September update:
Youngest DD21 and I traveled to Canada for a wedding.
We didn't realize we were Covid Positive.... at least we traveled with masks on. The morning after we arrived, DD tested positive and I tested positive 2 days later.... DD did not. We're not suffering. The symptoms weren't anything more than a cough for me and general lethargy for DD with swollen glands. Thought she was still getting over a non Covid illness, frankly.
Today I have some aches in places I remember banging hard on trailer hitches and feet, hips, but cough is getting better.
We didn't attend the wedding bc DD woke up sans taste and smell the morning of. We're in quarantine for the duration of our Canadian visit, which happens to be enjoying fall weather with a fire pit on a beautiful park... backyard has fancy pavers and a little she shed with wifi..... it's the best case scenario in an unfortunate situation.
Here's the thing..... and I only suspect this to be true.....
once we arrived and ate a few VERY LARGE MEALS of sweets, pastas and breads....much meat and cheese...... our stomachs went down to almost flat.
This leads me to believe the "healthy" foods we're eating in the States are more poison than food. I mean.... it happened for my sister, DD and self..... like fricking magic.
I think part of it's the water. Part the quality of food and what they won't allow INTO it. Any thoughts?
I'm working on several projects with Escape To The Chateau in the background,which is SO enjoyable while planning for the Lake Lodge. So many ideas. Can't wait to decorate and photograph for Christmas with fireplaces lit and many little pine trees scattered about..... lots of fresh pine smells.
I'll post more about that on the lake thread.
The boy staying with us right now is caring for the Pug, even though his apartment came available on the 6th, he's still at the house as a favor. It's sad to watch him shrink away from kindness and any attention at all.... so sure is he of his unlovable status and unworthiness, generally, on the planet. That kind of programming runs EVERYTHING in a Nervous System.... and it's not controllable, IME. It has to be crept up on, snuck up on, worked around and unhooked. He's better when he's not directly in our view or line of attention. Evreyone validating him in their own way. Sometimes he joins us when we're laughing and hanging out.... and he IS FUNNY and nornal and completely appropriate if left to himself and join in his own time.
Honestly..... up to that point, I'd experienced him as a 7yo child........ which is the age his abusive SF came into his life.
I'm feeling level and present...... a little guilty about the Covid, but my intentions were good and I forgive myself.
I hang out with my BIL, as usual, his sidekick cleaning out their garage, gathering kindling in the part, and finishing small projects around the yard. We get along so well..... this is the first time I seriously consider moving to Canada.... my God..... we pay so much more for food in the States and it's insult to injury...... something in my stomach is clicking...... I don';t know how I can stand it when I go back home.
DD21 wants to raise chickens with me. We've scouted out the area under the porch for their house, but that's not for certain going to happen, though we could control the quality.
Will update other threads now: )