Well, since my relative came over and knocked on my door I seem to have lost my writing flow. I was just figuring out something about my self forgiveness. It's some weird sixth sense the relatives have, just when I'm about to break free from my pain, they do something to encourage me to deny my pain and suffering. And then I finally had to call another relative back before things really blew up. Well they were all working on my mother's behalf. It's pretty indirect, it feels sort of manipulative to me. I think this is the part where she is probably seeking pity from them over the fact that I cut her off. Then the relatives contact me and say how great she is.
I would be frustrated if I wasn't so damn tired of it. Of these routines. I need to trust my feelings. I have a need for respect of my autonomy, respect of my decisions, respect of my desires, and respect of my right to take care of myself first.
I just need space from her, maybe forever. My soul and spirit say forever, they say enough is enough. My conscious makes me feel guilty or rather the things my other relatives say to me make me feel guilty. But I don't want to cave into that, then I will be right back where I started, nowhere. I've already lost so much aliveness and joy. I've noticed that I have been smiling more the past few days, just out and about doing errands, smiling at people, dogs, kids.
You know what I just noticed? I don't smile very much normally.
Maybe the crying has done me some good. Gosh getting closer to myself makes me smile more even if I have to dig through the sad story of my life, by doing it, I am SMILING! Hows that for an interesting observation!
We don't have to have a perfect life to be happy, we just have to come to terms with the cards we have been dealt.
Maybe I have started forgiving myself already and some of the burden is melting away. Thank Goodness.
A word came to me, LOYALTY, my relatives have loyalty to my mother, even if there may not be real love there, the loyalty is strong.
Might as well be the Mafia led by a Narcissistic mother.
I'm the only one amongst my relatives that sees my mother is Narcissistic, I didn't even want to believe it at first, I have no choice because it's reality. She fits the mould. That is a problem. My mother is a key of sorts to the rest of the relatives. I will never get validation from my relatives about my experiences, about her Narcissistic behavior, so if I was to spend time around my relatives I would feel invalidated, this invalidation creates a certain psychic stress for me. I so dearly need to have the truth of my life validated. So In writing this, I clarified that a little.
Rule to self # 1 Never expect any relative to validate my story.
So my relatives demand self-denial from me.
I really need to get out and make some friends.