Hey Alesia,
Sorry to hear you split up but glad you felt that you deserve something more.
I am a big believer in the law of attraction and am aware when I attract a certain type of person.
I have managed in the past to be in relationship with a person who would, under normal circumstances, act like a decent human being, only shortly after to display a pig's attitude towards me.
Not sure if it helps but I believe that if one has strong boundaries from the beginnning (something that I have managed in the past only for the very beginning, few hours, days, etc) eventually the person gets the message that they cannot be in a relationship without contributing to it with time, effort, love, accountability, respect etc. In this case, if you go past the guilt period (was I too hard on them? etc), when a person sticks, they worth the effort and all of the above to be reciprocal.
I feel for your stuggle, I really do.