2009, 03:53:34 PM »
Dear Helen
 When I was younger and healthier ,I had many  friends whom  I admired for one thing or another .I was a popular person BUT the big part was that *I* loved myself for what *I* was. My  admiring them did not take anything away from me b/c I was secure within myself
 As I got sicker(NM influenced me more) *I* had to be the "best"(perfect) .If  I wasn't, it took AWAY from me.
  When I complimented you, I felt silly .However,my heart wanted to tell you what your writing meant to me  even if it looked dumb .
 I think healing is all about following our hearts and they will lead us to the places that the NM razed to the ground.(This is Alice Miller in a nutshell) Thanks for your input and we can put it to rest if you  desire.            Ami

Hi, Ami, Thank you for putting it into more context for me, since you described this, I think I see it differently now. I'm glad that you did write more about it.

Ami, you said: "If you were not the best it took away from you".

I didn't realize you were following your heart and this is part of your path of healing.
Ok, Ami, say whatever comes from your heart.
I suppose we can both feel silly. I didn't think it looked dumb.
I guess maybe the point of all of this is that complements/admiration can be sort of a gray area.. Huh?

I've never been very good at accepting complements, I did use to get really embarrassed by them, I don't think I do so much anymore.
My face would get really red if anyone ever complemented me in front of a group. I just didn't know how to sit with it or take it in.
I guess I never felt like people "took away from me" unless they were actually on a campaign to attack me.
I have struggled just to feel accepted and strong and present in my own body.
As much as I want to have a voice and to be seen and to be corporeal, I have always felt more comfortable blending in with the foliage.

It was written somewhere that children of Nar-people "don't feel like participants in their own lives".

What if it's the "Me" sitting right behind me that is the one being complemented. As if I am a balloon bouquet of me's and anyone of them could be the target of the complement. That sort of makes a complement seem dangerous though because if a balloon is a target it pretty much is going to get popped by a sharp object. (I'm envisioning a bunch of helium balloons all with Helen faces).

I don't have multiple personality disorder. (Here I have to explain how I'm not totally crazy....yikes)

Where am I going with this? I guess I suspect the Me being complemented might be another version of me.
Maybe if people see me as being "good" in some way I figure they are not really seeing me.

I think that if I don't have a really strong sense of myself then other's visions of me maybe are confusing.

Hum.....I will come back to my balloon idea later. I'm confusing myself.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 04:25:12 PM by Helen »


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #259 on: August 27, 2009, 04:26:48 PM »
Ha, We could start a post on the fear of being crazy.


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #260 on: August 27, 2009, 05:05:41 PM »
So........ what if all the balloons are you - an aspect of you? Maybe it's OK, to compliment some bit about you??

And who says people are always going to get you wrong? Huh???
Maybe they see something you don't...????

Just because we WERE abused, doesn't mean we didn't turn out sane, OK, lovable and caring... real humans, that is... granted we have things still to learn (that we should've earlier) but hey - so does EVERYONE. Give yourself credit, where credit is due. Pat yourself on the back. Celebrate your victories in any style that seems appropriate. It's OK to do this. It may FEEL weird; dumb; wacko... but it's still OK... and I think it's sort of necessary to "break the ice" on treating ourselves this way.

I don't think you're crazy, dear. I KNOW you're not!! You're working through some tough feelings; they might leave you feeling flat - but truly - you'll rise up again a more complete, whole version of YOU. Be very, very kind to yourself - give in to the most authentic wish - while going through this uphill, gravel mountain of memories and feelings. As kind as we would be to you, OK?
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Re: My Truth
« Reply #261 on: August 27, 2009, 05:19:46 PM »
Oh, I just had another thought.

Mother's denial = creates another version of me.

If denial is a sort of self blocking and lie, then the denial process must require another version of me. Another balloon head.

I will come back to this later when I can actually think it into a real sentence.

the mother is in denial of the real kid and so creates a fantasy version of the kid as a mechanism of the denial. Uh....
Maybe over analyzing here. NO. We must become something else to go along with the denial.


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« Reply #262 on: August 27, 2009, 05:23:12 PM »
Thank you for the warm thoughts Phoenix.


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #263 on: August 27, 2009, 05:31:40 PM »
Maybe I think one of the balloons has a prize inside of it, the real self. Whatever that is. It's probably a gag prize.
Or maybe the more balloons I have, the easier it is for me to hide in one of them.
Or maybe the more balloons I have, the more power other's have over me.

Ego structure. I should study this stuff.
The maze of self.

I'm going to turn off my thinking switch right now. 
Going to eat, shower and go to the park.


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #264 on: August 27, 2009, 05:45:07 PM »
Maybe I should count my balloons and make some order out of the chaos.

There is the balloon(s) that my mother made.
There are balloon(s) that my father made.
There are balloon(s) that I made.
There are balloon(s) that my friends made.
There are balloon(s) that my coworkers made.
There are balloon(s) that seem to have propagated themselves.
There are balloons(s) that society made.

Maybe I don't have to hold the string to all these balloons, maybe I can push them across the room to the other side towards the person who made them.

Maybe I can just picture these balloons hovering in between me and the other person but I don't have to own them if I didn't make them.

They can blow their own balloons but I don't have to hang on to them.

I'm really going to think better when I balance out my blood sugar.

Maybe I just need to blow up one of the balloons to be a lot bigger then the others, and it will just push the little balloons to the perimeter. A big red balloon with fangs.


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #265 on: August 27, 2009, 05:48:49 PM »
 Compliments do bring up  things. Maybe they show us our face in some way we don't want to see. Maybe our face to ourselves is so fragmented that we cannot take  a compliment and hold ourselves together .
 I want to know me, define me and live me so my life is not in anyone's hands. That would be freedom.
 I would be willing to be vulnerable for love ,though. Love is a whole different thing.
 You inspire me ,Helen.
  Oh, another compliment. Here we go again!   :shock:      Ami
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 05:57:41 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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More self obsessing blop
« Reply #266 on: August 27, 2009, 09:22:10 PM »
Self obsessing
I'm replying to myself:

I see the absurdity of this post, so if you want to laugh at it, thats fine.

So my original thought was not of balloons, it was of a glob of frog eggs. I changed it to balloons because I figured the frog eggs really would not make sense to anyone. The thing about the frog eggs though is that they are the seed of life. Each one, either an egg or a balloon-head does have the power to take on a life of it's own. The personas that Nar-people attributed to us can start to live and breath on their own and then take over our life. If we believe those personas then we do become them.  

I think I have contracted a sarcastic-baby-talk balloon because today I found some part of myself wanting to sarcastic baby talk to my "little Helen".
Maybe I am Narcissistically attacking my inner child.

So, this sort of sounds strange, I think I'm a visual metaphorical thinker, I think maybe thats why I see me in terms of frog eggs. Well also the other day I heard someone describe a monster tadpole. See, If I really did just communicate to people what I was thinking no one would take me seriously. I have to translate my thoughts to myself first and then I have to adjust them sometimes more then once so that I can speak them. It really is easier if I don't talk at all. After writing this, I'm thinking that there may never have been a time in my life where I really did communicate my thoughts to people in the way that I think them. What I actually communicate is something different then my real thoughts.

Maybe communicating verbally gives me anxiety. Maybe I have so many unprocessed emotions that I just can't communicate clearly.

I'm just full of hot air.......because I have a balloon for a head..... get it? Ha Ha  :shock:    Ok it's not that funny

I know that at least one of these eggs/balloons is ugly and one is probably pretty.
I really need to write about ugliness.

I've been to this place before, trying to take away what is not real and accepting what is real about myself. The problem is I'm so confused about what is real and what is not real. I have learned in life that I can't depend on other's visions of me to accurately describe me. I also would not be seeing the truth in myself if I rejected anything that was not ideal. Then again I can't reject every good thing about myself either.

Ok, at this point if I was one of the "Sex in the City" girls, one of my friends would take me out to get drunk on margaritas so I could stop self-obsessing. I'm so tempted not to post this nonsense, I'm posting it anyways.  
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 09:55:57 PM by Helen »


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« Reply #267 on: August 27, 2009, 09:59:11 PM »
Ok, I'm gonna write next about ugly..

I know that women tend to disparage themselves, but I think the Nar-parent contributes a unique energy to this form of self- loathing.


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« Reply #268 on: August 27, 2009, 10:05:53 PM »
 Compliments do bring up  things. Maybe they show us our face in some way we don't want to see. Maybe our face to ourselves is so fragmented that we cannot take  a compliment and hold ourselves together .
 I want to know me, define me and live me so my life is not in anyone's hands. That would be freedom.
 I would be willing to be vulnerable for love ,though. Love is a whole different thing.
 You inspire me ,Helen.
  Oh, another compliment. Here we go again!   :shock:      Ami

Thanks (((((((((((((Ami)))))))))))))))))
Yep compliments are loaded. That is ok you got me thinking about balloon heads and then frog legs growing out of the balloon heads.
Ok, I think I have psychobabbly syndrome.. He He He  I'm about ready to fall over with delirious laughter, this could be a bad sign.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 10:07:35 PM by Helen »


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #269 on: August 27, 2009, 10:17:02 PM »
LOL     ((((Helen))))                        Ami

PS Keep writing 8)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 10:33:14 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung