Hopsie, I am discovering not just a silver lining but a silver cloak! It's so bizarre, this is literally the biggest 'thing' that's happened here in my lifetime and it's going to be horrifyingly catastrophic for some but for us it's opening doors and bringing positive things at an astonishing rate!
I mentioned on the other thread that we're within walking distance of four shops. There are terrible food shortages here (due to people stockpiling) but because we've got easy access to a wide selection there's nothing we haven't been able to get yet.
I am resting, without pressure to stop resting. For the first time in 18 years, I don't have to take my son anywhere (possibly for the next three months if current reports are anything to go by) and it means I can put my feet up all day if I want to, without having to worry about 'what I need to get done because we're going out tomorrow'.
Because of social isolation - we are no longer isolated! Everyone else is at home and people aren't going out in the evenings. So I'm interacting with more people, either by phone or online, than I usually would. It's great.
Facebook has turned into a lovely community of people posting positive and motivational memes, good factual information, people offering to help each other out and people sharing recipes and ideas for at home activities to keep the kids occupied.
For the first time in many years, I have a more stable income than almost everyone else. Benefits won't change during this period, whereas a lot of people are suddenly finding they can't go to work (or their work has dried up) and their incomes are going to drop considerably. People are suddenly having to deal with not being able to pay their rent or bills and not knowing how to claim benefits as they've never done it before. There is a huge stigma around claiming benefits, but at the moment benefit claimants are the only ones who are guaranteed to be receiving an income.
And on that note, our income has gone up! We've no bus fares to college, son's disability benefits have gone up slightly (annual increase that's happened this week) and college emailed me this morning. Son is entitled to free lunches at college but we don't take them because he takes his own lunch in (food sensitivities). But college are going to pay the money for the lunches into his account while the virus crisis continues. Plus I am only going out to buy food and I'm only buying the bare essentials so I've got more in my bank account than I would usually have.
A friend has set up a temporary home ed group for people who are suddenly finding out their kids might not be back in school until September now. I'm helping her out with it (they're all kids with disabilities) and I've suddenly got all these new people to talk to and connect with. It's nice!
Son's rocking and vocal noises are reducing - the stress of dealing with college and being out and about is seeping out of him and his system is calming down

My cannabis oil arrived today! Yay!
Two neighbours have offered to get shopping for me if need be and one complete stranger on the internet also offered (he realised he lives quite close by and has a car so told me to message him if we need anything). Very kind.
The buds are out in the tree in the front garden and the birds are sitting in it singing and being happy

It's Spring Equinox today! Yay!
We're getting time to do all the 'cooking from scratch' that I always want to do but often don't get time to do. I made a big tray of brownies yesterday, I've done various pasta based dishes to put in the freezer and we're having home made pizza tonight, plus I'm having a go at soda bread for the first time.
I am feeling glad that I sent that list to my mum. My sister called her and offered to get her shopping delivered for her if it would help and my mum was really rude to her and ungrateful. That is her all over. So I'm glad I sent that list for my own sake - I would not have been able to live with myself if I hadn't sent her that info and then she caught this and passed. But she has it, she is no doubt completely unappreciative of it and it doesn't matter - I did it for me and that's what's important.
I listened to music for four hours yesterday while I cooked, completely uninterrupted and it was lovely.