It's the snow, sleet, freezing rain and all combinations of them, that has us immobilized right now. Supposed to get new additions every day until Friday - and there's a new storm setting up for next weekend. Since Hol slid into the tree we only have my jeep to get out and about. Cases are going down here - not that my state was hard hit at all. Less than 200 cases in my county of about 35k people all spread out over 645 sq miles. It has definitely hit harder where people commute over the mountain for jobs in the cities.
Both Hol & I have good experience driving in snow; I think she just started sliding and simply didn't have any time to correct it. Mighta been going a little faster than she should have too, thinking that the snow would pack more in the tires than it did. That snow was pure powder - I cleaned off the porch with a broom. So we CAN get out, if we need to but it's quite the production and we've been limiting our trips for a year now... so it's a once a week thing. IF that. I have an extensive pantry and double up on cat food & litter in the winter just for times like this.
Yesterday, I made a start on sanding the wood at the range/breakfast bar and will hopefully get it stained this afternoon. I can't WAIT to see it stained. It'll be a slightly different/darker tone than the rest of the logs/wood paneling in the house so it'll add some variation without a high contrast. IF I have enough of that stain left. Haven't looked yet. Then it gets a coat of poly, so I can clean up spills, drips, dog schmutz, and the odd boot marks.
Found a new degreaser product from Method; and I have to say it works pretty well. I'm going to try it on my self-cleaning oven - which given how many cooks were using it the past few years - hasn't been cleaned as often or as thoroughly as I like. I'm a firm believer that a clean kitchen contributes to overall health and I've always tided/washed as I cook or bake. So unless we have guests I seldom use the dishwasher.
Last job is going to be a thorough scrub of the floor - probably will do the dining room too; clean the rugs & paint the toe kicks to be able to wipe them down easily too.
When it gets nice again, I'll start cleaning windows & screens - they're pretty dusty from last year's pollen. And give the blinds a wipe too. There are the odd doors that need to be sanded & poly'd too - lots of grimy fingerprints on those and light switches.
I grew up with old school housekeeping methods, and this kind of thing keeps me moving and less restless from inactivity. This is kinda early for "spring cleaning" - but as I said before, I'm going to want to be outside working as soon as it warms up and don't like the feeling that I'm neglecting one job to do another.