My girls are growing up/sometimes grown. It's a process and I'm their touchstone after all the years of fearing I wasn't enough.
I am.....pretty sure....enough.
Seeing the slot in time and place, where I I fit a relief after years of juggling too much....unexpected much... unbelievable much.
Narrowing my view to MY view, sans other people's opinions of me, my place in the world, their expectations......shuts out the doubt/suffering, IME.
DD21 surprised me happily by digging in and helping with lake house. She chats about future visits with friends and asks what help I need, but taking initiative also. For a while there, I couldn't even talk about the lake with her. She might not be very interested in projects and decorating, but she listens and is patiently honest about
Sometimes I see her take brave leaps (fig.) and it worries me a bit.....same with oldest DD. When I view it, sans judgement, I'm relieved they're brave and willing to take chances and commit to choices.