Amber, this is a reply to your latest post on CB's Thoughts thread about men and women and power, since I thought I was helping hijack that one off topic....just being anal. Librarian gene. And, maybe all this stuff about me is likely a hijack too!
Last para below is my actual answer to your question.
I remember when my D was grinding at me, crunching me like an old soup bone, the hardest...she kind of peaked in her desperation to control when she told me I wasn't allowed to think about certain things. Or want something. Or remember something. She didn't realize what she was expressing but it was about control. She was actually beginning to become emotionally abusive then, and it went downhill from there.
At one point when I mentioned an insightful bit of wisdom about our struggle I'd gotten from a minister, she railed that I was not allowed to mention her name, ever, anywhere, with anyone. I know she was battling for control as her own world was melting down. And fighting a feeling of shame as her mental illness escalated. But I told her in that moment that she could not set restrictions on my freedom to speak, about whatever I needed to. I know that was very hard for her. It was hard for me too, that there were privacy issues to negotiate. I wanted to create a safe space for her, but not one in which she could continue to focus pure hatred and rage on me. The bald truth was, if I couldn't carry my heartbreak to a few trusted friends (including here), not to mention a T, I wouldn't have survived. She was in a way trying to isolate me then.
When someone tries to control how you process or share or articulate...or demands you share what they want you to at their command, I believe then boundaries are pudding and, having lost their own self of self, they're trying to absorb yours to gain strength. (A theory out of the blue, but I'm owning it.) It's unconscious I think, and not always malicious. But it
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, (((((Amber)))).