She's IN there, Tupp.
And she needs to know the universe is on her side.... is friendly... wants good things for her.
Keep those boundaries in place... folks will figure their own rides out if you can't do it for them.
DS will be tired from all this activity, and so will you, but there's rest on the way with the break from school. What do you need to do for Christmas anyway?
A little decoration... some lights... I pick up trimmings from Christmas tree lots, and do a little something that smells good in the house, but not much else lately. A simple meal that brings comfort... I like CB making a beloved soup recipe this year. Easier, and it's just nuts to knock ourselves out cooking if we don't feel like it.
Put something on TV you guys love, and relax, Tupp. The old Christmas movies, or movies you and ds loved together years ago. Yesterday youngest dd said PREDATOR was OUR movie when she was little. I laughed at that, but she remembers it with happiness. I don't remember, but it brings her joy so... we're going to watch Predator, lol.
It's sunny, and windy here..... I have to go check and make sure a bear doesn't get the turkey... it's draining on the back porch, properly spatchcocked.
A friend asked me to his TG dinner this year, and we were SO happy to go. Then his father fell ill, so I'm cooking a second big dinner.
Lord... why do we do this to ourselves?
BTW, I think you're the same person who used to enjoy life, but certainly wiser with better boundaries. It's time cast off old battles, and struggles..... and turn to what's in front of you. The future you deserve. The future you're going to build.