A very few places do on sort of sheltered (plastic drapes usually) patios that have big propane heaters. I wish dogs were allowed indoors at a few places (after Covid) but they just ain't. The U.K. is a lot more adaptable to pooches, imo.
I've been agonizing over a steel round simple firepit thing for the small patio. It's not cheap and would require a lot of logs. No maintenance, good heat output, etc. And movable so no permanent installation. But I'm asking myself whether with my back issues, I should even bother. Stacking firewood would hurt and also require a rack I don't have....a lot of fuss and bother.
It might be that my best solution to virus isolation this winter will be just to suck it up, make walking dates for sunny days, and/or find 1-4 people (possibly including M IF (big IF) the just-friends thing works out)-- to be in a "pod" so once or twice a month I could host or attend a movie night with just 1 or 2 invited at a time. Masks on indoors, sitting 6'-8' apart. Would be weird but maybe comforting. Third option is just to wait it out.
M is the only person I know so far who's as intense about virus precautions as I am, but he's problematic. It's possible Zoomie could become one. He's been very careful but has gone into some stores. I suppose I could tell him if he gets tested negative after 2-3 weeks of real quarantine, he can be in my pod!
The social drive is SO powerful. To get a grip when I'm wavering, I check the daily Covid dashboard for my area. Forty-six new cases today. That'll do it.
I hope you find happy safe places where you can get a bit of that humanity-feeling!