Author Topic: Mindfulness and codependence thread  (Read 136694 times)


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1125 on: December 19, 2024, 08:06:10 AM »
My only take on the Nutcracker is the Rat King sounds awesome.

When I was Poet in the Schools for four years (MD and KY) I was constantly invited to school assemblies. The difficult part was that any time I see children (not over-programmed but brave and authentic) perform in order to reach and/or entertain an audience...I cry. Just can't help it. Happy but unstoppable tears, so I'd hang out snorting in the back.

But one ALWAYS makes me laugh...pure joy. Long live Johanna! Her dad's pride is indescribable. The end is side splitting. What is she in charge of today, I wonder.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1126 on: December 22, 2024, 12:15:22 PM »
I cry too, Hops!!!  Usually managing to strangle it down to a couple painful tears and runny nose....not always though.

Turns out there were two different productions at the same theatre this year and I had tickets to both.  Explained a lot and we'll be giggling about it for years. 



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1127 on: December 26, 2024, 12:17:15 PM »
Will not what I remember now....
Last acupuncture appt I revisited husband and brought him to acupuncture room.  Experienced flash back of his life into babyhood till I was holding and comforting him.  When I was done, I went to hand him back and to his mother and found myself unable to breathe.....felt absolutely wrong so I placed him in the light between the sun and my light.  He fit snuggly.... perfectly.  Safely.

I think (hope) processing around him is complete. The good, bad, ugly, traumatic/traumatized/creational parts of him, of myself....his parents, mine.....all coming into focus and at once. The generational pieces....enough of focus long enough to process and file.




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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1128 on: December 26, 2024, 02:25:19 PM »
I hope everyone is creating and holding on to special moments.....over the holiday and every day.

Meh, I enjoyed reading about your stuffed tomato and selection of special plates and glass for yourself.  I'm shifting focus to good things, trying to skip wasting time on negative things I can't change.  At my age, there's a feeling of triage....deciding what I want more and less of, kwim?

I'm sorry your mom and sf are stuck in their selfish, small and limiting ways.  It sounds like you aren't stuck.  Maybe casting pearls before swine is an apt comes to mind.

Hops, Amber, Tupp, Bones and Doc G.... I hope there's something touching, perhaps magical in your holiday moments.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1129 on: January 11, 2025, 01:21:04 PM »
I've noticed a huge decrease in reactivity....not gone.  Was getting better over years, but there was a leap.  Thinking sessions with buddy, doing Emotion Code work, and designated meditation time at acupuncture appointments are new factors.

Also, time, moving closer to deadlines.  I was built for working under pressure. 

So life's lighter and bounces along more freely.  I'm shocked there's no charge around particular topics.... grateful.

We're having a snow day after food yesterday, before snowstorm, then cooking vats if carrot ginger and broccoli soups.  We marinated 10 lbs if chicken breast and made salt and pepper fish, shrimp and chicken with lots of jalapenos yesterday.

My sister and I eating clean, if not prescriptively.  Big breakfast salads and cups if carrot soup, very yummy.  Lining up meals and reminding each other to be mindful.

About to do a big closet clean out.

Want to make the cauldron lights for next Halloween, which still needs to be put in crawlspace.  Dehumidifier been running since end of November and it smells fine.

I think we can sled in this snow, so likely will☃️

Girls both home last night.  DD 24 taught her Aunt and I to play Japanese Mahjong last night and it was huge fun!!!  DD's bf and family gave her a beautiful green and ivory Mahjong set for Christmas.... it's very special.  The mixing and clacking if the tiles is very pleasing.....the strategy and rules very interesting.

I've been trying to get to Thursday night Euchre games at a local brewery for months.... hasn't worked out.  Will try harder and see if I can find some Mahjong action.  I know someone nearby has a club, but it might not be Japanese version.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1130 on: January 11, 2025, 05:20:36 PM »
I'm in closet cleaning hellll!

I'd rather clean out a hoarder house than edit my closet!!!!


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1131 on: January 12, 2025, 12:27:12 PM »

I know the feeling! My wardrobe has been pared down so much, since moving here it all fits in a large dresser & half the space in the closet. I've kept a handful of "good clothes" & coats that are stored in an out of the way closet. I probably can dispense with those after 8 years of not needing them. I've always been partial to the "uniform" concept. Multiples of the same classic basics, some different colors. I check for fit of anything different that I keep for variety or special circumstances.

I no longer "dress to impress", but I do like what I wear to be flattering. There is so much freedom in appearance after a certain age! Pants/jeans & t shirts, waffle knits, sweatshirts. In the summer, longer shorts (good luck finding any! Mine are old) and more modest tank tops. The big change is that I seldom wear a bra - no minor decision with my heavy breasts. But it's been an "exercise" for years of experimenting with different styles to find something I can stand wearing all day... and no luck so far. I have one I can tolerate for 4-5 hrs max, then it HAS to come off! To the point, I'm thinking about experimenting with stays or maybe even type of corset. Halter tops used to be comfortable (altho not flattering at this age) so I've thinking about ways to keep what's good about them, but make them more comfy as undergarments.

Then I remember Amish foremothers and tribal Baba's... and realize this is hardly a NEW problem. And they didn't CARE.

Good luck Lighter! Just think - with more closet space you may be able to do some window shopping until you find something suitable for your lifestyle & personal style & body shape.
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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1132 on: January 17, 2025, 05:59:14 PM »
I had second vestibular clinic appointment today and the gal was baffled, bc vertigo fixed, but another symptom worsened....feeling like I'm on a boat, at times, more or less consistently now, where aI was having symptom free days.

I have to say, it was exhausting.  We repeated maneuvers, but added fixed eye head movements.  We also used the goggles to watch my eyes in the dark watching the half baked fly creature from movie with Jeff Goldblum.....did not like it.

Island cottage guest anxiously awaiting repair of wi fi services ...cable under the ocean is severed, so it's possible she won't have service at all over next month.

Oldest DD24 is at emergency room with her bf.....she just said she's his driver and is ok.  I suspect kidney stones, but she's not telling.

Supposed to have them and various guests tomorrow night for dinner and Mahjong/games and bonfire.....maybe. 

I'm in grocery store parking lot....going to fill water jugs.... it's 5:00 traffic and a firetruck just pulled in front of me with lights on.  Didn't make me feel weird.  Sometimes lights or sound will.

I want comfort.  A latte, but too late for that.  To know DD's bf is ok.  To know they're still coming tomorrow.  To know all the unknowns.

The power lines are all cut and hauled away behind our houses.  It looks so clean and natural now.  Will be good for sellers, even though they never had power, it looked unsafe, as power lines near homes do.

It is "kidney stone adjacent" issue, DD verified.  Poor fellow.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1133 on: January 18, 2025, 12:37:52 PM »
Lighter, I'm really sorry about your wobbly head and concerned for you.

Everyone I know is petrified of visiting a neurologist but do you think it might be a wise next step? For oldies like me, it's fear of cognitive issues unfolding, but there are all sorts of symptom-causing quirks in the brain that can be treated quite straightforwardly.

Not a doc...was hoping it'd be a simple ENT issue. Can't begin to guess what might be the cause. Any chance a whole lot of combined supplements might be doing something screwy? I take about six a day but dunno how much experimenting you do? At times I've felt off due to the mix of Rx and supplements, and have pared it down a lot. (Not the Rx, which feel like a safe minimum for now, but some of the "I read/heard about this so I'll trust it" supplement adventures.) You are so careful about food I can't imagine you're not the same about supplements, though.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1134 on: January 20, 2025, 03:39:40 PM »
Ok.  The dizzy T suggests a neurologist too, Hops, but get this......

The really needy dad was invited to dinner Saturday night.  He was present when the vertigo began, at the lake, as were many other people.

Saturday I was ok, but had a bit of feeling on a boat.  Not bad, just not as clear as I'd felt before the dizzy appointments, which seemed to cure the room spinning vertigo, which only happened when looking up hard or sometimes down. Confusing, I know.

So, I felt close to normal as I worked on dinner prep till an hour before needy guy arrives......and bam!  Just the adrenaline and thought of crunch time and his arrival sent the "on a boat" feeling into overdrive. 

I took the pug for a walk and wanted to fall to my knees, sobbing, but got curious instead.  The feeling lasted through the evening, he left at 11:30....and I woke the next am feeling almost normal.  Again. 

There have been days of zero symptoms, dizzies or boaties going on. 

As far as supplements, it might be more a matter taking a break from ashwaganda, Hawthorne, B and D vitamins since return from my island.  I've started back, but not as regularly. 

And......a thought can make it worse, still.  In the car.  It's not consistent. Almost like a little electrical zap to the nervous system.

I had a regular T appointment this morning and we were going to work with avoidance. Instead, we went into the "on a boat" feeling....where did I feel it?  Above left eye to top of head, left side.
Bring presense and light to it .....
Ask what it has to say....
And ...
For the first time, there was nothing.  Like the part was playing possum or asleep.

Really focused and a protective part felt like it wanted to slap me out if old habits and into being present always.

The sleeping part's eyes fluttered.... didn't open, then many many of my parts peeled away from me, into a circle, and chattered like the daughters from the EVIL series ...all at once with ideas and suggestions.

That felt like what I get from inviting parts to become allies, consistently.

T asked to focus only on THE current protector and wounded part ....a child. 

I held her and the light filled her.....the energy and pain around this, mostly popping up in center chest, throat and skull) dissipated.  T said she's (wounded child part) is going to require tending a child in daycare.  Checking in.  Earning her trust.

She also said it's common for parts to become alienated, completely, and not understand..... they're not alone.

Since I usually have an easier time understanding the parts, this part might have been pre verbal, but that just occurred to me. 

As of now, I have no symptoms, though I distinctly felt things shift in my brain when I went from standing to horizontal.

That's where this is ..... I'm allergic to what's likely a type of needy, pushy, selfish baby man requiring attention, nurturing and relationship I'm not cool with......and it feels like an allergy, as of Saturday night.....and also negative thoughts, typically those critical of self.....anger in the car.

There was more detailed focus on the wounded child than included.  I might rewrite this later.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1135 on: January 20, 2025, 08:28:56 PM »
Needy pushy baby man, oh yeah

I had chronic severe anxiety for a long time and lots of those sensations sound familiar. ugh. So unpleasant feel so frequently yet unexpectedly off your pins.

Good for you to continue to search and inquire, Lighter. I WISH I could type better on this dumb thing. New laptop must happen soon as the unsupported used ones are driving me nuts.

Hang in there, and take your openness and curiosity with you to a neurologist. Do you ever take a friend along to such scary things?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1136 on: January 21, 2025, 04:32:48 AM »
It's currently 11


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1137 on: January 21, 2025, 01:54:52 PM »
It was -10 here this morning, Lighter. About the same tomorrow, then it starts to warm up again.

Very interesting T session and what you've found out. I hope you keep finding out more stuff about this and the connection to the dizziness.
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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1138 on: January 23, 2025, 04:12:33 PM »
Amber, the session felt like something else, but T and I was about the original intended avoi for subject.

I make sure to check in with this wounded part daily.....and the protector part.  I'm hoping this turns the volume way down on the boaties....maybe completely off.  I can't for sure say it's gone, but it's almost unnoticed the last couple days.

Hops:  I might not see a neurologist.  Depends on how things go. I still see acupuncture guy and tend to most likely deficiencies.  Hmmm.  I will make appointments for youngest DD and I to have lab work soon.  That makes sense.

I hope you figure out computer troubles soon.  Your nimble word smithery is frustrated and that needs to be remedied😔My closet I had been studied as my sister threw many things into give away piles.  I needed something immediately and decided to go limp and stop caring.

I don't really care, as long as my basics are there.  At some point, I'll have energy and desire to buy more basics and I will.  There's second hand shops with plenty to choose from, for sure.

I'm at acupuncture now....having meditated an hour and 15 minutes.  It was unexpected, in that caring for the wounded infant morphed into extending care and compassion to a pretty roughed up Jesus,cash well.  Just the three of us, bathed, comforted and tended to felt very right.  I have a half hour to process and make notes here.

The journey continues.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1139 on: January 30, 2025, 10:56:40 AM »
Saw T earlier this week.  Wanted to work on perfectionist part that wants things done her way.....always busy doing in social situations, has to do things in order and in exacting detail.

After I easing Tupp's post I realize I look down on most people's way of doing some things (cleaning) and find I get things from the practice.

Will get this down quickly...must run.

Working on collaborating better and releasing need to do things a certain way.

Asked where I felt that part.... She was fairly vibrating in belly button region....the focus made her jump like the spell slug in Spirited Away after the dragon threw it up.

Asked how I felt towards her....
Frustrated.  Frustration asked to be fake seat in waiting room. Always takes a minute, but she went.

Focused on the part and she was as maybe 50 feet away, chin up....very defiant....very angry.

Came down to injustice and she was a black wirly dirvish of nails and teeth for a minute she showed up, then a little sad 3yo.

Lots in between all that, but several times T asked if I was speaking to her OR was I blended with her?  Some of both, frankly

That wasn't processed so homework is same.....check in with her, let her know she belongs....earn her trust.

I'm dealing with some stress and this morning I saw clearly.....I can be on her side, my sid as priority.  I must be her advocate, always, and take her side. 

I think one gets to these unprocessed places by ignoring and betraying parts.

That's how I see it on this very busy morning after finding NOTHING in 40 mouse traps and 2 clever 5 homemade 5 gallon bucket traps, one with a paper plate, one with a beer can, both what th ganger wire and peanut butter!

::smoothing p.j.s:::

The tree guy delivering tree tractor trailer loads Saturday, returning Tues maybe with compost and workers.

Contacting rangers and researching installed outdoor benches for events....and 100 other things.
