Author Topic: Mindfulness and codependence thread  (Read 137230 times)


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #795 on: March 10, 2022, 04:42:55 PM »
CBm you're welcome and I'm so glad to have you voice on the board.  It's comforting and I've missed you.

Hops, of course your intentions on the darkness thread were positive and to process and help others process the horror.  I never doubted, but I was reading it and reactive and had something to say, but couldn't fit it in or feel it fit in so taking it to my own thread seemed right.

About consumer efforts to convserve and recyle and repurpose and carpool and switch to alternative fuel sources...... I'm on board and we do what makes sense to us, but.... sometimes we wonder if it's just keeping our attention off the largest companies contributing to the majority of pollution.   Then it leads back to consumer demand and gets very circular, esp when I think about replacing the energy grids with batteries requiring mining of materials likely using slave labor and all it would take to replace the largest grids...... it's daunting and I imagine the back scratchig, pay offs and "incentives" necessary to get the fossil fuel industry on board in any way and it's..... likely going to be next generation minds who make the necessary changes, if they can be made at all, IMO. 



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #796 on: March 11, 2022, 05:13:15 PM »
One of my friends was admitted to hospital after a heart attack.  His gf gave him CPR and called an ambulance but he was without oxygen for an unknown period of time.  They put him into hypothermia to sustain his functions... brain and body.... I'm not sure, but he's receiving many drugs and was intubated immediately.... is considered post cardiac arrest.  For a while they tought he had a dissection, but that appears not to be the case.  No one knows what damage has been done.  Will have to wait and see.

My body is handling this with chemical dumps popping up..... calming then more dumps as information comes in.... and a photo of him with all the wires and tubes and he looks so vulberable... eyes taped shut, but otherwise appears to be sleeping.  It's odd to feel comfort and despair, one after the other, depending on what I'm looking at in the photo. 

Despair pops up when I think of his daughter losing him...his mother losing him.....she's lost 1 of her 3 sons and is in hospital out of state having heart surgery now.  His dd is out of the country, but things don't happen the way you think they will. 

My recently widowed friend was told to put off her dh's Memorial Service, bc her heart is struggling.  During our visit, she made up her mind to go ahead and schedule the Memorial Service and placement of dh's ashes in a vault (he's a Veteran)on consecutive days.... she has a place for her ashes next to her dh's  The grieving process is so mysterious.... I tell her to do what feels right...... I don't give advice.  For a while she planned to split his ashes with his son and keep them in their homes.  That changed, mainly so there's a record of his final resting place and people can visit him there.  It's a very nice, well kept place, I'm told.  I know everything will reflect her love and care and her dh will be honored in the best possible way.  She's chosen a venue for the Memorial with a beloved band and caterer and space to stroll around a pond with geese and the trees will fill with new green leaves in May.  As I spend more time with this friend I realize..... we have SO much in common.  We see the same functional health practitioner and spent years working out togethr.... she took out her Brown belt from our classes, before we gave up belts, and we looked at pictures and recalled stories and the people we knew. 

Visions of my death or one of my sibling's deaths or any future grave illnesses pop into my head as I move through my days lately.  I make up my mind to discuss arrangements with siblings and put it on the shelf.  I have a handwritten will with very clear DNR in place, but I need to do something more formal.  I'd like to know what my sibling's wishes are, and have them make those wishes clear on paper, as my mother did not and she didn't get what she told my sf she wanted.  It's unessesary chaos to leave it unwritten, IME.  Mom got what her dh needed to give her and no one was going to argue with him over it if mom didn't care enouigh to put it in writing.  It's logical and needs to happen.  I'm not worried, just interested in doing what can and should be done. My sibs and Mom's friends honored Mom's wishes as we could.... she got the big party and I think those who attended, not my step father or his family, experienced relief and healing for it.  Oh, the terribly long service step father held (think Southern Baptist) was mortifying to sit through.  I think the Mom's Ohio cousins were entrhalled, but I wasn't.  They thought it was what Mom asked for.... it wasn't. 

Hmmmm awfully judgy of me.

My B didn't leave instructions either and got what he got which left some of the family members angry, bc they wanted to see him and we chose a closed casket, knowing B.  Just...... more chaos than necessary, but then....B didn't have to experience whatever it would have cost him to plan his funeral arrangements and that was how he played it.  If I say or do nothing...... does it really matter?  Really?  Let the living have what comforts them and maybe it's more or less the same as leaving instructions.... not too sure.  I guess I'll talk to my kids about what they'd be comforted by and take that into consideration.  I remember a thread about this.  I thought I'd have a green burial, but that seems unlikely now.   Too much hands on interaction for family, likely.  Too much knowing where I am,, so close, and nothing much between me and the surface..... that could be very upsetting, esp since DDJ was upset badly when her Maternal Grandmother took her to her father's grave and "surprised" her with the news he was buried there.  DDJ was hysterical., so there's going to be some trauma around it, whatever I choose. 

I've eated a frozen gf pizza and 2 frozen gf graham cracker pie custs, which results in feeling really sick for a while which takes my mind off the Ukraine and my friend's dd rushing home to her post cardiac arrest father and Putin and the Memorial which reminds me everyone will require one and we're unprepared.  I have Aunts and uncles, but they aren't much  involved in our lives.... we're the family elders now.  We should get ourselves and plans together. 

Since I've been eating very clean, the junky food is impacting me in surprising ways...... thank God I haven't eaten anything more stupid than that.  When mom was in the hospital I ate gluten and my throat started sending up mucus like a giant snail.  DDJ threw up the honey bun she ate..... when oru systems aren't used to real junk..... things change.

the jouorney continues.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #797 on: March 11, 2022, 07:14:28 PM »

Sympathies to your friends' losses which trigger your own; I'm sorry.

A simple tool that makes the whole thing so much easier is
Recognized in all states as a legal advanced health care directive, it's written mostly by you -- for your clear wishes -- and in plain human English. With the same impact as a pure-lawyer instrument.

Add a cover letter about anything else you'd like done, and you're set.

We make it too cumbersome and too hard. Hope that helps.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #798 on: March 12, 2022, 11:46:06 AM »
Thanks for your consisent attention and care on this forum, ((Hops.))  And thank you, Doc G for providing this safe space.

It's getting chilly here.... and SO windy.   Noises kicked up in the night and through the morning, all kinds of noises from all over the place.  I noticed I'm not afraid any more..... not even startled.  Acceptance is an amazing gift we give ourselves.  I know what I know and it's everything. 



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #799 on: April 21, 2022, 10:38:48 PM »
I'm centered and pleased to report clarity has transposed itself over my life like a template.... it's real and getting stronger, I can feel it.  I think it's always with

If I look over my shoulder, at the past, rarely now...... there's crystal clear clarity and I see all the chaos and confusion belongs to others....not me.

I'm clear.  I think I've always been cleAr.

And the co dependence is an echo I don't pay much attention to and that's just ok.  It's not on my radar, which feels..... different than I thought it would.  Things shifted and I'm walking a new landscape.  Simple.  A fact.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #800 on: April 23, 2022, 10:46:58 AM »
Yesterday was eventful. 

I met with my retired nurse neighbor and shocked her with my plans to move the moss to a moss job I'm consulting on.

Then I told her she shouldn't continue blaming neighbor B for my shutting down the trail.

She asked if it was bc of another neighbor and I answered truthfully....yes, but I really like his wife so I won't be talking about it and she then correctly named yelly guy and I nodded.

As we spoke yard and the loss of what used to feel like sanctuary to me, I watched tthe nurse come out of the fog yelly guy blew around her in my absence from the yard and State.....I think she had the power lines behind my house mowed bc it was done and yelly guy didn't do it for the first time in7 years. I never asked yg to mower and his inserting himself.....I saw the nurse's eyes when she GOT it.  I've asked to borrow her mower and help pay the maintenance on 3 occasions.  She remembered.

That's done and I feel like I can breathe in my yard freely again.  There was a tad bit of humor as the neighbor our pug wants to eat walked right up to our private conversation and stood there smiling 5 feet away, near the trail but beside it, still on my property and I had to stop talking and look at her to end the situation.

She was grinning this great huge grin and " just wanted to say hello."

I think I was shaking my head as the nurse told her to go through to the trails if she wanted ...ummmm we just talked about this!!  Come on!  She DID want to cross and walked through my yard with that big grin.

The loss of privacy was harming my mental health.  The pug screaming at all the walkers was loud and consistent. The people were used to previous owners offering a social club atmosphere and yelly guy instigated that.

Not blaming,vrather pulling up and viewing from a distance.  The elders will be gone and it will be yelly guy, cowboys and me who are the elders and that interests me more.  What narratives will survive.

I think I can be ok with any narrative I'm not painted slut and banished....society has it's little cubbies it's comfortable with.  Slut and whore aren't words I use anymore, btw.  I'm not interested in controlling women, bc I'm threatened by them or driven to control them, so.....not using them anymore.

I have a groundskeeper friend asking me to consult on a moss project he's doing.  I like him.  Is it terrible if me to hope he's gay?  He's a mystical sort of person so....will see.

DD19 and I went to the grocery store and danced in the isles together.  What a glorious day.....bright and breezy.....just lovely in the shade and pug got 2 big walks exhausting her completely.  I was energized then fell into a deep long sleep with one 3@m pee Then right into deep sleep again.

We travel to Ga today.  The truck has some gloriouse old ship's door made into a table, heavy night tables with quilted pattern beautiful and 5.00 chairs so beautiful and heavy.....will stand up to Airbnb guests for many years.....groups of 10 and 12 chairs @ 5.00 felt perfectly timed. 

And I'm settling into feeling grounded and trusting myself without whatever used to swirl in and make me doubt.

BIL flying in from Toronto to pull lake house together for summer rentals.Must line up the tools and supplies....maybe get contractor on board to do what he can.

Heading to my brother's ongoing renovations to give a hand there.  He has a stack of old cedar coding in his garage he'll use as wall planking and shelves in the kitchen..
...very exciting.  I love this kind of work🙏



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #801 on: April 23, 2022, 10:56:59 AM »
I wanted to post this on it's own.

My post op heart surgery friend phoned last night after rebuffing my texts to bring food and visit.

I answered and immediately said I was so happy to hear his voice..... I'd been afraid the last words I said to him would be the last and he cut me off and said....
Very measured and slowly....
"I remember every word you said to me."

Ouch and then he was talking about depression and sadness and loss of perceived health and having his chest cracked and falling out of bed and he's in a very dark place

I just let him talk and validated his experience.  He's mad at all the chipper people's directives to feel grateful and so I skipped that.

In the end, I explained his need to always be right in his relationships is tedious....not him.  I was sorry if he misunderstood but I love him and wanted him to be mindful of the habit so he could change it or hone his skills....I will always gift him my honesty.  He said he appreciated it and the conversation ended after I told him J had passed away.  They'd spent a couple Halooweens on the porch while everyone else manned the porch and driveway in costumes.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #802 on: April 23, 2022, 11:24:28 AM »
Hoo boy, Lighter, sounds like relationships and dialogues have been heavy (or significant) for you in the last few days. But it also sounds like you're accepting both yourself and of external realities you can't control.

So, challenging and validating at the same time, maybe? Good on you for continuing the path to insight. It's everything, imo.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #803 on: April 23, 2022, 10:48:39 PM »
My youngest DD walked by me in the kitchen and said my energy made her flinch as she walked by.  My sister calls me a gangsta.... I'm not able to play games or pretend any money re.  I can't remember how to pretend and it feels like breathing under stress or confusion.  Just knowing.

BTW, my post op pal said dying is like dreaming....he said I shouldn't be afraid of it.  I've never feared death (outside being murdered while girls were young).....and his words were a comfort.  Both are true.

I meet the groundskeeper at the moss job site on Tues, the contractor on Monday and tomorrow may sibs and I are planting a truckload of mature plants plucked from a Walmart demolition site.  I hope they live.

Any suggestions for improving their chances?



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #804 on: April 24, 2022, 10:47:31 AM »
A flinch-worthy, gangsta energy field sounds like anger, Lighter.

Was it yellyguy who triggered it? The feeling of not having control over your yard when the oblivious nice neighbor told the intrusive woman to take the trail right after you'd explained to nn that you wanted people not to?

Whatever the trigger/s was/were, sounds like daughter/sister perceive anger, and you also feel/felt like drowning.

Is your T helpful for working through these times?

hugs and peace,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #805 on: April 24, 2022, 11:22:19 PM »
No anger, Hops.  Just knowing which honestly is more powerful, imo than anger.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #806 on: April 25, 2022, 03:34:51 AM »
Nothing wrong with any feelings we have, imo. Sometimes it's hard to find the words for them. Or it is for me.

I just got a little lost there, in your recent story. (I get lost in my own, too.)

But I enjoy reading and understanding as much as I can. You go deep and have worked so hard on your awarenesses.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #807 on: April 26, 2022, 12:07:18 AM »
 My sibs and I planted ,40 trees and bushes in 17 hours over 2 days.....lots of shoveling, caring 5 gallon buckets of water and constant motion.  Sore but unbent.

Brother plucked these plants from a demolition Target parking lot and planted at his larger Airbnb house.  Looks great.

About the energy......I feel focused and on target..... I'm not sure how others perceive that or me, but I notice I'm not really concerned, which is a blessing.

There's joy in my moments.....I have such gratitude for my journey and current place on my path.  These 2 days brought my sibs and I closer, I feel.  My heart yearns for serenity and collaboration, but I'm all out of idiot compassion.  Such a relief!

I'll work hard till I can't.  Be honest as I dare and seek joy when possible.

Life gets very simple when I stop fretting and fearing, particularly about things I can't control.

The journey continues 😊



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #808 on: April 26, 2022, 11:32:46 AM »
Maybe that energy you sometimes emit is just power.

I find it really interesting to think about the differences, the layers.
Like maybe: power is calm, or when it's edgy, it gets noticed. But restored to its serene balance, it's still there.

I'm no ninja with emotional (or physical) stuff. By the time anybody calls me serene, I'll be living in a retirement home on Pluto.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #809 on: May 01, 2022, 06:45:29 AM »
Yesterday I dropped in on the Cowboy and he was super chatty and friendly.  He was the same last week and the week before....I haven't seen Yelly Guy at their home in a while, come to think of it.  Sometimes I'd see YG standing between Cowboy and Retired Nurses gave him an unobstructed view of my yard. 

So, Cowboy seemed to be snubbing me a month ago,two months.... Not sure, bc I stopped going to their home for regular visits....he just seemed different when I waved or passed him in the driveway. 

Yesterday we were chatting and he said...."I'm not hanging out with Yelly Guy anymore."

I said "Neither am I."

Cowboy said "We don't need to say anything more about that then.".

Whatever spell YG cast on my street seems to have been broken and I haven't seen him since he walked into my driveway with his cigar and dig while I ignored him. 

I know YG didn't like the Cowboy then all the sudden they were chummy and YG interjected himself into my regular visits with Cowboy during his convolesence.

Whatever happened.....I think Cowboy figured it out for himself OR his wife and Yelly Guy's wife talk and YG did something TO his wife that got back to the Cowboys.

In any case, the Cowboy started up his realty company again and he's looking into the Texas property for me.....he still has family there and us going soon.

Yesterday morning I dug up a medium large hydrangea from an established yard lacking enough sun as the tree canopy had grown in thick.  The guy was happy we showed up with pick axes, shovels and a huge container to get the job done.....he threw in daisies and lovely other plants till the CRV was overflowing with the promise if Linton Roses in the fall.  I was swooning over his beautiful little pond and amended soil with carefully tended yard he's going to turn into a more natural aI intend with my yard. 

The bears are officially everywhere, many with 2-4 cubs, my goodness they're SO tiny and cute!  We had a huge bear go through 4 houses up.  The Cowboy's guest.....a Fla cousin here for their son's wedding got to see it.  They were so excited.
My sibs and I are working to agree on lake property highest use together.  My BIL flys in on 5th.....things are moving along in the most glorious, breezy and sunny days.  I have such gratitude these days......things like a flushing toilet and roof over my head.....the joyful sound my girls playing piano and ocarina together....feeling safe in my neighborhood again.....chatting with a retired special ops sniper about what our guys are unofficially doing in the Ukraine to help that situation resolve ( he has 20 buddies over there, 10 are snipers) and my friend recovering from open heart surgery are all good things I feel gratitude for.

I'm walking regularly and eating pretty darn well consistently. That's my update.
