I've been pretty mindful of what goes into my brain, what I stop from bouncing around and what I want more of..... those things lifting me up, bringing me joy and keeping me grounded in the moment.
Im not gonna lie.... it's a ferris wheel..... moving in many directions, sideways and diagonally too. But I SEE it moving. Sense the pieces. Understand the concept....better than before.Let's just say that.
As I do MY thing, I'm also bouncing into and off of other people's things.
After a day of watching myself watch disturbing videos..... I noticed i still have similar reactions around them. I sometimes catch them, reel them in and see what comes next. It's interesting practice. It's practice. That's enough.
2 nights ago I was talking to friend K and noticed...... she and I use the darkness to dispell insanity....... we do. It's snarky and we laugh and laugh and outdo each other's snark and it's realllly satisfying and reassuring and...... comforting to us. It's how we used to roll when her life was falling apart, then my life flew into flames then..... we were out of each others lives.
Now..... she's back. I'm back. We're IN. Invested. Together again..... solid and the fear has gone. Left us. What do we have to lose going back to what we used to be? Nothing. At least, nothing I don't believe I can handle....now. I'm better. I'm not switched, but when I was... there was very little ability to navigate what fears came up around seeing or talking to her again. I was cagey, suspicious, veered off if she asked anything personal.... where WAS I living? I was OUT. Gone again for a couple years. Missing her, but I had to get through and I did.
So..... she's back and she's experiencing back problems, just....... health problems in general. Her ability to sleep is shot. She can't heal and she needs more surgery, likely, as her healthcare insurance is leaving and I noticed the darkness we engage in, for sanitie's sake and wondered how it's impacting our health. HER health. Our children's health. What are we modeling for them.
Now, my kids have called me out on my passive aggresive way of operating in the world, bc...... there's been stress and I've been holding it IN for so long..... the stress and fear and resentment seep out....... mostly in small ways, but it's there and I know it and the kids know it. I have trouble appearing vulnerable, bc you never know when you're going to have to fight for...... well. You.... I..... never knew when I was going to have to fight for my life, literally and figuratively..... I was fighting lions and tigers and dragons...dragons being the fears that didn't find me, but I feared might. Lots of fear.
So I'm talking to K and we do the back and forth banter, so comfy and calming.... but it's bugging me, bc I want to manifest wellbeing and a very strong immune system....... for myself. For K and my kids and FOO and everyone I care about, but all I can do is what I can do. That's about me and my choices.
My choices rub up against the people I interact with. All the time. On this board, IRL, within the texting stream youngest dd19 has been batting back and forth since last night..... she needed comfort and reassurance, fellowship.... someone to just listen to her troubles, mainly due to poor diet choices she understands already and requies zero comment from me.
And I have a lovely afternoon planned with my Moss friend, L. I'm IN THE ZONE busying myself around the house, taking care with my hair and foot and comfy clothing choices I can relax into during the visit.
But the snark....the comforting snark. Laughing into the darkness.... finding the humor, bc it keeps K and I sane.
I'm in a different place from her....... my toe vs her healing back surgery. Her small town full of honestly upsetting groups of people leaning in on her daily..... vs my little world where I've pulled in all my ladders and extend them carefully, at my liesure.
She still needs the darkness and I can DO that with her while she needs it. I don't think the awkward silences we'd struggle throuogh are worth whatever gains I'd get from explaining and asking to limit the negative people and snark we employ to laugh them OUT or her system. I still need to process difficult things, after all. How I do that is still forming...not sure how to do that while just limiting the stuff. I'm guessing it's with EMDR, etc. or setting a time limit and just DOING IT for that time period, but always getting back to the uplifting joyf in front of me now.
And K will heal and grow and take what tools making sense to her. She has a gift for cutting through BS and going to the reality and heart of a matter...... I lack.
So, onward and upward.
I choose to join in the snark selectively, but leave it behind most of the time.
How we stay sane, under pressure, is how we stay sane. We make changes when we have a lull or some respite, iME. I don't know if I could have settled down enough to learn anything in Fight or Flight 15 years ago. I hope I COULD have, but it's not clear.
K will learn in her own time and I will pick and choose my moments to explain what I'm working on....then listen to what she's working on and we'll get back to "normal".... but a new normal, it's hoped.