That repertoire of pleasantries -- flowers, poems, gifts, e-mails -- sounds familiar. And, yes, Cadbury it's very tempting to think you're making a mistake. I clung to those pleasantries thinking all the while "this is the real person -- the kind one -- who is showering me with attention and nice things...he truly must be seeing things my way and having a change of heart."
WRONG -- this wasn't real. It was part of the fantasy that I fell for in the first place. It's different for everyone, I suppose. However, if an N isn't done with you, or it isn't their idea to leave/move on, my experience showed they'll do just about anything to get you hooked in again. Just when you think they've learned, that your relationship will become better for this upheaval, you let your guard down hoping to return to normalcy and-- BAM! The merry-go-round of Jekyll/Hyde -- the nice/mean cycle --starts all over again. The good stuff gets fewer and further between. The conflicts/chaos become more frequent. And no matter what, it's ALWAYS your fault for whatever comes down the pike.
I, too, worry about loneliness and am not even facing pregnancy. So I can empathize with you, Cadbury. Please be true to yourself (and your child). You'll know what's right if you can get quiet and still enough to hear the truth within yourself.