Oooo! Oooo!
I have as you might guess, so many opinions about online dating!
(I have met many very nice men. No chemistry but decent people. Wearisome chore to arrange the coffee dates--and I distrust correspondence flirtation that goes on and on, it sets one up for disappointment by the time actual chemistry is observed in person. Judith Sills says, meet QUICK. But...once in the coffee shop, out of people-curiosity, I almost always enjoy meeting them.)
But in the meantime, during the search, my two most-favorite peeves were:
1) "No baggage. I don't want any woman with baggage." (from 70 y/o men, divorced, etc.)
2) "No women my age. They've got to be 5-10+ years younger." (from the age-range they set)
My courteous, compassionate internal responses are:
1) I have lived more than six decades on this earth as a woman with successes, failures, wounds and healings and lessons learned. I am extending goodwill and courtesy to you and welcoming your life story with curiosity and an open heart. How about you take your no-baggage expectation, roll it up in a little tube, and figure out where it might fit.
2) You are entitled to a younger, healthier body to serve and delight you, but we are expected (en masse) to be content and turned on by older bodies that will slow, burden and most likely predecease us. But we should never object that you've ruled out all women your own age before even meeting, and should accept gracefully that this prejudice is our lucky fate. Toodles.
Ai and yi.
But Amber, notwithstanding...if you can, without driving too far or sacrificing too much....I do encourage you to go do the coffee dates anyway. Each time you meet a new man is PRACTICE. Looking at it that way lightens up the whole thing, and if you stay seriously in the PRESENT, you can have some interesting conversations, observe new personalities, hear meaningful stories...and the worst you risk is some boredom. It just reminds one that we are alive, vital, free to choose, and just as free to gently email a No, afterward. ("Thanks for taking the time to meet me. Although I enjoyed our conversation I realize that for me, it's not a romantic fit. I do wish you the best of luck in your search, and hope you soon find the perfect partner.)
The most important phrase in that template no-note is "for me." That is not up for argumentation and does not require defending. (So the rare fellow who would persist after receiving that message can be immediately blocked. In fact, I eventually got into the habit of sending that message, written in a gracious and genuinely kind tone...and then immediately blocking. So I closed off from any further stress over what HE would think. I was being honest and responsible and kind, and I was not in charge of protecting or helping him manage his own response. Fortunately, later in life I think more men are sanguine about it. It's true for women too, I have received the same kind kiss-off. No harm no foul.)
Okay, I'll quit vicariously dating now! Good luck with doing it or not doing it, whatever feels right for you.